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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 30, 2019
  2. Jan 21, 2019
  3. Jan 07, 2019
    • Ole Hansen's avatar
      THcHodoscope: clear fGoodFlags for each event. Add bugchecks. · 178fd5d8
      Ole Hansen authored
      fGoodFlags holds event-by-event data, but was never cleared,
      eventually growing to several hundred megabytes in a long analysis.
      The effciency calculations in THcHodoEff that rely on the contents
      of fGoodFlags have been most certainly garbage up to now.
      I've replaced the event-by-event ClearEvent() method with the
      standard virtual function Clear() and have added fGoodFlags.clear()
      Also, I've added assertions to the hodoscope code to check
      the validity of some non-obvious array indices. Nothing triggers;
      the index logic appears sound (despite its appearance ...)
    • Ole Hansen's avatar
      Correct a large number of memory leaks reported by valgrind · e1f461e0
      Ole Hansen authored
      This includes a particularly nasty leak in the shower code that caused
      several hundred bytes to be lost _per event_.
  4. Jan 06, 2019
  5. Dec 20, 2018
  6. Dec 17, 2018
  7. Dec 15, 2018
    • Whitney Armstrong's avatar
      Starting adding logging with spdlog · ec942943
      Whitney Armstrong authored
      - Mixins defined in Logger.h
      - Mixin used in base classes (THcDC is currently a good example)
      Added a few more spdlog loggers
      Added logging to many.
      - Added logging to hodoscope, aerogel hitlist and detectormap
      - Working on scandalizer features.
      Added logging.
      Added more logging.
      added more logging.
      More logging.
  8. Dec 11, 2018
  9. Aug 14, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcHodoscope.cxx · 7811dcc9
      hallc-online authored
      Modify code in CoarseProcess to add (subtract) time due to hit
      location in paddle for positive (negative) PMT for new hodoscope
      beta parameters.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcHodoscope to add tree variables · be05b391
      hallc-online authored
      Add tree variables TimeHist_Sigma, TimeHist_Peak and TimeHist_Hits
      for the peak,sigma and number of hits of the histogram
       of PMT times used in EstimateFocalPlaneTime
  10. Aug 08, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Updates to doxygen documentation · 76706b74
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Add doxygen groups "Apparatuses" and "Decoders"
        Make sure every class is in a group
        Make sure most classes have a \brief description
        Improve comments for some classes including THcHallCSpectrometer
           and hodoscope classes
        Change some Doxyfile defaults.  Include sources files.
  11. Jul 19, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Restore ability to analyze 6 GeV data. · 842da11c
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Set hodoscopes to standard ADC mode for example hodtest.C script
        badcraw_pos and badcraw_neg always true if not Dynamic pedestal mode
        Don't crash in hodoscope if there is no Cherenkov.
  12. Jun 28, 2018
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Hodo calibwork (#371) · a0d46849
      Yero1990 authored
      Modified Hodoscope and ScintillatorPlane  classes for new time calibration method.
  13. May 08, 2018
  14. Apr 29, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modifiy THcHodoScope.cxx · 4254664d
      hallc-online authored
      In Setup : Set name of histogram to include initial of spectrometer
         that it belongs. Each event in EstimateFocalPLaneTime the histogram
         is fill with the scintillator times so that a cut can be placed
         to throw out bad scintillator times relative to the mean of
         all scintillator times.
  15. Apr 28, 2018
  16. Apr 16, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updated THcHodoscope.cxx · ff106a07
      hallc-online authored
      Modify so default starttime is -1000.
      Modify so if no hits in scintillator then EstimateFocalPlane is not called.
  17. Apr 02, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify fFpTimeAll filling in THcHodoscope · e06d50f0
      hallc-online authored
      fFPTimeAll is the average focal plane time from all
        scintillator times. In EstimatedFocalPlaneTime fFPTimeAll is set to
        starttime which is the average FP time without using the DC track.
      If there are tracks, then a focal plane time is calculated
      for each track using the track information to improve the focal
      plane time calculation and save for each track. Previously
       fFPTimeAll was being filled for each track, so in effect
      fFPTimeAll was being filled with the FP time of the last track.
      ALso there was no check that nFPTimeSum was not zero when
      calculating average FP time, so one could get NaN values for
      To fix the problem , added  and modified line
      Double_t fptime=-1000;
      if (nFPTimeSum>0) fptime = FPTimeSum/nFPTimeSum;
      And moved setting fFPTimeAll to THcHodoscope::FineProcess
      Now fFPTimeAll is set the the average focal plane time of
      the golden track.
  18. Mar 14, 2018
  19. Mar 07, 2018
  20. Feb 20, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Add new Track Efficiency Test to THcHodoscope · 2057c6e3
      hallc-online authored
      Moved the old track efficiency tests to OriginalTrackEffTest method and
      this is presently commented out. Eventually can be eliminated.
      The old track efficiency assumed that both planes had matching
        paddlle spacing which is not true for SHMS.
      Added new method TrackEffTest which calculates the number of clusters
        in each plane and the position for the cluster for scintillator
        paddle that had good times in both ends. Selects events with
        one cluster with size of 1 or 2 in either 4 of 4 planes
        or 3 of 4 planes. Also checks that the events are inside
        a given range of scintillator paddles.
  21. Feb 19, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Create parameters to hold missing reference time counts. · 14523959
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        So that the counts can be reported in report files.
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Put a minimum cut on reference times. · 39317b13
      Stephen A. Wood authored
         First hit above this cut is taken as the reference time.
         Cuts are per detector and read as an optional parameter in
         each detector class.  TDCs and Flash ADC times have separate cuts.
      Implement a second method of selecting best reference time.
        If InitHitList is passed a possitive reference time cut,
          use the first reference time above that cut.  If none of the
          hits pass the cut, then no reference time is set
        If InitHitList is passed a negative cut, the cut is taken to be
          the absolute value of the cut, but a reference time is garuanteed
          to be set as long as there is at least one reference time hit.
          If none of the reference time hits pass the cut, then the last
          hit is taken to be the reference time.  (Should be the largest.)
      Allow reference time cuts for all the spectrometer detector classes
        Hodoscopes, drift chambers, Aerogels, Gas Cherenkovs, Calorimeters
  22. Feb 15, 2018
  23. Jan 30, 2018
  24. Dec 09, 2017
  25. Dec 06, 2017
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Suppress missing ref time messages when ref time not expected · e2c0eb6f
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Each detector object will check the global variable X.present each
        event.  If X.present is false, it indicates that the parent
        spectrometer object determineted that this spectrometer is not in
        this event, and therefor reference times are not expected.  If
        X.present is false, then the reference time warning messages will
        be suppressed.
  26. Dec 04, 2017
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Modify THcHodoscope · 7fb70fe2
      Mark Jones authored
      Add ability to cut on number of PE in Cherenkov when dumping events
        for TOF calibration
      Add parameter fTOFCalib_cer_lo
      Add ability to cut on track beta when dumping events
        for TOF calibration
      Add parameter fTOFCalib_beta_lo and fTOFCalib_beta_hi
      Parameters are optional. Default set to kBig or -kBig
      THere was already a possible cut on Shower energy/momentum
  27. Nov 30, 2017
  28. Nov 28, 2017
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Modified THcHodoscope.cxx · 50dd10d9
      Mark Jones authored
      Moved writing of the TOF calibration dump file to FineProcess
      Added cut on shower energy/momenutum
      Add parameters fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo and fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi .
      Add parameter fNumPlanesBetaCalc which allows one to set how many
      planes to use in beta calculations. Useful for SHMS.
      fNumPlanesBetaCalc defaults to 4 if not set.
  29. Nov 03, 2017
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Update THcHodoscope, THcScintillatorPlane · b625a5a7
      Mark Jones authored
          1. Remove from the use of "temp_planes" for SHMS which
               used only 3 planes for beta and determination of start time.
          2. With change of Integral ADC to pC, change TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(20.0,adc_pos))
            to Math::Sqrt(TMath::Max(20.0*.020,adc_pos)) to convert 20 channels to pC
          3. Set fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].onTrack = kTRUE; when fTOFPInfo[ih].onTrack
             Was always FALSE before.
          4. Modify FineProcess
             a. Add calculation of the track X and Y track position at each plane.
             b. Calculate the difference between the track position and position
                measured by hodoscope center. If multiple paddles hit then take
                average of the paddles.
          THcScintillatorPlane.h and cxx
          1. add variables fHitDistance,fTrackXPosition and fTrackYPosition
          2. add methods GetHitDistance(),GetTrackXPosition(),GetTrackYPosition()
          3. add methods SetHitDistance,SetTrackXPosition,SetTrackYPosition
          4. add variables to tree DiffDisTrack,TrackXPos and TrackYPos
          5. set GoodPosAdcPulseTime to frPosAdcPulseTime
          6. set fGoodNegAdcPulseTime to frNegAdcPulseTime
          7. in HodoHit set PosADCtime and NegADCtime to PulseTime
  30. Sep 26, 2017
  31. Jul 28, 2017
  32. Jul 21, 2017
  33. May 30, 2017
    • Ak1508's avatar
      Added ADC Error Flags for ScintillatorPlane.cxx class · d28eda3c
      Ak1508 authored
      -Added fAdcTimeWindow Min/Max to THcHodoscope.cxx (.h)
      -Added fAdcTimeWindow Min/Max to THcScintillatorPlane.cxx (.h)
      -Initialized loop over number of hits inside the FillDynamic_Pedestal() method
      -added some variables in the THcScintillatorPlane.cxx Dynamic Pedestal Method
      -Added loop over adc_pos and adc_neg hits, and required the hits to fall
      within fAdcTimeWindow Min/Max
      -Added the requirement of at least a valid (adc && tdc) on either end of a bar
      -re-defined boolean operator for adc_pos/adc_neg to be True if  they passed the errorflag and timeCUT requirements in the fADC_Dynamic Pedestal method.
      -- deleted adc_pos/neg initial definitions, and set their initial values to -999.
  34. Mar 28, 2017
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcHodoscope.cxx · 820fbf88
      hallc-online authored
      The change was in part of code which calculates the fiducial
       area of the scintillators where the drift chamber should
       have had a track. This sets fGoodScintHits=1 or 0
       Used to calculate the DC track efficiency
      1) Eliminate variables fScinShould and fScindid. These will
         be defined in the cuts file.
      2) Eliminate code which determined bestXpScin and bestYpScin since
         since these variables were never used.
      3) Initialized  fHitSweet1X,fHitSweet1Y,fHitSweet2X and
         fHitSweet2Y to zero.
      4) Change so that loops over number of paddles do not
          assume that X (Y) planes for Ch1 and Ch2 have same number
          of paddles.