Golden track.
Goldent track is moved to THcHallCSpectrometer::TrackCalc() if fSelUsingScin == 0 then golden track is calculated just like podd. i.e. it is the first track with minimum chi2/ndf with sorting ON if fSelUsingScin == 1 then golden track is calculetd just like engine/HTRACKING/h_select_best_track_using_scin.h. This method gives the best track with minimum value of chi2/ndf but with additional cuts on the tracks. These cuts are on dedx, beta and on energy. This commit also corrects and modifies the beta code written in the THcHodoscope::FineProcess At this point we have godlend track and in additoion to previous vlues the following values are set to a track: Energy, beta, chi2 of beta and dedx[track][first hit]. NOTE: For some tracks we have large differences in value of chi square between ENGINE and hcana and this is already discussed in the last group meeting. Following emails are exchanged regarding this difference of chisquare. email to Mark: Hi Mark, I tried to trace the origin of difference of the chi square value between ENGINE and hcana. Please see the attached file, it has long table which I cannot present in this email. Or you can see the file at the following link, thanks. Ahmed Mark's reply: Ahmed, Thanks. I agree with what you see, but there is also another reason for the difference. For the space point in ch2 the engine and hcana choose different left/right combinations. That is why you see the large jump in the summed chi2 from planes 9 and 10. The two codes pick different left/right because there is a cut on the difference between the measured stub xp and an expected xp = sp->GetX()/875 and one code has a combination slightly below the cut value and the other slightly above. I do not see a way to make the codes agree more exactly since the stub fitting involves a matrix inversion. Cheers, Mark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx 284 additions, 10 deletionssrc/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
- src/THcHallCSpectrometer.h 57 additions, 0 deletionssrc/THcHallCSpectrometer.h
- src/THcHodoscope.cxx 1 addition, 48 deletionssrc/THcHodoscope.cxx
- src/THcHodoscope.h 2 additions, 4 deletionssrc/THcHodoscope.h
- src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx 0 additions, 10 deletionssrc/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx
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