diff --git a/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected_v2.C b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected_v2.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74a26cb69a6d7f6a09aaf9a0c0bf9347e68f965b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CALIBRATION/shms_dc_calib/scripts/get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected_v2.C
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+//Script to add necessary drift time histograms/plane from original root file to new root file
+#define NPLANES 12
+#define NBINS 400
+void get_pdc_time_histo_tzero_corrected_v2()
+  //Read Run Number from txt file
+  int run_NUM;
+  Long64_t num_evts;        //added
+  string input_file;   //added
+  TString f0 = "input_RUN.txt";
+  ifstream infile(f0);
+  infile >> input_file >> run_NUM >> num_evts;
+  TString run = Form("run%d", run_NUM);
+  //*****************READ WIRE TZERO VALUES*********************************
+//this script reads all tzero values inside tzero_group.dat and assigns them to their corresponding planes. 
+  //these values will then be used to shift the drift time histos, wire by wire (t0-correction wire-by-wire)
+  int ip;  //to loop over planes
+  int sw;  //to loop over sensewires
+  int tot_wires[NPLANES] = {107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107, 107, 107, 79, 79, 107, 107};
+  //sum over all wires in both DC
+  int wire_sum = 0;
+  for (ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
+    wire_sum = wire_sum + tot_wires[ip];
+  }
+  //open and read tzero data file 
+  ifstream file;
+  file.open("../data_files/"+run+"/tzero_values_per_wire.dat");
+  string line;
+  int counter;
+  Double_t value;
+  Double_t *tzero_offset;
+  tzero_offset = new Double_t[wire_sum];
+  counter = 0;
+  while (getline(file, line)) {
+    if (line[0]!='#' ) 
+      {
+	sscanf(line.c_str(), "%lf", &value);  //pass data in file to variable 'value'
+	tzero_offset[counter] = value;  //write all tzero values for all wires in both DC to an array
+	//cout << tzero_offset[counter] << endl;
+	counter++;
+      }
+  }
+  //***************************************************************
+  //pass all tzero values into their corresponding planes
+  //declare a 2d dynamic array to store tzero values to be used for t0-correction
+  Double_t **tzero = new Double_t*[NPLANES];
+  for (ip = 0; ip < NPLANES; ip++) 
+    {
+      tzero[ip] = new Double_t[tot_wires[ip]];
+    }
+  //initialize 2d dynamic array to 0.0
+  for (ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
+    for (sw = 0; sw<tot_wires[ip]; sw++) {
+      tzero[ip][sw] = 0.0;
+    }
+  }
+  counter = 0;
+  for (ip = 0; ip<NPLANES; ip++) {
+    for (sw = 0; sw < tot_wires[ip]; sw++) {
+      tzero[ip][sw] = tzero_offset[counter];   //tzero corrections that must be added wire by wire
+      // cout << tzero[ip][sw] << endl;
+      //cout <<  tzero[ip][sw] << " :: "<<tzero_offset[counter] << endl;
+	   counter++;
+    }
+  }
+  //*************************************************************************
+  TString ext (".root"); //define a string to find in a file
+  std::size_t found = input_file.find(ext); //find the pos of the string 
+  if (found!=std::string::npos)
+    //std::cout << " '.root' found at: " << found << '\n'; //found is the character position where ".root" is found
+    input_file.erase (found,5);  //erase .root                      
+    // std::cout << input_file << '\n';
+  TString file_name = "../../../ROOTfiles/"+input_file+"_dc_uncal.root";
+  //open file
+  TFile *f = new TFile(file_name, "READ");
+  //create new file
+  TFile *g = new TFile(Form("shms_tzero_corr_histo.root", run_NUM), "RECREATE"); // create new file to store histo
+  f->cd();
+  //Get the tree
+  TTree *tree = (TTree*)f->Get("T");
+  TString DETECTOR="dc";
+  TString plane_names[NPLANES]={"1u1", "1u2", "1x1", "1x2", "1v1", "1v2", "2v2", "2v1", "2x2", "2x1", "2u2", "2u1"};
+  //Declare Variables to Loop Over
+  Int_t Ndata_time[NPLANES];
+  Int_t Ndata_wirenum[NPLANES];
+  Double_t pdc_wirenum[NPLANES][107];
+  Double_t pdc_time[NPLANES][1000];
+  //Declare Histogram array to store AVG drift times per plane
+  TH1F* h[NPLANES];
+  g->cd();
+  //Loop over each plane
+  for(Int_t ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){
+    TString base_name = SPECTROMETER+"."+DETECTOR+"."+plane_names[ip];
+    TString ndata_time = "Ndata."+base_name+".time";
+    TString ndata_wirenum = "Ndata."+base_name+".wirenum";
+    TString drift_time = base_name+".time";
+    TString wirenum_hit = base_name+".wirenum";
+    TString drift_time_histo = "pdc"+plane_names[ip]+"_time"; 
+    TString title = "pdc"+plane_names[ip]+"_drifttime";
+    //Set Branch Address
+    tree->SetBranchAddress(drift_time, pdc_time[ip]);   
+    tree->SetBranchAddress(ndata_time, &Ndata_time[ip]);                // Ndata represents number of triggers vs number of hits that each trigger produced.
+    tree->SetBranchAddress(ndata_wirenum, &Ndata_wirenum[ip]);      // Ndata represents number of triggers vs number of hits that each trigger produced.
+    tree->SetBranchAddress(wirenum_hit, pdc_wirenum[ip]);	    // A hit is refer to as when a trigger(traversing particle), ionizes the WC gas and ionized
+						                    //electrons reach the rearest sense wire, producing a detectable signal in the O'scope 
+    //Create Histograms
+    h[ip] = new TH1F(drift_time_histo, title, NBINS, -50, 350);  //set time to 400 ns/200 bins = 2ns/bin
+    h[ip]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Drift Time (ns)");
+    h[ip]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Entries / 1 ns");
+  }
+  //declare some variables
+  int wirenum;
+  double shift;
+  //Declare number of entries in the tree
+  Long64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries(); //number of triggers (particles that passed through all 4 hodo planes)
+  //Loop over all entries
+  for(Long64_t i=0; i<num_evts; i++)
+    {
+      tree->GetEntry(i);
+      //cout << "****event:**** " << i << endl;
+          //Loop over number of hits for each trigger in each DC plane 
+      for(Int_t ip=0; ip<NPLANES; ip++){       
+	//cout << "Plane: " << plane_names[ip] << endl;
+	for(Int_t j=0, k=0; j<Ndata_time[ip] && k<Ndata_wirenum[ip]; j++, k++){
+	  wirenum = int(pdc_wirenum[ip][k]); //get the wirenumber hit
+	  shift = tzero[ip][wirenum-1];  //get the tzero corresponding to wire hit
+	  // cout << plane_names[ip] << " :: " << wirenum << " :: " << shift << endl;
+	  h[ip]->Fill(pdc_time[ip][j] - shift);  //shidt the plane drift time event-by-event
+	  // cout << "time: " << pdc_time[ip][k] << endl;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  //Write histograms to file
+  g->Write();