"README.md" did not exist on "b7cdd929ddf13f416104aa6f523738fe5ea1bffe"
- May 01, 2017
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Make matched cluster variables of the array part of calorimeter private. Initialize fY variable in the THcShowerHit::THcShowerHit default constructor. Correct typo in THcShowerArray::Clear, assign -1000 to fMatchClY. Edit debug output in THcShowerArray::CoarseProcess and remove obsolete comments THcShowerArray::MatchCluster. Clear fSizeClustArray and fNblockHighEnergy quantitites in THcShower::Clear, for just in case.
Eric Pooser authored
So files don't split. Seems to be working, hcana has not crashed yet with file sizes upto 2.6 GB.
hallc-online authored
Main purpose is to calculate the DC efficiency per wire using the track information of the golden track. THcDC.h ----------- 1) add method EfficiciencyPerWire 2) Add variables fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should THcDC.cxx ------------ 1) fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should are fixed length arrays the size of NPlanes that in set in method Init 2) Add variables wireHitDid and wireHitShould to the tree 3) In method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack add call to EfficiencyPerWire method 4) added EfficiencyPerWire method which loops over the hits and compares the wire number for the hit to the the track position at the plane (convert back to wire number). Then fills fWire_hit_did with the wire number if equal to the wire position of the hit equals the track. Also does loop over all planes and fills fWire_hit_should with the wire number of the track in each plane. THcDriftChamberPlane.h and cxx --------------------- 1) Added method CalcWireFromPos
- Apr 26, 2017
hallc-online authored
The purpose is to add a call in THcHallCSpectrometer:TrackCalc to fill variables in THcDC for the golden track. THcHallCSpectrometer.h ---------------------- 1) Add object THcDC* fDC 2) Eliminate object fShower since it was not being used. THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx ---------------------- 1) in ReadDatabase method cast fDC in detector "dc" is defined 2) in FindVertices method add call to fDC->SetFocalPlaneBestTrack(hit_gold_track) where hit_gold_track is the HaTracks array index of the golden track THcDC.h ------- 1) Add method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack THcDC.cxx --------- 1) Eliminate filling of best focal plane quantities in CoarseTrack which defined "best" by lowest chi2 2) Create method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack a)fills the best focal plane quantities using the golden track b) fills fResiduals using golden track
Mark Jones authored
Carlos Yero authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Podd commit text: Add the eye offset. Also add the ability to put vectors of variables into a single (scalar) histogram, per the request of Hall C
- Apr 20, 2017
hallc-online authored
THcShowerHit.h and THcShowerHit.cxx --------------- 1) Added fY for horizontal position 2) Added fY to THcShowerHit THcShower.h ----------- 1) Added variables 2) Added method addY, clY to get the cluster Y position THcShower.cxx -------------- 1) Added variables to the tree for "layer" detector either SHMS preshower or HMS layers 2) Added variables if the SHMS "array" is used 3) Added y position to THcShowerHit in CoarseProcess 4) In FineProcess, if SHMS "array" used then fill X,Y info for the Cluster and the "best" track that matched the cluster THcShowerArray.h and THcShowerArray.cxx --------------------------------------- 1) Added methods to Get the array cluster size, X and Y position and block number that has the highest energy in the cluster 2) Added array fBlockClusterID for all blocks. initialized to -1 for each block for each event and then filled with the cluster number if the block is included in the cluster 3) Add variable fNhits and fNgoodhits
- Apr 18, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Apr 17, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Modified THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx and THcDriftChamberPlane.h
hallc-online authored
Main purpose was to have option for per wire tzero offsets Modified THcDriftChamberPlane.h ------------------------------ 1) added fUsingTzeroPerWire as parameter flag to switch on per wire tzero offsets when parameter equals 1 2) fTzeroWire is array of tzero offsets for each wire in plane Modified THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx ------------------------------ 1) THcDriftChamberPlane::ReadDatabase a)set a default value of fUsingTzeroPerWire=0 b)added to DBRequest list option to read in fUsingTzeroPerWire c) if fUsingTzeroPerWire=1 then separate DBRequest to read in fTzeroWire d) if fUsingTzeroPerWire=0 then all fTzeroWire=0 2) THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits ------------------------------------ a) Modify calcualation of drift time to subtract fTzeroWire Double_t time = -StartTime- rawtdc*fNSperChan + fPlaneTimeZero - fTzeroWire[wireNum-1];
- Apr 06, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Then the # tubes of the Aerogel is known. Remove MaxNumXXXAeroPmt constants from THcAerogel.h
Stephen A. Wood authored
New required Cerenkov and Aerogel parameters in hcana.def cuts and output.def updates remove now unsupported mirror efficiencies from report.template
- Apr 04, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Fix problem in THcAerogel::CoarseProcess with fNpeSum
hallc-online authored
The line fNpeSum += fNegNpeSum was basically double counting the fNegNpeSum Same for fNpeSum += fPosNpeSum since they were in a loop over Neg and Pos hits. Just set fNpeSum = fNegNpeSum + fPosNpeSum after the two loops over Neg and Pos hits
Mark K Jones authored
Fix mistake in THcShowerArray and make the threshold a parameter
hallc-online authored
THcShowerArray 1) in ProcessHits methodfFixed mistake in index of fThresh was using padnum instead of padnum-1 2) add parameter pcal_arr_AdcThreshold so that threshold can be set by a parameter. Default is zero which gives the best resolution. THcShowerPlane 1) Added the parameter cal_AdcNegThreshold and cal_AdcPosThreshold so that the threshold can be set through a parameter Previously it was hardcoded.
- Apr 03, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Fix bug for corner case for gcc 4.4 and ROOT5
Eric Pooser authored
- Mar 31, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
New parameters are added. hallc_replay of 3/31/2017 or later is needed. As of now, the size of the TClonesArray objects are hard-coded in the respective header files. This is not okay in the long run. Ideally, the size of the TClonesArrays should be defined by the parameter which dictates how many readout detectors exist for the respective detector. I tried doing this in the Init method however, podd complained regarding the size of the TClonesArrays in the DEF-file histograms. I was unsuccessful in my first attempt. This should be addressed in the future even though things work for now.
- Mar 29, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Process slot with clock first so that time is available to other slots Add option to use data in first scaler event (handler->SetUseFirstEvent(Bool_t)) instead of subtracting first event from subsequent events
- Mar 28, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Modify THcHodoscope.cxx
hallc-online authored
The change was in part of code which calculates the fiducial area of the scintillators where the drift chamber should have had a track. This sets fGoodScintHits=1 or 0 Used to calculate the DC track efficiency 1) Eliminate variables fScinShould and fScindid. These will be defined in the cuts file. 2) Eliminate code which determined bestXpScin and bestYpScin since since these variables were never used. 3) Initialized fHitSweet1X,fHitSweet1Y,fHitSweet2X and fHitSweet2Y to zero. 4) Change so that loops over number of paddles do not assume that X (Y) planes for Ch1 and Ch2 have same number of paddles.
Mark K Jones authored
Modify THcShower, THcShowerPlane and THcShowerArray classes
hallc-online authored
Main purposes: 1) Add the possibility of multiple ADC hits per channel and select best ADC by a time window. 2) Change ProcessHits method in ShowerPlane and ShowerArray to only fill "raw" TClonesArrays. 3) Add CoarseProcessHits method to ShowerPlane and ShowerArray to fill the "good" data arrays from call in THcShower:CoarseProcess 4) Moved code to fill Track object with energy from FineProcess to CoarseProcess so that the Track->Get(Energy) can be used by other detectors in their FineProcess. 5) FineProcess loops over Track object add gets Track energy 6) Add AdcErrorFlag TClonesArray to be filled to check for problems with FADC THcShower.h 1) Add methods GetADCMode(),GetAdcTimeWindowMin(),GetAdcTimeWindowMax() so that the ShowerPlane can access these parameters 2) Add parameters ADCMode,fAdcTimeWindowMin,fAdcTimeWindowMax 3) Add variables fNclustTrack : NUmber of cluster that matches best track fXclustTrack : X pos of cluster that matches best track fXTrack : X pos of best track that matches cluster fEtrack : Cluster energy associated with best track fEtrackNorm : Cluster energy/Track momentum associated with best track THcShower.cxx 1) Add calls to THcShowerPlane and THcShowerArray CoarseProcessHits in CoarseProcess 2) Moved filling of Energy in Track object to CoarseProcess 3) In FineProcess get the "best" Track object and match Track energy and trajectory to cluster. THcShowerArray.h and cxx 1)add parameters fADCMode, fAdcTimeWindowMin and fAdcTimeWindowMax 2) Add method CoarseProcessHits 3) In ProcessHits fill fPosThresh and fNegThresh with a fix value of 250 integrated channels above pedestal. Need to make this a parameter. THcShowerPlane.h and cxx 1)Gets fADCMode, fAdcTimeWindowMin and fAdcTimeWindowMax from THcShower 2) Add method CoarseProcessHits 3) In ProcessHits fill fPosThresh and fNegThresh with a fix value of 250 integrated channels above pedestal. Need to make this a parameter.
- Mar 23, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Add method to THcRawAdcHit
hallc-online authored
Add method GetF250_PeakPedestalRatio() {return fPeakPedestalRatio;}; so that a detector class can calculate the pedestal that was used in determining the pedestal subtracted FADC Pulse Integral. This is useful if the detector class wants to set a threshold above the pedestal.
Mark K Jones authored
Modified THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx and THcHodoscope.cxx
hallc-online authored
The change was made so that NonTrackingDetector could have information on the "best" track in their FineProcess method. In THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices the "best" track will be selected and the Track object will its SetIndex method to set the index to 0 for the best track. The other track will have index=1 or greater. In the NonTrackingDetector FineProcess, the track that is selected to be the "best" can be found by looping through the tracks checking track index using Track.GetIndex() for find the track with Index=0. In the NonTrackingDetector's CoarseProcess they need to set quantities for the Track object needed for selection of "best" track for the "prune" and "usingscin" track selection methods. 1) In THcHallCSpectrometer: a) Moved selection methods of "best" track from TrackCalc to FindVertices. b) Removed setting of Golden Track in the selection methods. c) Add setting of Track Index=0 for "best" track in each selection method. d) Modified TrackCalc method to loop through Track object and find the track with Index=0 and set the Golden Track equal to this Track. 2) In THcHodoscope.cxx a) Moved all calculations in FineProcess into CoarseProcess b) CoarseProcess calculates the scintillator Beta for each Track and does Track->SetBeta. c) In determination "zcor" for corrected hits times use fBetaNominal instead fBetap from track. Still use Track to get distance. c) Eliminate fBetap variable which was using the Track momentum d) Add variable fBeta which is just from scintillator times. e) In FineProcess fill fBeta with the the beta associated with the "best" track determined by selecting Track with index=0
- Mar 16, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Modified HcTrigDet::Init , Decode and ReadDatabase
hallc-online authored
In HcTrigDet::Init moved InitHitList after gHcDetectorMap->FillMap so that the refindex can be filled for the trigger TDC modules In ReadDatabase add parameters fTdcOffset and fTdcChanperNS In Decode set fTdcTime[cnt] = rawTdcHit.GetTime()*fTdcChanperNS-fTdcOffset Ths makes the time into a positive number wiht units of ns Need to add the parameter to either thms.param or tshms.param or it will use defaults of 0.1 and 300. Need to eventually get the fTdcChanperNS from event 125.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Mar 15, 2017
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
In THcAerogel.cxx, mean pedestals are calculated if fMinPeds>0. Set fMinPeds to default zero in THcAerogel::InitializePedestals. Reinitialize it with paero_min_peds parameter in paero.param file.
- Mar 14, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Mar 13, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Modify THcDC::CoarseTrack and THcDC::TrackFit
hallc-online authored
Add variables fX_fp_best,fY_fp_best,fXp_fp_best,fYp_fp_best to THcDC.h Modified THcDC::CoarseTrack so that the variables are filled with the quantities from the track with the smallest chi-squared. Modified THcDC::TrackFit so that the fResidual per plane is filled with for the track with the lowest chi-squared. Modified THcDC::DefineVariables so that access the variables as dc.x_fp,dc.y_fp,dc.xp_fp and dc.yp_fp
- Mar 08, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Modified THcCherenkov.cxx and THcCherenkov.h
hallc-online authored
Add array fADC_hit that is a flag if there is a hit in the ADC fADC_hit is set in Decode method The FADC has a threshold on accepting ADC hit Modified CoarseProcess method to eliminate old FASTBUS bias in the analysis
- Mar 07, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Modify ShowerPlane and ShowerArray ProcessHits Methods