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  1. Feb 04, 2019
    • Whitney Armstrong's avatar
      modified: src/THcDC.cxx · 824e50dc
      Whitney Armstrong authored
      	modified:   src/THcDC.h
      	modified:   src/THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx
      	modified:   src/THcDriftChamberPlane.h
      	modified:   src/include/HallC_LinkDef.h
  2. Oct 05, 2018
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Modify THcDriftChamberPlane · 1555f422
      Mark Jones authored
      Added TClonesArray* fRawHits which an array of THcDCHit object for all
      hits in the drift chamber. This is filled during Process method.
      Added tree variable raw.wirenum whihc is array of wire numbers for all hits in the drift chamber.
  3. Sep 17, 2018
  4. Aug 26, 2018
    • Carlos Yero's avatar
      Updated DC Classes to have DC Sigma per wire · 4a7af64c
      Carlos Yero authored
      1) THcDCWire.h
        a) added sigma to THcDCWire constructor which fills fSigmaWire
        b) added GetSimga method
        c) added SetSigma method
      2) THcDCHit.h
       a) Added GetWireSigma method
      3) THcDriftChamberPlane.h
       a) Added flag fUsingSigmaPerWire
       b) Added array fSigmaWire
      4) THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx
       a) In ReadDatabase, set fUsingSigmaPerWire=0 by default
          with reading of parameter h_using_sigma_per_wire optional
          for setting fUsingSigmaPerWire.
       b) If fUsingSigmaPerWire=0 then sets all wires in array fSigmaWire to
         fSigma ( which is the simga per plane).
       c) If fUsingSigmaPerWire=1 then reads in the sigma per wire from
         a parameter file.
       d) Used new THcDCWire constructor to set the sigma for wire to fSigmaWire[nwire]
       e) Also change code so that the tzero offset is set in the  THcDCWire constructor
       f) In ProcessHits , use wire->GetTOffSet instead of the fTzeroWire array when setting
          the time.
      5) THcDC.cxx
       a) In TrackFit, replace fSigma with hit->GetWireSigma()
  5. Apr 16, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC, THcDriftChamberPlane · 994097ec
      hallc-online authored
        1) Remove subtraction of hodoscope starttime from ProcessHits
          which is called by THcDC::Decode.
        The hodoscope start time is determined in hodoscope Decode
         which is called after THcDC::Decode. So drift chamber
         was using the starttime from the previous event.
         2) Create method SubtractStartTime which is called by THcDC:CoarseTrack
          1) Move fChambers[ic]->ProcessHits() to CoarseTrack
          2) Before looping through fChambers[ic]->ProcessHits() in CoarseTrack
              loop through all planes and call fPlanes[ip]->SubtractStartTime()
  6. Nov 02, 2017
  7. Oct 09, 2017
  8. May 01, 2017
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC and THcDriftChamberPlane to calculate per wire efficiency · 36c76b27
      hallc-online authored
      Main purpose is to calculate the DC efficiency per wire
      using the track information of the golden track.
      1) add method EfficiciencyPerWire
      2) Add variables fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should
      1) fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should are fixed length arrays
         the size of NPlanes that in set in method Init
      2) Add variables wireHitDid and wireHitShould to the tree
      3) In method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack add call to EfficiencyPerWire method
      4) added EfficiencyPerWire method which loops over the hits
          and compares the wire number for the hit to the the track
          position at the plane (convert back to wire number).
          Then fills fWire_hit_did with the wire number if
          equal to the wire position of the hit equals the track.
          Also does loop over all planes and fills fWire_hit_should
          with the wire number of the track in each plane.
      THcDriftChamberPlane.h and cxx
      1) Added method CalcWireFromPos
  9. Apr 17, 2017
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modified THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx and THcDriftChamberPlane.h · a4186aeb
      hallc-online authored
      Main purpose was to have option for per wire tzero offsets
      Modified THcDriftChamberPlane.h
      1) added fUsingTzeroPerWire as parameter flag to switch on per wire tzero offsets when parameter equals 1
      2) fTzeroWire is array of tzero offsets for each wire in plane
      Modified THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx
      1) THcDriftChamberPlane::ReadDatabase
          a)set a default value of fUsingTzeroPerWire=0
          b)added to DBRequest list option to read in fUsingTzeroPerWire
          c) if fUsingTzeroPerWire=1 then separate DBRequest to read in fTzeroWire
         d) if fUsingTzeroPerWire=0 then all fTzeroWire=0
      2) THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits
         a) Modify calcualation of drift time to subtract fTzeroWire
      Double_t time = -StartTime- rawtdc*fNSperChan + fPlaneTimeZero - fTzeroWire[wireNum-1];
  10. Dec 15, 2016
  11. Jul 30, 2014
    • Jonathan Stelzleni's avatar
      Created two new variables for THcDC, fNthits and fN_True_RawHits. · d496e1e3
      Jonathan Stelzleni authored
      In tree they are called tnhit and trawhit.
      Created two new variables for THcDriftChamber, fNthits and fN_True_RawHits.
      In tree they are called tnhit and trawhit.
      THcDC defined subdetector THcDriftChamber to have name Ch1 and Ch2 to do used in the tree.
      THcDriftChamberPlane defined new method GetNRawhits to return fNRawhits for each plane.
      Added member fNRawhits to THcDriftChamberPlane
  12. Jan 17, 2014
  13. Sep 26, 2013
  14. Jun 20, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Partially implement THcDC::TrackFit, modelled after h_track_fit. · 4d5378e0
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Uses ROOT matrix math instead of solve_four_by_four
        Nothing is done with found tracks yet.  Will need to stuff these into
           podd style tracks.  (Or a class inherited from podd style tracks.)
        Residuals not saved anywhere
        Single stub mode not yet implemented
        No printing out of trackfit results (hdebugtrackprint)
  15. May 30, 2013
  16. May 15, 2013
  17. May 01, 2013
  18. Apr 30, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Implement DC Space Point finding · b519f00b
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        New class THcDC is whole set of wire chambers.
        THcDriftChamber is one chamber (6 planes)
        Implement space point finding from h_pattern_recognition up to point
           before where space point lists from the two chambers are combined.
            FindEasySpacePoint   (h_find_easy_space_point)
            FindHardSpacePoints  (find_space_points)
            DestroyPoorSpacePoints (h_sp_destroy)
            SpacePointMultiwire  (h_sp_multiwire)
            ChooseSingleHit 	   (h_choose_single_hit)
            SelectSpacePoint	   (select_space_points)
      Space points are arrays of structures in the THcDriftChamber class.  Will
      probably need to take space points out class so that they can be looked at
      at the THcDC level.
      New code is only tested to see that it compiles and that space points
      are sometimes found.
  19. Jan 29, 2013
  20. Jan 21, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Drift chamber code work. Modeled on podd and h_trans_dc.f · b1b202d2
      Stephen A. Wood authored
            Start adding to the drift chamber code.   Setup a class structure
            similar to what podd uses for the VDCs.  Raw hit class renamed
            to THcRawDCHit.  Signal hits are how THcDCHit, modeled after
            podd hits.  Add THcDCWire, and classes for time to distance conversion.
            Time to distnace conversion doesn't do anything yet.
            Find some improved DC parameter files so that min and max TDC limits
            are good for the run we are using.
            THcDriftChamberPlane asks ThcDriftChamber for many parameters.
  21. Nov 02, 2012
  22. Jun 29, 2012
  23. Jun 27, 2012
  24. Jun 11, 2012
  25. Jun 10, 2012
  26. Jun 06, 2012
  27. May 09, 2012
  28. May 08, 2012
  29. May 07, 2012
  30. May 05, 2012
  31. May 04, 2012
  32. May 03, 2012