- May 01, 2017
hallc-online authored
Main purpose is to calculate the DC efficiency per wire using the track information of the golden track. THcDC.h ----------- 1) add method EfficiciencyPerWire 2) Add variables fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should THcDC.cxx ------------ 1) fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should are fixed length arrays the size of NPlanes that in set in method Init 2) Add variables wireHitDid and wireHitShould to the tree 3) In method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack add call to EfficiencyPerWire method 4) added EfficiencyPerWire method which loops over the hits and compares the wire number for the hit to the the track position at the plane (convert back to wire number). Then fills fWire_hit_did with the wire number if equal to the wire position of the hit equals the track. Also does loop over all planes and fills fWire_hit_should with the wire number of the track in each plane. THcDriftChamberPlane.h and cxx --------------------- 1) Added method CalcWireFromPos
- Apr 26, 2017
hallc-online authored
The purpose is to add a call in THcHallCSpectrometer:TrackCalc to fill variables in THcDC for the golden track. THcHallCSpectrometer.h ---------------------- 1) Add object THcDC* fDC 2) Eliminate object fShower since it was not being used. THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx ---------------------- 1) in ReadDatabase method cast fDC in detector "dc" is defined 2) in FindVertices method add call to fDC->SetFocalPlaneBestTrack(hit_gold_track) where hit_gold_track is the HaTracks array index of the golden track THcDC.h ------- 1) Add method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack THcDC.cxx --------- 1) Eliminate filling of best focal plane quantities in CoarseTrack which defined "best" by lowest chi2 2) Create method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack a)fills the best focal plane quantities using the golden track b) fills fResiduals using golden track
- Mar 13, 2017
hallc-online authored
Add variables fX_fp_best,fY_fp_best,fXp_fp_best,fYp_fp_best to THcDC.h Modified THcDC::CoarseTrack so that the variables are filled with the quantities from the track with the smallest chi-squared. Modified THcDC::TrackFit so that the fResidual per plane is filled with for the track with the lowest chi-squared. Modified THcDC::DefineVariables so that access the variables as dc.x_fp,dc.y_fp,dc.xp_fp and dc.yp_fp
- Feb 09, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Applied changes in several files to reflect this. Minor fix in `THcRawHodoHit`.
- Feb 08, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
Eric Pooser authored
When calculating the residuals, consider all track candidates instead of only the first track. Moreover, eliminate the instances when there was no hit in a plane then the residual was returned as zero.
- Dec 15, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
- Nov 23, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Otherwise InitHistlist doesn't have the detector map and can't do setup of reference time stuff or sanity checks on the detector mapping
- Nov 15, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
Some detector classes lacked the ability to get the appropriate Apparatus character and were only working for HMS.
- May 12, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jul 31, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
- May 16, 2015
Zafar Ahmed authored
- Mar 10, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
Modify THcFormula and THcParmList to match changes to THaFormula (needed for reports) Small changes in THcInterface and detector classes for compatibility with new OO decoder and podd 1.6
- Jan 16, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
When it was UInt_t, variable length global variables didn't get the length correctly and there were run time errors.
Stephen A. Wood authored
For the most part this is making sure that the loop variable in a for loop is of the same type as the variable that it is compared against (Often a UInt_t).
- Jan 14, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
This reverts commit e9ce1040. Conflicts: src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
- Jan 08, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
For the most part this is making sure that the loop variable in a for loop is of the same type as the variable that it is compared against (Often a UInt_t).
- Jan 07, 2015
Mark Jones authored
- Sep 09, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Sep 02, 2014
Mark Jones authored
Found when doing valgrind --tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full hcana Return errors like below ==14467== Invalid write of size 1 ==14467== at 0x4A0794F: __GI_strcpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:313) ==14467== by 0x57137A3: THcHodoscope::Setup(char const*, char const*) (THcHodoscope.cxx:112) ==14467== by 0x5713A7E: THcHodoscope::Init(TDatime const&) (THcHodoscope.cxx:142) ==14467== by 0x4D38C29: THaApparatus::Init(TDatime const&) (THaApparatus.C:193) ==14467== by 0x4D67E57: THaAnalyzer::InitModules(TList const*, TDatime&, int, char const*) (THaAnalyzer.C:433) ==14467== by 0x4D68B1F: THaAnalyzer::DoInit(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:667) ==14467== by 0x4D68126: THaAnalyzer::Init(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:467) ==14467== by 0x4D6B31A: THaAnalyzer::Process(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:1289) ==14467== by 0x4E21E97: G__haDict_704_0_6(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int) (haDict.C:23491) ==14467== by 0x6DB6148: Cint::G__ExceptionWrapper(int (*)(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int), G__value*, char*, G__param*, int) (in /u/apps/root/5.34.13/root/lib/libCint.so.5.34) ==14467== by 0x6E5A3A0: G__execute_call (in /u/apps/root/5.34.13/root/lib/libCint.so.5.34) ==14467== by 0x6E5B201: G__call_cppfunc (in /u/apps/root/5.34.13/root/lib/libCint.so.5.34) ==14467== Address 0xd7636a2 is 0 bytes after a block of size 2 alloc'd ==14467== at 0x4A0674C: operator new[](unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:305) ==14467== by 0x5713757: THcHodoscope::Setup(char const*, char const*) (THcHodoscope.cxx:111) ==14467== by 0x5713A7E: THcHodoscope::Init(TDatime const&) (THcHodoscope.cxx:142) ==14467== by 0x4D38C29: THaApparatus::Init(TDatime const&) (THaApparatus.C:193) ==14467== by 0x4D67E57: THaAnalyzer::InitModules(TList const*, TDatime&, int, char const*) (THaAnalyzer.C:433) ==14467== by 0x4D68B1F: THaAnalyzer::DoInit(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:667) ==14467== by 0x4D68126: THaAnalyzer::Init(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:467) ==14467== by 0x4D6B31A: THaAnalyzer::Process(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:1289) ==14467== by 0x4E21E97: G__haDict_704_0_6(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int) (haDict.C:23491) ==14467== by 0x6DB6148: Cint::G__ExceptionWrapper(int (*)(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int), G__value*, char*, G__param*, int) (in /u/apps/root/5
- Aug 28, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jul 30, 2014
Jonathan Stelzleni authored
In tree they are called tnhit and trawhit. Created two new variables for THcDriftChamber, fNthits and fN_True_RawHits. In tree they are called tnhit and trawhit. THcDC defined subdetector THcDriftChamber to have name Ch1 and Ch2 to do used in the tree. THcDriftChamberPlane defined new method GetNRawhits to return fNRawhits for each plane. Added member fNRawhits to THcDriftChamberPlane
- Feb 27, 2014
Mark Jones authored
add flags debugflagpr and debugflagstubs add method THcDC::PrintStubs modify THcDC::PrintSpacePoints Set THcDC::LinkStubs() to only set fNDCTracks=0 and retrun when fNDCTracks>10 for HMS style chambers to match engine.
- Jan 30, 2014
Zafar authored
- Jan 17, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jan 14, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Dec 19, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Fix from Mark Jones with additional cleanup for saw's misunderstanding of space point criterion
Mark Jones authored
- Dec 16, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
THcDriftChamber::AddPlane didn't know if style was HMS, because style was only determined in Init. Now fHMSStyleFlag is set in only one place. Right now determined from spectrometer name, but could be a parameter in the future.
Mark Jones authored
With fdebugprintdecodeddc call Chambers[i]->PrintDecode() to output the drift chamber info after min/max time cuts Added PrintSpacePoints() With fdebugprintdecodeddc call PrintSpacePoints() to output drift chmaber spacepoint info
- Dec 05, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Dec 02, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
THcDriftChamber New flag fHMSStyleChambers to determine if HMS or SOS style tracking should be done. Flag is set on if the spectrometer name begins with 'h'. THcDriftChamber::LeftRight fSmallAngleApprox must be set and fHMSStyleChambers must be off to do SOS style. If not HMS style, ignore all the Yplane optimizations THcDC SOS code does "project to chamber" in link stubs. Need to evaluate if this is necessary, or if HMS style should also do it.
- Nov 15, 2013
Edward Brash authored
These were related to a) scope of some variable declarations, and b) use of pre-increment vs. post-increment of non-primitive types (this has a slight performance hit due to the way that pre- vs. post-increment operators are overloaded in C++. Also cleaned up a few places where initialized variables were not being used.
- Nov 08, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Clone some DC tests from ENGINE test files to podd style cuts. Make changes to source code to support these tests. Correct hits in plane line in example report file.
- Nov 01, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Added variables using ENGINE names gen_run_number gen_run_starting_event gen_event_id_number
- Oct 31, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Oct 07, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Sep 26, 2013
Mark Jones authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
{prefix}dc_fix_lr Historically, in the ENGINE, if a hit is used in multiple space points/stubs, the left/right assignment for that hit, which is later used in track fitting, is that assigned for the last stub encountered with that hit. Properly, the left right assignment should be allowed to be different in different space points. If this parameter is set to zero (e.g. in hcana.param), then the ENGINE behavior is used. For new analyses, it should be set to one. (Which is the default) {prefix}dc_fix_propcorr When a hit gets put into a stub, the distance of the hit from the discriminator can then be estimated. In the engine, a correction to the drift time (and thus drift distance) is applied. However, if that hit ends up in another stub, the correction will get applied again, resulting in a over correction. Setting this flag to 1 will give that hit a different corection for each stub that it is in. These flags will default to the new "correct" way of handling hits if the above parameters are not set in a parameter file. Currently, both flags are set to zero in hcana.param to replicate the ENGINE behavior. To implement these changes, the propagation correction and L/R information for each hit is saved in space point and track classes. This information is still saved in the hit class, but only used if in ENGINE compatibility mode. The THcDCTrack class now saves a list of space point pointers instead of space point indices. The AddSpacePoint method now also copies all the hit information into the track object so that THcDC doesn't need to explicitely copy all the hits. The FindStub method, which fits a stub track to a space point is passed the space point rather than a list of hits
- Aug 21, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Results are focal plane coordinate (transport) system, not detector system Turn on golden track selection.