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Commit 1962eb9f authored by Carlos Yero's avatar Carlos Yero
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new script to apply the tzero correction as the plane drift times are filled....

new script to apply the tzero correction as the plane drift times are filled. For each entry filled, the corresponding wire and plane hit are obtained, and the tzero corresponding to the wire hit is applied.
parent f682b33a
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//Script to add necessary drift time histograms/plane from original root file to new root file
#define NPLANES 12
#define NBINS 400
void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected_v2()
//Read Run Number from txt file
int run_NUM;
Long64_t num_evts; //added
string input_file; //added
TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
ifstream infile(f0);
infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;
TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
//*****************READ WIRE TZERO VALUES*********************************
//this script reads all tzero values inside tzero_group.dat and assigns them to their corresponding planes.
//these values will then be used to shift the drift time histos, wire by wire (t0-correction wire-by-wire)
int ip; //to loop over planes
int sw; //to loop over sensewires
int tot_wires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
//sum over all wires in both DC
int wire_sum = 0;
for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
wire_sum = wire_sum + tot_wires[ip];
//open and read tzero data file
ifstream file;"../data_files/"+run+"/tzero_values_per_wire.dat");
string line;
int counter;
Double_t value;
Double_t *tzero_offset;
tzero_offset = new Double_t[wire_sum];
counter = 0;
while (getline(file, line)) {
if (line[0]!='#' )
sscanf(line.c_str(), "%lf", &value); //pass data in file to variable 'value'
tzero_offset[counter] = value; //write all tzero values for all wires in both DC to an array
//cout << tzero_offset[counter] << endl;
//pass all tzero values into their corresponding planes
//declare a 2d dynamic array to store tzero values to be used for t0-correction
Double_t **tzero = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
for (ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++)
tzero[ip] = new Double_t[tot_wires[ip]];
//initialize 2d dynamic array to 0.0
for (ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
for (sw = 0; sw<tot_wires[ip]; sw++) {
tzero[ip][sw] = 0.0;
counter = 0;
for (ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
for (sw = 0; sw < tot_wires[ip]; sw++) {
tzero[ip][sw] = tzero_offset[counter]; //tzero corrections that must be added wire by wire
// cout << tzero[ip][sw] << endl;
//cout << tzero[ip][sw] << " :: "<<tzero_offset[counter] << endl;
TString ext (".root"); //define a string to find in a file
std::size_t found = input_file.find(ext); //find the pos of the string
if (found!=std::string::npos)
//std::cout << " '.root' found at: " << found << '\n'; //found is the character position where ".root" is found
input_file.erase (found,5); //erase .root
// std::cout << input_file << '\n';
TString file_name = "../../../ROOTfiles/"+input_file+"_dc_uncal.root";
//open file
TFile *f = new TFile(file_name, "READ");
//create new file
TFile *g = new TFile(Form("shms_tzero_corr_histo.root", run_NUM), "RECREATE"); // create new file to store histo
//Get the tree
TTree *tree = (TTree*)f->Get("T");
TString DETECTOR="dc";
TString plane_names[NPLANES]={"1u1", "1u2", "1x1", "1x2", "1v1", "1v2", "2v2", "2v1", "2x2", "2x1", "2u2", "2u1"};
//Declare Variables to Loop Over
Int_t Ndata_time[NPLANES];
Int_t Ndata_wirenum[NPLANES];
Double_t pdc_wirenum[NPLANES][107];
Double_t pdc_time[NPLANES][1000];
//Declare Histogram array to store AVG drift times per plane
//Loop over each plane
for(Int_t ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
TString base_name = SPECTROMETER+"."+DETECTOR+"."+plane_names[ip];
TString ndata_time = "Ndata."+base_name+".time";
TString ndata_wirenum = "Ndata."+base_name+".wirenum";
TString drift_time = base_name+".time";
TString wirenum_hit = base_name+".wirenum";
TString drift_time_histo = "pdc"+plane_names[ip]+"_time";
TString title = "pdc"+plane_names[ip]+"_drifttime";
//Set Branch Address
tree->SetBranchAddress(drift_time, pdc_time[ip]);
tree->SetBranchAddress(ndata_time, &Ndata_time[ip]); // Ndata represents number of triggers vs number of hits that each trigger produced.
tree->SetBranchAddress(ndata_wirenum, &Ndata_wirenum[ip]); // Ndata represents number of triggers vs number of hits that each trigger produced.
tree->SetBranchAddress(wirenum_hit, pdc_wirenum[ip]); // A hit is refer to as when a trigger(traversing particle), ionizes the WC gas and ionized
//electrons reach the rearest sense wire, producing a detectable signal in the O'scope
//Create Histograms
h[ip] = new TH1F(drift_time_histo, title, NBINS, -50, 350); //set time to 400 ns/200 bins = 2ns/bin
h[ip]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
h[ip]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
//declare some variables
int wirenum;
double shift;
//Declare number of entries in the tree
Long64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries(); //number of triggers (particles that passed through all 4 hodo planes)
//Loop over all entries
for(Long64_t i=0; i<num_evts; i++)
//cout << "****event:**** " << i << endl;
//Loop over number of hits for each trigger in each DC plane
for(Int_t ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
//cout << "Plane: " << plane_names[ip] << endl;
for(Int_t j=0, k=0; j<Ndata_time[ip] && k<Ndata_wirenum[ip]; j++, k++){
wirenum = int(pdc_wirenum[ip][k]); //get the wirenumber hit
shift = tzero[ip][wirenum-1]; //get the tzero corresponding to wire hit
// cout << plane_names[ip] << " :: " << wirenum << " :: " << shift << endl;
h[ip]->Fill(pdc_time[ip][j] - shift); //shidt the plane drift time event-by-event
// cout << "time: " << pdc_time[ip][k] << endl;
//Write histograms to file
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