Carlos Yero authored
Add "Good" variables to calorimeter class occupancies and multiplicities required to pass time and threshold cut Change some variables from arrays to vectors Modify how thresholds are calculated Remove obsolete variables: posadchits, negadchits Add flash adc debug flag Correctly delete pointers in destructor
Carlos Yero authoredAdd "Good" variables to calorimeter class occupancies and multiplicities required to pass time and threshold cut Change some variables from arrays to vectors Modify how thresholds are calculated Remove obsolete variables: posadchits, negadchits Add flash adc debug flag Correctly delete pointers in destructor
THcShowerArray.h 5.96 KiB
#ifndef ROOT_THcShowerArray
#define ROOT_THcShowerArray
//#define HITPIC 1
#ifdef HITPIC
#define NPERLINE 5
// THcShowerArray
// A Hall C Fly's Eye Shower Array
// Subdetector for the fly's eye part of the SHMS shower counter.
#include "THaSubDetector.h"
#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "THcShowerHit.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
class THaEvData;
class THaSignalHit;
class THcShowerArray : public THaSubDetector {
THcShowerArray( const char* name, const char* description,
Int_t planenum, THaDetectorBase* parent = NULL);
virtual ~THcShowerArray();
virtual void Clear( Option_t* opt="" );
virtual Int_t Decode( const THaEvData& );
virtual EStatus Init( const TDatime& run_time );
virtual Int_t CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks );
virtual Int_t FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks );
Bool_t IsTracking() { return kFALSE; }
virtual Bool_t IsPid() { return kFALSE; }
virtual Int_t ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit);
virtual Int_t CoarseProcessHits();
virtual Int_t AccumulatePedestals(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit);
virtual void CalculatePedestals( );
virtual void InitializePedestals( );
virtual void FillADC_DynamicPedestal( );
virtual void FillADC_SampleIntegral( );
virtual void FillADC_SampIntDynPed( );
virtual void FillADC_Standard( );
// Cluster to track association method.
Int_t MatchCluster(THaTrack*, Double_t&, Double_t&);
// Get total energy deposited in the cluster matched to the given
// spectrometer Track.
Float_t GetShEnergy(THaTrack*);
Double_t GetClMaxEnergyBlock() {
return fMatchClMaxEnergyBlock;
Double_t GetClSize() {
return fClustSize;
Double_t GetClX() {
return fMatchClX;
Double_t GetClY() {
return fMatchClY;
// Double_t fSpacing; not used
// TClonesArray* fParentHitList; not used
Double_t GetEarray() {
return fEarray;
// Fiducial volume limits.
Double_t fvXmin();
Double_t fvYmax();
Double_t fvXmax();
Double_t fvYmin();
Double_t clMaxEnergyBlock(THcShowerCluster* cluster);
#ifdef HITPIC
char **hitpic;
Int_t piccolumn;
//counting variables
Int_t fTotNumAdcHits; // Total number of ADC hits
Int_t fTotNumGoodAdcHits; // Total number of good ADC hits (pass threshold)
vector<Int_t> fNumGoodAdcHits; // shower good occupancy
vector<Double_t> fGoodAdcPulseIntRaw; // [fNelem] Good Raw ADC pulse Integrals of blocks
vector<Double_t> fGoodAdcPed; // [fNelem] Event by event (FADC) good pulse pedestals
vector<Double_t> fGoodAdcPulseInt; // [fNelem] good pedestal subtracted pulse integrals
vector<Double_t> fGoodAdcPulseAmp;
vector<Double_t> fGoodAdcPulseTime;
vector<Double_t> fE; //[fNelem] energy deposition in shower blocks
Int_t* fBlock_ClusterID; // [fNelem] Cluster ID of the block -1 then not in a cluster
Double_t fEarray; // Total Energy deposition in the array.
TClonesArray* fADCHits; // List of ADC hits
// Parameters
UInt_t fNRows;
UInt_t fNColumns;
Double_t fXFront; // Front position X
Double_t fYFront; // Front position Y
Double_t fZFront; // Front position Z, from FP
Double_t fXStep; // distance btw centers of blocks along X
Double_t fYStep; // distance btw centers of blocks along Y
Double_t fZSize; // Block size along Z
Double_t** fXPos; // block X coordinates
Double_t** fYPos; // block Y coordinates
Double_t** fZPos; // block Z coordinates
Int_t fUsingFADC; // != 0 if using FADC in sample mode
Int_t fADCMode; //
// 1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
// 2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
// 3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
static const Int_t kADCStandard=0;
static const Int_t kADCDynamicPedestal=1;
static const Int_t kADCSampleIntegral=2;
static const Int_t kADCSampIntDynPed=3;
Double_t fAdcTimeWindowMin ;
Double_t fAdcTimeWindowMax ;
Double_t fAdcThreshold ;
Int_t fDebugAdc;
Int_t fPedSampLow; // Sample range for
Int_t fPedSampHigh; // dynamic pedestal
Int_t fDataSampLow; // Sample range for
Int_t fDataSampHigh; // sample integration
Int_t fLayerNum; // 2 for SHMS
// Accumulators for pedestals go here
Int_t fNPedestalEvents; /* Pedestal event counter */
Int_t fMinPeds; /* Only analyze/update if num events > */
// 2D arrays
Int_t *fPedSum; /* Accumulators for pedestals */
Int_t *fPedSum2;
Int_t *fPedLimit; // Analyze pedestal if ADC signal < PedLimit
Int_t *fPedCount; // [fNelem] counter of pedestal analysis
Float_t *fPed; // [fNelem] pedestal positions
Float_t *fSig; // [fNelem] pedestal rms-s
Float_t *fThresh; // [fNelem] ADC thresholds
Double_t* fGain; // [fNelem] Gain constants from calibration
Int_t fNclust; // Number of hit clusters
Int_t fNtracks; // Number of shower tracks, i.e. number of
// cluster-to-track associations
Double_t fMatchClX;
Double_t fMatchClY;
Double_t fMatchClMaxEnergyBlock;
Double_t fClustSize;
THcShowerClusterList* fClusterList; // List of hit clusters
TClonesArray* frAdcPedRaw;
TClonesArray* frAdcErrorFlag;
TClonesArray* frAdcPulseIntRaw;
TClonesArray* frAdcPulseAmpRaw;
TClonesArray* frAdcPulseTimeRaw;
TClonesArray* frAdcPed;
TClonesArray* frAdcPulseInt;
TClonesArray* frAdcPulseAmp;
virtual Int_t ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date );
virtual Int_t DefineVariables( EMode mode = kDefine );
ClassDef(THcShowerArray,0); // Fly;s Eye calorimeter array