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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jun 29, 2017
  2. Jun 28, 2017
  3. Jun 26, 2017
  4. Jun 25, 2017
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser workshop (#153) · 84203608
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Add summer 2017 software analysis workshop example
      * Add summer 2017 software analysis workshop example for real this time
    • Ryan-Ambrose's avatar
      Heavy Gas Cherenkov Calibration (#151) · e377706a
      Ryan-Ambrose authored
      * May 26, 2017 -- Long overdue push, some old Calibration Scripts but also the presently working analysis and Calibration scripts in Final Scripts directory.
      * Updated Calibration with pulseAmp script.
      * root file
      * added Rootfiles
      * Rewrote pulseAmp analysis, works much better now.
      Included Degtiarenko's code to evaluate as a better alternative.
      Started the write up for the actual calibration process
      * Updated Analysis scripts, started deciphering Fortran code.
      * test
      * TEST
      * test
      * bla
      * blah
      * boring git stuff
      * git stuff
      * Made the master branch much more organized/presentable
      * Finializing directory. Modified how calibration appears/output the calibration constants
      * Updated the analysis and visualization scripts for NGC.
      * Version of Calibration suitable for the Summer presentation.
      * Removed debugging line
  5. Jun 24, 2017
  6. Jun 22, 2017
  7. Jun 19, 2017
  8. Jun 18, 2017
  9. Jun 17, 2017
  10. Jun 16, 2017
  11. Jun 15, 2017
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Shms dc calib (#140) · 91598c3e
      Yero1990 authored
      * added option to read input file and event number to loop over
      * added option to read input file and number of entries to analyze
      * swapped x:y axes in 2d plots to display drift times vs. wire number, and added labels to the axes
      * minor change in output file name
      * added option to read filename, and changed the naming scheme of the output .root and .dat files produced
      * added option to read input file and number of events, also changed naming of input and output .dat files to be consistent with the other changes made so far.
      * added option to read input file and number of entries
      * added option to read input file and number of events, and also added axes titles to histos
      * added option to read input file and numberof events, also modified name of .root file being read
      * added axes titles to histos
      * added option to promt user to enter input file, run number, and number events to analyze. Also made a few improvements overall
  12. Jun 14, 2017
    • Mark K Jones's avatar
      Merge pull request #139 from MarkKJones/optics · 9d7e2ad4
      Mark K Jones authored
      New optics reconstruction matrix for KPP run
    • Carlos Yero's avatar
      New optics reconstruction matrix for KPP run · 853c59ee
      Carlos Yero authored
      COSY was run with Q2 set to 0.985*( ideal setting)
      which better matches the focal plane distributions.
      New optics reconstruction matrix.
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Shms dc calib (#138) · 17f47008
      Yero1990 authored
      * -added script that will output a parameter file with individual tzero values (NOT per ribbon cable as before)
      * -included the execution of 'get_tzero_per_wire.param' in steering script.
      * -added precicion to the t0 calculation. Although the calculation involved the ratios of two 'doubles', the t0 came out to be an integer. This imprecision was corrected.
      * -add minor fix
      * added minor fix to read in corrected t0 values
      * minor fix
      * most up-to-date shms DC param files
  13. Jun 13, 2017
  14. Jun 12, 2017
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Hms calo def file (#136) · d7ccba82
      Yero1990 authored
      * -Modified HMS Calorimeter Def-File Based on SHMS Calo Def File
      * -Minor Fix to hms calo def file
      -added h_fadc_debug.param to HMS Calorimeter general Parameters
      -loaded fadc_debug param file in hms calorimeter test stand replay script
  15. Jun 11, 2017
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Dc calib develop (#135) · 074f2090
      Yero1990 authored
      * -added the lines to read run number to the top of the script.
      * -Modified SHMS DC DEF FILE to display drift times with binning scheme same as used in calib.
      -Added the most up-to-date shms dc parameters obtained from the modified shms dc calib. script
      * -set option to use per_wire tzero ON.
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Dc work (#134) · 027a58ce
      Yero1990 authored
      * -added a few lines of code to produce a weighted tzero data file
      per wire basis, where the weight is by groups (ribbon cables)
      * -started to add lines to read per-wire tzero parameter data file. (work in progress)
      * -mofidied plane numbering in 'get_zero_param.C' to match the rest of the
      calibration script plane numbering scheme
      * -minor fix
      * -script that reads a data file containing the per wire tzeros
      -the tzero correction is applies on a wire-by-wire basis and the
      wire drift times are added to produce the corrected plane drift times
      * minor modifications to name of file being read
      * -minor modifications to file name being read
  16. Jun 09, 2017
  17. Jun 08, 2017
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Shms dc calib (#132) · ac4b30fc
      Yero1990 authored
      * initialied script for writing individual wire tzero values into a parameter file
      * script to add tzero param
      * -added statement that explicitly assigns a tzero value of zero if certain criteria are not met, rather than leaving a blank line.
      * -Added boolean operator to determine ribbon cable group and looped over
      each ribbon cable group corresponding to shms planes DC 1U1 and DC 1U2, so far.
      ...Work in Progress to calculate weighted average t0 per ribbon cable.
      * -script that gets tzero values per ribbon cable and writes out a param file
      with the tzero values on a wire basis.
      * -made few modifications (still not complete)
      * -added dynamic array that holds the group value (5 or 7) for each plane
      * SHMS DC Calibration script that takes the weighted average tzero per ribbon cable, and produces a parameter file containing the weighted average tzero per ribbon cable group, expressed on a wire-by-wire basis.
      * -added lines to read in run number from a text file
      * -added line to execute 'get_tzero_param.C' which creates a parameter
      file with updated tzero values.
  18. Jun 06, 2017
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Files: Changes Made: (#131) · 4777da88
      Yero1990 authored
      run_Cal.C          commented out some boolean statements producing
                         that were producing a compilaton error. Commented out
                         execution of script update_pdcparam.C, as it is obsolete,
                         since we will be using a new paramerer file containing
                         individual wire tzero.
      get_pdc_time_histo.C  commented out obsolete lines that created some directories
      wire_drift_times.C  declared 'wirenum' variable outside of loop to solve the
                          "use of undeclared identifier" compilation error
      get_wire_tzero.C    moved several variable declarations outside the loop
      		    over sensewires to solve  "use of undeclared identifier"
      		    compilation error
      get_LookUp_Values.C minor syntax error fix.