- Jan 29, 2018
Edward Brash authored
- Jan 22, 2018
hallc-online authored
- Jan 19, 2018
Hall C Online Analyzer User authored
hallc-online authored
- Jan 17, 2018
Hall C Online Analyzer User authored
* Include Dipangkar ep coin work * Add coincidence scaler infrastructure * Move EDTM cuts to decode block * General updates
- Jan 16, 2018
Hall C Online Analyzer User authored
Hall C Online Analyzer User authored
- Jan 14, 2018
hallc-online authored
- Jan 09, 2018
Melanie Cardona authored
- Jan 05, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Fix HMS Cherenkov calibration parameters * Setup HMS calibration parameters for the Fall run Add calibration parameters for the HMS calorimeter * Do the same for the SHMS * Change default calib files to symbolic links
- Jan 03, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Update coin kinematics db * Include coincidence event types * Add event type summary * Add single arm coincidence replays
- Dec 20, 2017
Sanghwa Park authored
- Dec 18, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Add prescaled live time measurement calculation * Update parameter files and create appropriate default calib files for HMS * Fix template file
- Dec 13, 2017
Yero1990 authored
- Dec 11, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
Yero1990 authored
- Dec 10, 2017
hallc-online authored
- Dec 08, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Mark Jones authored
- Dec 02, 2017
Mark Jones authored
- Dec 01, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Hall C Online Analyzer User authored
* Minor changes to SHMS maps * Minor changes to HMS maps * Update merge list * Update crate 3 map for coin * Update coin maps * Initial attempt at coincidence replay * Update coin maps and replay script
- Nov 26, 2017
Mark Jones authored
- Nov 13, 2017
Yero1990 authored
1) minor modification in HMS DC calib code: 2) Added new hms param files from HMS Cosmic run 859: 3)modified coarse t0 in hms dc cuts file: 4) added tzero param file in hms general.param (#265)
- Nov 10, 2017
Mark Jones authored
With the new HMS chambers, need to have separate HMS KPP replay script. Also add gscalers.param to the HMS/GEN/general.param
- Oct 27, 2017
Mark Jones authored
- Oct 25, 2017
Holly Szumila authored
* fixed stash print * as designed hms dc param * new hms dc param to be used
- Oct 18, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
removed SHMS DC Parameters being loaded for specific runs, since now we have a common SHMS DC parameter file for all KPP runs
- Aug 29, 2017
bduran authored
- Aug 25, 2017
hallc-online authored
gscalers.param will have the parameters for converting the BCM scalers into charge and current.
- Jul 28, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* First hack at setting up coincidence replay * Add coincidence trigger map * Update merge list for example purposes * Add coincidence map * Create coincidence replay script
- Jul 27, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Create separate DBASE directory for SHMS * Create separate DBASE for SHMS Fix plethora of issues in HMS replay scripts * Do not delete onlineDict.h
- Jul 26, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -Modified shms dc calib scripts in accord with the recent hallc replay restructure -updated Drift Chamber Calib parameters for run 488 after making the changes to the calibration code * removed tzero offsets from geom param file
- Jul 25, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database * -added Raster to HMS trigger map -minor fix in commented raster names -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...) * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS. (This script combines individual detector def files into one) * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables) * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good detector histograms * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .) * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production * Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database * -added Raster to HMS trigger map -minor fix in commented raster names -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...) * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS. (This script combines individual detector def files into one) * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables) * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good detector histograms * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .) * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production * -Restructurization of replay scripts in HMS * Minor fixes in shms replay scripts * -moved replay scripts to new directories
hallc-online authored
- Jul 21, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Modify naming scheme and aesthetic chaqnges to map * Move scaler map file and modify naming scheme * Remove deprecated data base files and relocate them * Remove depreacted scaler map files in MAPS directory * Add symbolic links to scaler database files * Modify scaler prefixes * Modify templates to utilize new naming convention
- Jul 18, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Add directory stucture for report outputs * Add directory structure for templates * Add directory structure to SCRIPTS directory * Remove templates from old directory stucture * Create SHMS EPICS directory * Configure stack and scaler replay Add directroy structure to scripts directory * Add directories for stack and scalers for report output * Modify locations of replay scripts, def-files, and templates * Incoporate fast raster into trigger apparatus and stack map * Add directory structure to maps Reconfigure test stand scripts to point to new map loactions * Add fast raster histograms and aesthetic changes * Tweak stack & all DEF-files Rename cut files Configure separate replay scripts * Remove REPORT_OUTPUT directory from framework since this file should be sym linked to the RAID disk * Uncomment histos * Re-work DEF-file directory structure so that one DEF-file exists for each stack component Include python script to cat individual DEF-files into single DEF-file * Add new paramter structure of the NGC * Add new paramter structure of the HGC * Add new paramter structure of the aerogel * Add new paramter structure of the calorimeter * Add new paramter structure of the hodoscope * Add new paramter structure of the drift chambers * remove deprecated paramter files * Remove deprecated parameter files * Add calibration steering files for run specific calibrations Remove deprecated general parameter files * Include calibration steering files * Include calibiration files for all replay scripts * Include CALIB directory in path
- Jul 12, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Add various run specific gain calibration constants for the SHMS HGC & NGC * Add KPP specific Chrenkov parameter files * Default to KPP run 488 for now * Include directory structure for databases Add specific KPP runs to general database * Remove deprecated database files * Modify shms stack analyzer script to handle new DB structure * Include new DB structure to various replay scripts * Include calibration constants for the SHMS calorimeter Add low momentum run to kinematics file * Add calibration constants for good kpp calo runs
- Apr 20, 2017
hallc-online authored
Added files ------------ DBASE/db_HSScalerevt.dat : scaler database for HMS DBASE/db_PSScalerevt.dat : scaler database for SHMS DBASE/make_scaler_db.py : Python script to make HMS and SHMS database files from xscaler scaler.map SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_scalers.C : script to replay HMS scalers only SCRIPTS/SHMS/replay_shms_scalers.C : script to replay SHMS scalers only DEF-files/HMS/EPICS/epics_short.def : List of EPICS variables to include in Tree used in scaler scripts as an example onlineGUI/Config/hms_scaler.cfg : configuration file to plot HMS scalers onlineGUI/Macros/plot_hms_scaler.C : Macro used by hms_scaler.cfg onlineGUI/Config/shms_scaler.cfg : configuration file to plot SHMS scalers onlineGUI/Macros/plot_shms_scaler.C : Macro used by shms_scaler.cfg
- Apr 17, 2017
hallc-online authored
Modified DBASE/general.param #include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param" Modified PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc.param added parameter p_using_tzero_per_wire Set to 1 for tzero per wire Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param 1) Has parameters for tzero offsets per wire 2) The offsets were determined per connector and all wires in a connector have the same offset Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap_tzero_per_wire.param 1) Drift map to use with p_using_tzero_per_wire=1 2) Copy to pdriftmap.param Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap_plane.param 1) Drift map to use with p_using_tzero_per_wire=0 2) Copy to pdriftmap.param