Modify THcDC and THcDriftChamberPlane to calculate per wire efficiency
Main purpose is to calculate the DC efficiency per wire using the track information of the golden track. THcDC.h ----------- 1) add method EfficiciencyPerWire 2) Add variables fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should THcDC.cxx ------------ 1) fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should are fixed length arrays the size of NPlanes that in set in method Init 2) Add variables wireHitDid and wireHitShould to the tree 3) In method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack add call to EfficiencyPerWire method 4) added EfficiencyPerWire method which loops over the hits and compares the wire number for the hit to the the track position at the plane (convert back to wire number). Then fills fWire_hit_did with the wire number if equal to the wire position of the hit equals the track. Also does loop over all planes and fills fWire_hit_should with the wire number of the track in each plane. THcDriftChamberPlane.h and cxx --------------------- 1) Added method CalcWireFromPos
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