- Jan 29, 2018
Edward Brash authored
commit 09319354 Author: Edward Brash <brash@GlasBook.local> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:44:59 2018 -0500 Add scaler_parse script commit 585c63d1 Author: hallc-online <hallconline@gmail.com> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:39:35 2018 -0500 Bug fixes commit b7cdd929 Author: hallc-online <hallconline@gmail.com> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:30:04 2018 -0500 Updates commit 73121128 Author: Edward Brash <brash@GlasBook.local> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:27:17 2018 -0500 Make Python3 compliant commit a08034df Author: Edward Brash <brash@GlasBook.local> Date: Mon Jan 29 10:20:03 2018 -0500 Merge
- Jan 05, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Fix HMS Cherenkov calibration parameters * Setup HMS calibration parameters for the Fall run Add calibration parameters for the HMS calorimeter * Do the same for the SHMS * Change default calib files to symbolic links
- Dec 18, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Add prescaled live time measurement calculation * Update parameter files and create appropriate default calib files for HMS * Fix template file
- Dec 14, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Update hdc_ycenter to add +1.5 offset
- Dec 10, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Mark Jones authored
Mark Jones authored
Interpreted the survey wrong and put the survey in with wrong sign.
Yero1990 authored
- Dec 09, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
hallc-online authored
Mark Jones authored
Change ADC time window cut which actually is now cut on the TDC -ADC time.
Mark Jones authored
Moved the ped_limit and vel_light to cuts file since they do not change.
Mark Jones authored
Add new hhodo_calib.param from cosmic run 1097 Set cosmicflag=0 in anticipation of beam
- Dec 06, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Changed to use name hsatcorr for the HMS correction. Set theta and oop central offsets to 0. Historically they were small. These will be determined by the heepcheck Left hpcentral_offset = -0.025 the historical value. This will be checked by heepcheck.
- Dec 03, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* added surevy from HMS Drift Chambers * added source from survey done.
- Nov 30, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Update HMS and TRIG parameters for ADC reference time Update TRIG histo def files.
- Nov 26, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Carlos Yero authored
- Nov 17, 2017
Mark Jones authored
A previous commit by myself mistakenly removed hhodo_pos_ped_limit hhodo_neg_ped_limit hhodo_vel_light I have restored them.
- Nov 13, 2017
Yero1990 authored
1) minor modification in HMS DC calib code: 2) Added new hms param files from HMS Cosmic run 859: 3)modified coarse t0 in hms dc cuts file: 4) added tzero param file in hms general.param (#265)
Mark Jones authored
With the change of units to pC had to multiply that hodo parameters for the sqrt(adc) correction by a factor of sqrt(.020). This makes the beta looks as it did before.
- Nov 10, 2017
Mark Jones authored
With the new HMS chambers, need to have separate HMS KPP replay script. Also add gscalers.param to the HMS/GEN/general.param
- Nov 05, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
- Nov 02, 2017
Holly Szumila authored
- Oct 31, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
Mark Jones authored
1. cratemap added tdc in slot 2 . 2. Copied old cratemaps to KPP_spring_2017 3. DC map updated for 12 GeV chamber hdc.map and hdc_htrig.map 4. Add perl scripts under make_dc_maps for making map files 5. Updated hdc_histos.def
- Oct 27, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Update HMS/SHMS calibration constants to have units of pC instead of channesl to match updated HCANA
Mark Jones authored
- Oct 25, 2017
Holly Szumila authored
* fixed stash print * as designed hms dc param * new hms dc param to be used
- Oct 23, 2017
Yero1990 authored
added 12 GeV HMS DC initial parameters, but it still needs to be updated after survey is done (#237)
- Sep 15, 2017
vardant authored
* Add efficiency calculations for the layers of the calorimeters. * Add efficiency calculation for the Array part of calorimeter. * Update phgcer_calib.param @vardant These calibration numbers should be included in hallc_replay/PARAM/SHMS/HGCER/CALIB/KPP_Spring_2017/. For reference the gain constants for run 464 were phgcer_adc_to_npe = 1/111., 1/118., 1/122., 1/125. * Update pcal_geom.param Fix some typos
- Aug 24, 2017
Yero1990 authored
- Jul 27, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Create separate DBASE directory for SHMS * Create separate DBASE for SHMS Fix plethora of issues in HMS replay scripts * Do not delete onlineDict.h
hallc-online authored
Create two files htofcalib.param ptofcalib.param Each of these files sets the flag to dump the tof calibration data to a file that is designated in the file. The user has to add a line gHcParms->Load("PARAM/HMS/HODO/htofcal.param"); or gHcParms->Load("PARAM/SHMS/HODO/ptofcal.param"); to the replay script to get the data files hodo calibration Remove these parameters from the regular hodo calibration files.
- Jul 26, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -Modified shms dc calib scripts in accord with the recent hallc replay restructure -updated Drift Chamber Calib parameters for run 488 after making the changes to the calibration code * removed tzero offsets from geom param file
Eric Pooser authored
* Fix naming scheme and histo names to be consistant with the rest of the repo * Same fix as previous commit but for HMS * Modify production replay scripts to keep naming convention consistant with previous commits * Apparently THaVhist cannot handle LaTeX alphabets * Turn off tzero per wire param causing replay to crash and burn * Uncomment event/trigger types. Needs to be cleaned up later * Remove deprecated detector directories * Remove deprecated map files * Exclude trigger histo with no real variable * Include raster into stack map * Uncomment lines which were causing a bajillion errors Needs to be cleaned up at some point * Remove deprecated parameter files * Remove deprecated replay scripts * Remove deprecated template file
- Jul 25, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database * -added Raster to HMS trigger map -minor fix in commented raster names -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...) * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS. (This script combines individual detector def files into one) * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables) * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good detector histograms * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .) * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production * Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database * -added Raster to HMS trigger map -minor fix in commented raster names -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...) * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS. (This script combines individual detector def files into one) * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables) * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good detector histograms * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .) * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production * -Restructurization of replay scripts in HMS * Minor fixes in shms replay scripts * -moved replay scripts to new directories
- May 30, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -Modified HMS Calorimeter Def-File Based on SHMS Calo Def File * -Minor Fix to hms calo def file -added h_fadc_debug.param to HMS Calorimeter general Parameters -loaded fadc_debug param file in hms calorimeter test stand replay script
- May 29, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -Added the fAdcTimeWindowMin/Max parameter values per plane for the hms/shms h(p)hodo.param file * -added comments to SHMS/HMS hodo.param file
- May 04, 2017
Yero1990 authored
-added hms_cer f_adc_debug.param to hms_cer gen param -added hms_cer f_adc_debug option to the hms_cer_replay script.