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Commit 57f5fb17 authored by Yero1990's avatar Yero1990 Committed by Eric Pooser
Browse files

Shms dc calib (#141)

* added README file

* added file for SHMS DC Calibrations

* Added readme file for shms dc calibration

* Added minor fix to the script to fix compilationerror in root 5.34.36

* minor fix

* get_tzero_per_wire_param.C

* fix to be compatible with root 5.34.36

* fix minor issues

* added stricter restriction on good t0 selection
parent 91598c3e
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SHMS Drift Chambers Calibration
This directory contains the code for calibrating the pair of SHMS drift chambers.
Directory structure
* hallc_replay/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/run_Cal.C : steering C++ code that executes all codes in the 'scripts' directory
* hallc_replay/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts : all scripts necessary to do calibration lie in this directory
* hallc_replay/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/root_files : all root files produced by the calibration are in this directory
* hallc_replay/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/data_files : all data files produced by the calibration are in this directory
Running code
* First set the parameter 'p_using_tzero_per_wire = 0' in the
parameter file located at: hallc_replay/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc.param
* Replay the data to produce the uncalibrated root file to be used as input in the calibration
* From the hallc_replay execute: ./hcana SCRIPTS/SHMS/replay_shms.C
* From THIS! directory execute: root -l run_Cal.C
* From the calibration results, two parameter files will be produced in:
* hallc_replay/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire_run%d_NEW.param. %d=run_number
* hallc_replay/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap_new.param
* Rename the new parameter files as follows:
* copy: pdc_tzero_per_wire_run%d_NEW.param to pdc_tzero_per_wire.param
* copy: pdriftmap_new.param to pdriftmap.param
* Before replaying the data again, set the parameter 'p_using_tzero_per_wire = 1' to
allow the source code (hcana) to read the parameter values during the replay.
* Replay the data with the updated parameters to produce the new calibrated root files
with the corrected drift times and drift distances.
* Compare the calibrated and uncalibrated root files to verify the calibration was done properly.
Brief decription of code
* Overview: The code determines the tzero offsets on a wire-by-wire basis. These offsets are
corrections by which each wire drift time spectrum must be shifted to align it with a
drift time of "0 ns". This time corresponds to when the electrons from the ionized gas inside
the chamber are in contact with the sense wire, hence a drift time of "0 ns".
* Brief Description of the scripts in the '/scripts' directory
*** to run the scripts independenlty, open the input_RUN.txt files and write the filen_ame, run_number and number of events in this order: root_file.root run_number events
** get_pdc_time_histo.C :
-- outputs root_file: 'shms_dc_time_%d.root', (%d=run_number)
-- contains re-binned per-plane drift time histograms
** wire_drift_times.C (and wire_drift_times.h) - See instructions in wire_drift_times.C on how to execute independently
-- outputs root_file: 'shms_DC_plane_%d_wire_histos.root'
-- contains a 2-D histo of "drift time vs. Wire Number" and drift time spectra for all wires in the plane
** get_wire_tzero.C
-- outputs root_file: 'shms_DC_plane_%d_fitted_histos.root'
-- contains line-fitted wire drift time histos. The extrapolation of the fit to the x-axis is defined as "tzero"
Also contains two "tzero vs. wirenumber" plots: one for all wires, and the other is after setting tzero=0 for
wires that did not have enough statistics for a good quality fit, a weighted average was calculated for the latter.
-- outputs data_file: 'shms_dc_planetzero_run%d.dat' -> contains list of "tzero" values for all wires
'shms_dc_planetzero_run%d_updated.dat' -> contains list of "tzero" values for all wires that
had a good fit. The remaining tzeros are set to 0.
'tzero_weighted_avg_run%d.dat -> contains weighted tzero values per plane
** get_tzero_per_wire_param.C
-- outputs data_file: 'tzero_values_per_wire.dat'
-- contains list of tzero values for all wires in all planes
-- outputs param_file: /hallc_replay/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdc_tzero_per_wire_run%d_NEW.param, where %d=run_number
-- contains tzero values for all wires in all planes, but the file is formatted so that the values may be read by the source code (hcana)
** get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected.C
-- outputs root_file: 'shms_tzero_corr_histos.root'
-- contains list of "t0-corrected" wire drift times, and their respective plane drift times.
** get_LookUp_Values.C
-- outputs param_file: /hallc_replay/PARAM/SHMS/DC/pdriftmap_new.param
-- contains scaling factors calculated from the corrected plane drift times on a bin-by-in basis. These values get read by the source code
which will be used to scale the drift distance histograms.
......@@ -52,11 +52,6 @@
if (std::system(dir_data) != 0)
//Create run Directories if they dont exist
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
int tot_wires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
//sum over all wires in both DC
static int wire_sum = 0;
int wire_sum = 0;
for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
wire_sum = wire_sum + tot_wires[ip];
......@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
string line;
int counter;
Double_t value;
Double_t tzero_offset[wire_sum];
Double_t *tzero_offset;
tzero_offset = new Double_t[wire_sum];
counter = 0;
......@@ -116,29 +117,31 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
TString file_name = Form("../root_files/run%d/shms_tzero_corr_histos.root", run_NUM);
TFile *g = new TFile(file_name, "RECREATE");
TH1F *h_add[NPLANES]; //t0-corrected plane drift times
//Loop over all planes
for (ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++){
//READ wire drift time root file per plane
root_file = "../root_files/"+run+"/shms_DC_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("_%d_wire_histos.root",run_NUM);
f[ip] = new TFile(root_file, "READ");
//READ wire drift time root file per plane
root_file = "../root_files/"+run+"/shms_DC_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("_%d_wire_histos.root",run_NUM);
f[ip] = new TFile(root_file, "READ");
h_add[ip] =new TH1F("plane_"+plane_names[ip]+"drifttime", "", nbins, -50, 350);
h_add[ip]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
h_add[ip]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 2 ns");
TH1F *cell_dt[tot_wires[ip]];
TH1F *cell_dt_corr[tot_wires[ip]];
TH1F *cell_dt[107];
TH1F *cell_dt_corr[107];
//Get wire histos from root file and loop over each
// sense wire of a plane in shms Drift Chambers (DC1 or DC2)
......@@ -146,8 +149,8 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
for (sw=1; sw<=tot_wires[ip]; sw++){
//set title of histos in root file
TString drift_time_histo = Form("wire_%d", sw);
......@@ -169,7 +172,7 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
//INCLUDE the code 'shift.C ', which shifts a histogram
//INCLUDE the code 'shift.C ', which shifts a histogram
for (i=1; i<=nbins; i++) {
......@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
//write wire drift times (after tzero corrections) to file
......@@ -195,21 +198,22 @@ void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected()
//add all cell drift times into a single plane
} // end loop over sense wires
//Wire combined wire drift times (t0 -corrected) for each plane to file,
} // end loop over planes
......@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
#define NPLANES 12
using namespace std;
void get_tzero_per_wire_param()
//read run number from input file
int run_NUM;
Long64_t num_evts; //added
......@@ -20,15 +20,14 @@ void get_tzero_per_wire_param()
TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
TString planes[NPLANES] = {"1u1","1u2","1x1","1x2","1v1","1v2","2v2","2v1","2x2","2x1","2u2","2u1"}; //planes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 OK ::
int fNWires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
int sw;
int ip;
int fNWires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
int sw;
int ip;
Int_t **wire = new Int_t*[NPLANES];
Double_t **t0 = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
//Double_t **t0_err = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
......@@ -41,47 +40,55 @@ Double_t **t0 = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
//Loop over each plane
for(ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
//write plane headers
Int_t nwire;
Double_t nt0;
Double_t nt0_err;
Int_t nentries;
int nwire;
double nt0;
double nt0_err;
int nentries;
//open and read each wire tzero file
string line;
ifstream input;"../data_files/run%d/shms_dc_"+planes[ip]+"tzero_run%d_updated.dat", run_NUM, run_NUM ) );
sw = 0; //se wire counter to 0
TString file_name = Form("../data_files/run%d/shms_dc_", run_NUM) + planes[ip] + Form("tzero_run%d_updated.dat", run_NUM);
// cout << file_name << endl;
string line;
ifstream input;;
sw = 0;
while (getline(input, line))
if (line != '#')
input >> nwire >> nt0 >> nt0_err >> nentries;
// cout << nwire << " :: " << nt0 << endl;
//cout << ip << " :: " << sw << endl;
t0[ip][nwire-1] = nt0;
// cout << line << endl;
if (line[0]!='#')
if(!input.good()) {break;}
sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %lf", &nwire, &nt0);
if(sw>0) {
t0[ip][nwire-1] = nt0;
} //end loop over planes
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ a certain number of bins and this fit is extrapolated to y=0(x-axis). The extrap
#include <vector>
#include "TMath.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#define NPLANES 12
using namespace std;
......@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ void get_wire_tzero() (t_zero_file);
//Set headers for subsequent columns of data
ofs << "#WIRE " << " " << "t0" << " " << "t0_err" << " " << " entries " << endl;
ofs << "#WIRE " << setw(15) << "t0" << setw(15) << "t0_err" << setw(15) << "entries" << endl;
//Create root file to store fitted wire drift times histos and "t0 vs. wirenum"
TString output_root_file = "../root_files/"+run+"/shms_DC_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("_%d_fitted_histos.root", run_NUM);
......@@ -239,7 +241,7 @@ void get_wire_tzero()
entries = cell_dt[sensewire-1]->GetEntries(); //number of entries (triggers) per wire
//cout << "y_int: " << y_int << " :: " << "m: " << m << " :: " << "t0: " << setprecision(6) << -y_int/m << endl;
//Write "t0" values to file
ofs << sensewire << " " << setprecision(6) << -y_int/m << " " << t_zero_err << " " << entries << endl;
ofs << sensewire << setw(15) << setprecision(6) << -y_int/m << setw(15) << t_zero_err << setw(15) << entries << endl;
//Change to output root file and write fitted histos to file
......@@ -268,13 +270,10 @@ void get_wire_tzero()
t->Write(title); //write to a root file
//close dat file
//save plots
//TString tzero_plots = "plots/"+run_NUM +"/hdc"+plane_names[ip]+Form("TESTING_tzero_v_wire_%d.eps", run);
......@@ -289,7 +288,7 @@ void get_wire_tzero()
//open new data file to write updated t0 values
TString t_zero_file_corr = "../data_files/" + run + "/shms_dc_"+plane_names[ip]+Form("tzero_run%d_updated.dat", run_NUM);;
ofs << " #Wire " << " " << " t_zero " << " " << " t_zero_err " << " " << " entries " << endl;
ofs << "#Wire" << setw(15) << "t_zero" << setw(15) << "t_zero_err" << setw(15) << "entries" << endl;
//Initialize variables related to weighted avg
double sum_NUM; //numerator of weighted avg
......@@ -298,9 +297,12 @@ void get_wire_tzero()
double weighted_AVG_err;
int counter;
double t0_corr;
double t0_corr_err;
//set them to zero to start sum inside while loop
// double t0_corr;
//double t0_corr_err;
Double_t t0;
Double_t t0_err;
//set them to zero to start sum inside while loop
sum_NUM = 0.0;
sum_DEN = 0.0;
......@@ -311,38 +313,40 @@ void get_wire_tzero()
//read line bt line the t_zero_file
while(getline(ifs, line)) {
if(line!='#') {
if(line[0]!='#') {
sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %lf %lf %d", &sensewire, &t0_corr, &t0_corr_err, &entries); //assign each of the variables above a data in the t_zero_file
sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %lf %lf %d", &sensewire, &t0, &t0_err, &entries); //assign each of the variables above a data in the t_zero_file
// if(sensewire<=fNWires[ip]){
cout << sensewire << endl;
//Check if entries for each sensewire exceeds a certain number of events
if (entries>300 && t_zero < 30)
if (entries>300 && abs(t0)<30)
//Calculate the weighted average of t0s
sum_NUM = sum_NUM + t0_corr/(t0_corr_err*t0_corr_err);
sum_DEN = sum_DEN + 1.0/(t0_corr_err*t0_corr_err);
//cout << "sum_NUM : " << sum_NUM << endl;
//cout << "sum_DEN : " << sum_DEN << endl;
//cout << ip << "::" << sensewire << "::" << t0 << endl;
//Calculate the weighted average of t0s
sum_NUM = sum_NUM + t0/(t0_err*t0_err);
sum_DEN = sum_DEN + 1.0/(t0_err*t0_err);
//cout << "sum_NUM : " << sum_NUM << endl;
//cout << "sum_DEN : " << sum_DEN << endl;
ofs << sensewire << setw(15) << t0 << setw(15) << t0_err << setw(15) << entries << endl;
//cout << "TZERO: " << t0 << endl;
ofs << sensewire << " " << t0_corr << " " << t0_corr_err << " " << entries << endl;
//cout << "TZERO: " << t_zero << endl;
else { ofs << sensewire << " " << 0.0 << " " << 0.0 << " " << entries << endl;}
else { ofs << sensewire << setw(15) << 0.0 << setw(15) << 0.0 << setw(15) << entries << endl;}
} //end if statement
......@@ -362,10 +366,7 @@ void get_wire_tzero()
ofile << " #weighted_AVG " << " " << " DC plane: " << plane_names[ip] << endl;
ofile << weighted_AVG << endl;
......@@ -402,9 +403,9 @@ void get_wire_tzero()
ltx1->DrawLatex(t1->GetUxmax()*0.75,40, Form("Weighted Average = %lf #pm %lf ns", weighted_AVG, weighted_AVG_err) );
t1->Write(title1); //write canvas to a root file
ofs.close(); //close data file
ofs.close(); //close data file
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void wire_drift_times::Loop()
for (wirenum=1; wirenum<=total_wires_uv; wirenum++){
cell_dt[wirenum-1] = new TH1F(Form("wire_%d", wirenum), "", 200., -50., 350.);
cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Wire Number");
cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 2 ns");
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ void wire_drift_times::Loop()
for (int wirenum=1; wirenum<=total_wires_x; wirenum++){
cell_dt[wirenum-1] = new TH1F(Form("wire_%d", wirenum), "", 200., -50., 350.);
cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Wire Number");
cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
cell_dt[wirenum-1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 2 ns");
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