- Nov 06, 2018
Mark Jones authored
Add the tree variable goodAdcMult which is the number of raw ADC pulses in an ADC channel per event for a given shower array block.
- Sep 19, 2018
Whitney Armstrong authored
new file: Shower2.cxx new file: Shower2.h modified: THcCherenkov.cxx modified: THcCherenkov.h modified: THcShowerArray.h modified: include/HallC_LinkDef.h
- Sep 14, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jun 08, 2018
Fernando Araiza Gonzalez authored
- Dec 09, 2017
hallc-online authored
Add variable for the difference between the Hodoscope start time and the ADC pulse time. Select good adc hit based on window on this difference
- Nov 30, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Oct 27, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
Include methods for FADC conversions and apply to non-raw data objects in THcRawAdcHit Add raw pulse time data object to Cherenkov detector classes Add raw pulse time data object to shower detector classes Add raw pulse time data object to hodoscope detector class
- Sep 26, 2017
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
For both the layers and the array part Correct calculation of coordinates of the Array modules in the calorimeter effciency calculations.
- May 27, 2017
Carlos Yero authored
Add "Good" variables to calorimeter class occupancies and multiplicities required to pass time and threshold cut Change some variables from arrays to vectors Modify how thresholds are calculated Remove obsolete variables: posadchits, negadchits Add flash adc debug flag Correctly delete pointers in destructor
- May 01, 2017
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Make matched cluster variables of the array part of calorimeter private. Initialize fY variable in the THcShowerHit::THcShowerHit default constructor. Correct typo in THcShowerArray::Clear, assign -1000 to fMatchClY. Edit debug output in THcShowerArray::CoarseProcess and remove obsolete comments THcShowerArray::MatchCluster. Clear fSizeClustArray and fNblockHighEnergy quantitites in THcShower::Clear, for just in case.
- Apr 20, 2017
hallc-online authored
THcShowerHit.h and THcShowerHit.cxx --------------- 1) Added fY for horizontal position 2) Added fY to THcShowerHit THcShower.h ----------- 1) Added variables 2) Added method addY, clY to get the cluster Y position THcShower.cxx -------------- 1) Added variables to the tree for "layer" detector either SHMS preshower or HMS layers 2) Added variables if the SHMS "array" is used 3) Added y position to THcShowerHit in CoarseProcess 4) In FineProcess, if SHMS "array" used then fill X,Y info for the Cluster and the "best" track that matched the cluster THcShowerArray.h and THcShowerArray.cxx --------------------------------------- 1) Added methods to Get the array cluster size, X and Y position and block number that has the highest energy in the cluster 2) Added array fBlockClusterID for all blocks. initialized to -1 for each block for each event and then filled with the cluster number if the block is included in the cluster 3) Add variable fNhits and fNgoodhits
- Apr 04, 2017
hallc-online authored
THcShowerArray 1) in ProcessHits methodfFixed mistake in index of fThresh was using padnum instead of padnum-1 2) add parameter pcal_arr_AdcThreshold so that threshold can be set by a parameter. Default is zero which gives the best resolution. THcShowerPlane 1) Added the parameter cal_AdcNegThreshold and cal_AdcPosThreshold so that the threshold can be set through a parameter Previously it was hardcoded.
- Mar 28, 2017
hallc-online authored
Main purposes: 1) Add the possibility of multiple ADC hits per channel and select best ADC by a time window. 2) Change ProcessHits method in ShowerPlane and ShowerArray to only fill "raw" TClonesArrays. 3) Add CoarseProcessHits method to ShowerPlane and ShowerArray to fill the "good" data arrays from call in THcShower:CoarseProcess 4) Moved code to fill Track object with energy from FineProcess to CoarseProcess so that the Track->Get(Energy) can be used by other detectors in their FineProcess. 5) FineProcess loops over Track object add gets Track energy 6) Add AdcErrorFlag TClonesArray to be filled to check for problems with FADC THcShower.h 1) Add methods GetADCMode(),GetAdcTimeWindowMin(),GetAdcTimeWindowMax() so that the ShowerPlane can access these parameters 2) Add parameters ADCMode,fAdcTimeWindowMin,fAdcTimeWindowMax 3) Add variables fNclustTrack : NUmber of cluster that matches best track fXclustTrack : X pos of cluster that matches best track fXTrack : X pos of best track that matches cluster fEtrack : Cluster energy associated with best track fEtrackNorm : Cluster energy/Track momentum associated with best track THcShower.cxx 1) Add calls to THcShowerPlane and THcShowerArray CoarseProcessHits in CoarseProcess 2) Moved filling of Energy in Track object to CoarseProcess 3) In FineProcess get the "best" Track object and match Track energy and trajectory to cluster. THcShowerArray.h and cxx 1)add parameters fADCMode, fAdcTimeWindowMin and fAdcTimeWindowMax 2) Add method CoarseProcessHits 3) In ProcessHits fill fPosThresh and fNegThresh with a fix value of 250 integrated channels above pedestal. Need to make this a parameter. THcShowerPlane.h and cxx 1)Gets fADCMode, fAdcTimeWindowMin and fAdcTimeWindowMax from THcShower 2) Add method CoarseProcessHits 3) In ProcessHits fill fPosThresh and fNegThresh with a fix value of 250 integrated channels above pedestal. Need to make this a parameter.
- Mar 07, 2017
hallc-online authored
- Jan 13, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Jure Bericic authored
- Added new leafs to the hodoscope tree. - Added new leafs to the aerogel tree. - Added new leafs to cerenkov tree. - Added new leafs to the shower tree. Left all the old leafs in there. Will need a careful cleanup...
- Dec 15, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
- Mar 23, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jan 25, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
This is to match the class name defined in those files Also add THcShowerHit to the Makefile
- Jan 15, 2016
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Jan 10, 2016
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Jan 09, 2016
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Jan 06, 2016
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
THcShowerHitClass.h file.
- Jan 01, 2016
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
fly's eye part.
- Dec 29, 2015
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Dec 16, 2015
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Dec 11, 2015
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Dec 06, 2015
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
from SHMS shower counter. Make THcShowerArray a friend class to THcShower in order to have access to the debug flags.
- Nov 04, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
Enable by defining HITPIC in THcShowerArray.h
Stephen A. Wood authored
GetData accepts a pedestal range and an integration range. Samples in the integration range are added after subtracting the average of the pedestal range from each sample. Method also provided to return dynamic pedestal
- Oct 14, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
Added as an optional sub detector THcShowerArray to the THcShower class Get hit data with GetData method instead of hit member variables so as to be compatible with FADC compatible hit list