- Jan 05, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Fix HMS Cherenkov calibration parameters * Setup HMS calibration parameters for the Fall run Add calibration parameters for the HMS calorimeter * Do the same for the SHMS * Change default calib files to symbolic links
- Jan 03, 2018
Eric Pooser authored
* Update coin kinematics db * Include coincidence event types * Add event type summary * Add single arm coincidence replays
- Dec 20, 2017
Sanghwa Park authored
- Dec 18, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Add prescaled live time measurement calculation * Update parameter files and create appropriate default calib files for HMS * Fix template file
- Dec 13, 2017
Yero1990 authored
- Dec 11, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
Yero1990 authored
- Dec 10, 2017
hallc-online authored
- Dec 08, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Mark Jones authored
- Dec 02, 2017
Mark Jones authored
- Dec 01, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Hall C Online Analyzer User authored
* Minor changes to SHMS maps * Minor changes to HMS maps * Update merge list * Update crate 3 map for coin * Update coin maps * Initial attempt at coincidence replay * Update coin maps and replay script
- Nov 26, 2017
Mark Jones authored
- Nov 13, 2017
Yero1990 authored
1) minor modification in HMS DC calib code: 2) Added new hms param files from HMS Cosmic run 859: 3)modified coarse t0 in hms dc cuts file: 4) added tzero param file in hms general.param (#265)
- Nov 10, 2017
Mark Jones authored
With the new HMS chambers, need to have separate HMS KPP replay script. Also add gscalers.param to the HMS/GEN/general.param
- Oct 27, 2017
Mark Jones authored
- Oct 25, 2017
Holly Szumila authored
* fixed stash print * as designed hms dc param * new hms dc param to be used
- Oct 18, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
removed SHMS DC Parameters being loaded for specific runs, since now we have a common SHMS DC parameter file for all KPP runs
- Aug 29, 2017
bduran authored
- Aug 25, 2017
hallc-online authored
gscalers.param will have the parameters for converting the BCM scalers into charge and current.
- Jul 28, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* First hack at setting up coincidence replay * Add coincidence trigger map * Update merge list for example purposes * Add coincidence map * Create coincidence replay script
- Jul 27, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Create separate DBASE directory for SHMS * Create separate DBASE for SHMS Fix plethora of issues in HMS replay scripts * Do not delete onlineDict.h
- Jul 26, 2017
Yero1990 authored
* -Modified shms dc calib scripts in accord with the recent hallc replay restructure -updated Drift Chamber Calib parameters for run 488 after making the changes to the calibration code * removed tzero offsets from geom param file
- Jul 25, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database * -added Raster to HMS trigger map -minor fix in commented raster names -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...) * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS. (This script combines individual detector def files into one) * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables) * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good detector histograms * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .) * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production * Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database * -added Raster to HMS trigger map -minor fix in commented raster names -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...) * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS. (This script combines individual detector def files into one) * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables) * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good detector histograms * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .) * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production * -Restructurization of replay scripts in HMS * Minor fixes in shms replay scripts * -moved replay scripts to new directories
hallc-online authored
- Jul 21, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Modify naming scheme and aesthetic chaqnges to map * Move scaler map file and modify naming scheme * Remove deprecated data base files and relocate them * Remove depreacted scaler map files in MAPS directory * Add symbolic links to scaler database files * Modify scaler prefixes * Modify templates to utilize new naming convention
- Jul 18, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Add directory stucture for report outputs * Add directory structure for templates * Add directory structure to SCRIPTS directory * Remove templates from old directory stucture * Create SHMS EPICS directory * Configure stack and scaler replay Add directroy structure to scripts directory * Add directories for stack and scalers for report output * Modify locations of replay scripts, def-files, and templates * Incoporate fast raster into trigger apparatus and stack map * Add directory structure to maps Reconfigure test stand scripts to point to new map loactions * Add fast raster histograms and aesthetic changes * Tweak stack & all DEF-files Rename cut files Configure separate replay scripts * Remove REPORT_OUTPUT directory from framework since this file should be sym linked to the RAID disk * Uncomment histos * Re-work DEF-file directory structure so that one DEF-file exists for each stack component Include python script to cat individual DEF-files into single DEF-file * Add new paramter structure of the NGC * Add new paramter structure of the HGC * Add new paramter structure of the aerogel * Add new paramter structure of the calorimeter * Add new paramter structure of the hodoscope * Add new paramter structure of the drift chambers * remove deprecated paramter files * Remove deprecated parameter files * Add calibration steering files for run specific calibrations Remove deprecated general parameter files * Include calibration steering files * Include calibiration files for all replay scripts * Include CALIB directory in path
- Jul 12, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
* Add various run specific gain calibration constants for the SHMS HGC & NGC * Add KPP specific Chrenkov parameter files * Default to KPP run 488 for now * Include directory structure for databases Add specific KPP runs to general database * Remove deprecated database files * Modify shms stack analyzer script to handle new DB structure * Include new DB structure to various replay scripts * Include calibration constants for the SHMS calorimeter Add low momentum run to kinematics file * Add calibration constants for good kpp calo runs
- Apr 20, 2017
hallc-online authored
Added files ------------ DBASE/db_HSScalerevt.dat : scaler database for HMS DBASE/db_PSScalerevt.dat : scaler database for SHMS DBASE/make_scaler_db.py : Python script to make HMS and SHMS database files from xscaler scaler.map SCRIPTS/HMS/replay_hms_scalers.C : script to replay HMS scalers only SCRIPTS/SHMS/replay_shms_scalers.C : script to replay SHMS scalers only DEF-files/HMS/EPICS/epics_short.def : List of EPICS variables to include in Tree used in scaler scripts as an example onlineGUI/Config/hms_scaler.cfg : configuration file to plot HMS scalers onlineGUI/Macros/plot_hms_scaler.C : Macro used by hms_scaler.cfg onlineGUI/Config/shms_scaler.cfg : configuration file to plot SHMS scalers onlineGUI/Macros/plot_shms_scaler.C : Macro used by shms_scaler.cfg
- Apr 17, 2017
hallc-online authored
Modified DBASE/general.param #include "PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param" Modified PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc.param added parameter p_using_tzero_per_wire Set to 1 for tzero per wire Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire.param 1) Has parameters for tzero offsets per wire 2) The offsets were determined per connector and all wires in a connector have the same offset Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap_tzero_per_wire.param 1) Drift map to use with p_using_tzero_per_wire=1 2) Copy to pdriftmap.param Add file PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap_plane.param 1) Drift map to use with p_using_tzero_per_wire=0 2) Copy to pdriftmap.param
- Mar 13, 2017
hallc-online authored
- Mar 08, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
- Mar 03, 2017
Cdaq Account authored
Eliminate g_decode_map_filename in standard.database since not used by any scripts. Eliminate loading hgoldtrack.param Modify hdc_tdc_min_win and hdc_tdc_max_win to reasonable values
- Feb 22, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Removed old commented entries. Moved parameters to match SHMS DC files. Added data from survey C1768. Reordered SHMS DC parameter files. Updated README and general.param to match changes.
- Feb 08, 2017
Cdaq Account authored
Modified standard.kinmatics to set ptheta_lab and ppcentral Modified pcal.param to eliminate stuff left over from when used in standalone Modified shmsflags.param to eliminate ppcentral and ptheta_lab which should be set in standard.kinematics Modified phodo.param to have better time offsets and set cosmicflag.
- Feb 03, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
- Fixed some parameters. - Reformated files. - Moved some parameters from `pcana.param`. - Reformated `README.md` in order for pandoc to correctly do nested lists.
- Jan 27, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
- Jan 26, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
- Jan 13, 2017
pooser authored
* Add reference channels to hdc map. Change detector id to 22 * Add hodoscope TDC channels. * Add shms trigger map * Add shms trigger parameter file * Minor changes to replay scripts * Minor changes to hodoscope map and def files. THis work is not complete * Add hodoscope/trigger combined map * Correct TDC's in hodoscope map * Add hodoscope + trigger map. Corrections to trigger map. * Minor changes to hodoscope replay script * Run hdc map through merge_maps python script for aesthetic purposes * Add reference times to shms hodoscope map * Add reference time for hodoscope in hodo/trig map * Add reference times for HMS hodoscope in maps. * Add reference times to mutli-detector maps * Add histoagrams for pedestal and tdc's in hodo def file. * Tweaks to pdc def file * Minor tweaks to phodo and pdc replay scripts * Add test stand param to turn off hodoscope reliance on tracking and rid of extraneous files. * Incorporate SHMS pre-shower and shower in the hallc replay framework * Add SHMS trigger replay framework * Add SHMS trigger replay framework...all of it this time * Add histos to hcal and hhodo def files