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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 31, 2019
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Modify THcDC and THcHallCSpectrometer · b043a0c8
      Mark Jones authored
      1) THcDC
      a) Add variable to tree called dc.InsideDipoleExit
      which is a Bool_t flag that is kTRUE if golden track is inside the
      dipole exit. Uses THcHallCSpectrometer::InsideDipoleExitWindow
      in THcDC::SetFocalPlaneBestTrack to set variable.
      2) THcHallCSpectrometer
      a) Add method Bool_t InsideDipoleExitWindow which checks whether
      the track is within the dipole exit window. Checks
      prefix used for database to set flag
      fUseSHMSDipoleExitWindow or fUseHMSDipoleExitWindow
      to be true which is used in InsideDipoleExitWindow
      to select either SHMSDipoleExitWindow or
      HMSDipoleExitWindow method to be used as the test.
      b) Hardcoded z distance from spectrometer focal plane to
      dipole exit window.
      c) Methods Bool_t SHMSDipoleExitWindow and
      Bool_t HMSDipoleExitWindow return true/false if
      the track was inside/outside the dipole exit window.
      d) Added dipole exit window test to the BestTrackUsingPrune
      method. Need to set parameter hprune_DipoleExit=1 or
      pprune_DipoleExit=1 to use the test in the method.
      By default it is turned off.
  2. May 02, 2019
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Modify HallCSpectrometer · 47654018
      Mark Jones authored
          Add variable fPruneSelect which is a flag for which prune
          test selected the good track.
          Put into tree as tr.PruneSelect
          PruneSelect = -1 if no track found
          PruneSelect = 0 if only one track found
          PruneSelect > 0 when more then one track found.
          Method BestTrackUsingPrune goes through the tests in order and
           if a track fails the test then it is flagged as bad and not
           tested in the subsequent tests.
           When only one track is left then fPruneSelect is set to the number of
           the test.
        fPruneSelect = 1  if xptar
        fPruneSelect = 2  if yptar
        fPruneSelect = 3  if ytar
        fPruneSelect = 4  if delta
        fPruneSelect = 5  if track beta
        fPruneSelect = 6  if track reduced degrees of freedom (NHits-4)
        fPruneSelect = 7  if Number of PMT
        fPruneSelect = 8  if track beta chi2
        fPruneSelect = 9  if track focal plane time
        fPruneSelect = 10 if track hit S2Y plane
        fPruneSelect = 11 if track hit S2X plane
        fPruneSelect = 12 if track chisq
  3. Jan 20, 2019
    • Whitney Armstrong's avatar
      Updated logging infrastructure · 69e1d4a2
      Whitney Armstrong authored
      - Lots of additional logging after moving spdlog out of project
      - The loggers are mostly defined in the header `analyzer/include/podd2/Logger.h`
      - Next step  is to add file logging and to set good defaults
      - The spdlog severity level (in order of importance) are:
        - critical
        - error
        - warn
        - info
        - debug
        - trace
      	modified:   THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
      	modified:   THcHallCSpectrometer.h
      	modified:   THcPrimaryKine.cxx
      	modified:   THcSecondaryKine.cxx
      	modified:   THcTrigDet.cxx
  4. Dec 15, 2018
    • Whitney Armstrong's avatar
      Starting adding logging with spdlog · ec942943
      Whitney Armstrong authored
      - Mixins defined in Logger.h
      - Mixin used in base classes (THcDC is currently a good example)
      Added a few more spdlog loggers
      Added logging to many.
      - Added logging to hodoscope, aerogel hitlist and detectormap
      - Working on scandalizer features.
      Added logging.
      Added more logging.
      added more logging.
      More logging.
  5. Dec 11, 2018
  6. Feb 11, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Update THcHallCSpectrometer and THcExtTarCor · f34d57d9
      hallc-online authored
        1) Add variables fMispointing_x and fMispointing_y
          which are filled by parameters hmispointing_x, hmispointing_y
            in PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param and pmispointing_x, pmispointing_y
            in PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param .
         The offsets are used in THcExtTarCor and THaReactionPoint
        2) Modify argument to method CalculateTargetQuantities to be xtar
           instead of gbeam_y .
         1) add call to get spectrometer pointing offsets
         2) The mispointing_x is added to xtar
         3) Set xtar to start as -beam_y = - vertex(1)+mispointing_x for first call to CalculateTargetQuantities
            After first call the xtar is recalculated using the returned xptar
            and a second call is done to get the target xptar,ytar,yptar and delta.
          4) Fill golden track with final xtar
  7. Dec 06, 2017
  8. Sep 22, 2017
  9. Aug 25, 2017
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Add method THcHallCSpectrometer::CalculateTargetQuantities · 239cd15b
      hallc-online authored
      This method calculates the target quantities using the focal
      plane quantities and the optics matrix. Previously
      this was done in THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices.
      Now in THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices there is
      a call to CalculateTargetQuantities
      This method will be called by THcExtTarCor
      to do the xtar correction.
  10. Jul 25, 2017
  11. Apr 26, 2017
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC and THcHallCSpectrometer · d5134c3d
      hallc-online authored
      The purpose is to add a call in THcHallCSpectrometer:TrackCalc
      to fill variables in THcDC for the golden track.
      1) Add object THcDC* fDC
      2) Eliminate object fShower since it was not being used.
      1) in ReadDatabase method cast fDC in detector "dc" is defined
      2) in FindVertices method add call
          to fDC->SetFocalPlaneBestTrack(hit_gold_track)
          where hit_gold_track is the HaTracks array index
          of the golden track
      1) Add method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack
      1) Eliminate filling of best focal plane quantities
         in CoarseTrack which defined "best" by lowest chi2
      2) Create method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack
         a)fills the best focal plane quantities using the golden track
         b) fills fResiduals using golden track
  12. Dec 15, 2016
  13. Mar 02, 2015
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Track Selection code cleanup · 80368477
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Enforce variable conventions
        Default using_scin and using_prune selection to off
        Break different track selection methods into different class methods
  14. Feb 23, 2015
  15. Jan 20, 2015
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Modify THcHallCSpectrometer · 1c3012e5
      Mark Jones authored
          THcHallCSpectrometer inherits from THaSpectrometer which has method
          GetPcentral and a member fPcentral.
           THcHallCSpectrometer had been using fPCentral but decided to
          use fPcentral.
          Delete fPCentral in THcHallCSpectrometer.h
          Replace all fPCentral  by fPcentral in ReadDatabase and FindVertices methods.
  16. Jan 16, 2015
  17. Jan 14, 2015
  18. Jan 08, 2015
  19. Dec 19, 2014
  20. Oct 24, 2014
  21. Sep 26, 2014
    • Zafar's avatar
      Golden track using prune: · 71e27664
      Zafar authored
            Selection of golden track using prune method is added.
            A bug is also fixed in THcHodoscope class
            Number of pmts hits, focal plane time, good time for plane 4
            and good time for plane 3 are set to the tracks in
            THcHodoscope class.
  22. Sep 15, 2014
  23. Aug 19, 2014
    • Zafar's avatar
      Golden track. · f5da09b2
      Zafar authored
        Goldent track is moved to THcHallCSpectrometer::TrackCalc()
        if  fSelUsingScin == 0 then golden track is calculated just
        like podd. i.e. it is the first track with minimum chi2/ndf
        with sorting ON
        if fSelUsingScin == 1 then golden track is calculetd just like
        engine/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_using_scin.h. This method
        gives the best track with minimum value of chi2/ndf but with
        additional cuts on the tracks. These cuts are on dedx, beta
        and on energy.
        This commit also corrects and modifies the beta code written
        in the THcHodoscope::FineProcess
        At this point we have godlend track and in additoion to
        previous vlues the following values are set to a track:
        Energy, beta, chi2 of beta and dedx[track][first hit].
      NOTE: For some tracks we have large differences in value of chi
            square between ENGINE and hcana and this is already
            discussed in the last group meeting. Following emails are
            exchanged regarding this difference of chisquare.
      email to Mark:
      Hi Mark,
      I tried to trace the origin of difference of the chi square value between
      ENGINE and hcana. Please see the attached file, it has long table which I
      cannot present in this email. Or you can see the file at the following
      link, thanks.
      Mark's reply:
              Thanks. I agree with what you see, but there is also another reason
      for the difference. For the space point in ch2 the engine and hcana
      choose different left/right combinations. That is why you see the large
      jump in the summed chi2 from planes 9 and 10. The two codes pick
      different left/right because there is a cut on the difference between the
      measured stub xp and an expected xp = sp->GetX()/875  and one code has a combination
      slightly below the cut value and the other slightly above. I do not see a way
      to make the codes agree more exactly since the stub fitting involves a matrix
  24. Aug 18, 2014
  25. Jan 17, 2014
  26. Dec 10, 2013
  27. Nov 01, 2013
  28. Aug 28, 2013
  29. Apr 24, 2012
  30. Apr 21, 2012