Added ADC Error Flags for ScintillatorPlane.cxx class
-Added fAdcTimeWindow Min/Max to THcHodoscope.cxx (.h) -Added fAdcTimeWindow Min/Max to THcScintillatorPlane.cxx (.h) -Initialized loop over number of hits inside the FillDynamic_Pedestal() method -added some variables in the THcScintillatorPlane.cxx Dynamic Pedestal Method -Added loop over adc_pos and adc_neg hits, and required the hits to fall within fAdcTimeWindow Min/Max -Added the requirement of at least a valid (adc && tdc) on either end of a bar -re-defined boolean operator for adc_pos/adc_neg to be True if they passed the errorflag and timeCUT requirements in the fADC_Dynamic Pedestal method. -- deleted adc_pos/neg initial definitions, and set their initial values to -999.
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