- Oct 05, 2018
Mark Jones authored
Added TClonesArray* fRawHits which an array of THcDCHit object for all hits in the drift chamber. This is filled during Process method. Added tree variable raw.wirenum whihc is array of wire numbers for all hits in the drift chamber.
- Sep 17, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
Determine readout side in THcDriftChamberPlane at initialization time.
- Sep 07, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Aug 26, 2018
Carlos Yero authored
1) THcDCWire.h a) added sigma to THcDCWire constructor which fills fSigmaWire b) added GetSimga method c) added SetSigma method 2) THcDCHit.h a) Added GetWireSigma method 3) THcDriftChamberPlane.h a) Added flag fUsingSigmaPerWire b) Added array fSigmaWire 4) THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx a) In ReadDatabase, set fUsingSigmaPerWire=0 by default with reading of parameter h_using_sigma_per_wire optional for setting fUsingSigmaPerWire. b) If fUsingSigmaPerWire=0 then sets all wires in array fSigmaWire to fSigma ( which is the simga per plane). c) If fUsingSigmaPerWire=1 then reads in the sigma per wire from a parameter file. d) Used new THcDCWire constructor to set the sigma for wire to fSigmaWire[nwire] e) Also change code so that the tzero offset is set in the THcDCWire constructor f) In ProcessHits , use wire->GetTOffSet instead of the fTzeroWire array when setting the time. 5) THcDC.cxx a) In TrackFit, replace fSigma with hit->GetWireSigma()
- Aug 08, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
Add doxygen groups "Apparatuses" and "Decoders" Make sure every class is in a group Make sure most classes have a \brief description Improve comments for some classes including THcHallCSpectrometer and hodoscope classes Change some Doxyfile defaults. Include sources files.
- Jul 17, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Apr 16, 2018
hallc-online authored
Add call ConvertTimeToDist in SubtractStartTime method
hallc-online authored
THcDriftChamberPlane 1) Remove subtraction of hodoscope starttime from ProcessHits which is called by THcDC::Decode. The hodoscope start time is determined in hodoscope Decode which is called after THcDC::Decode. So drift chamber was using the starttime from the previous event. 2) Create method SubtractStartTime which is called by THcDC:CoarseTrack THcDriftChamber 1) Move fChambers[ic]->ProcessHits() to CoarseTrack 2) Before looping through fChambers[ic]->ProcessHits() in CoarseTrack loop through all planes and call fPlanes[ip]->SubtractStartTime()
- Nov 30, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Add rawnorefcorrtime to THcDCHit which is the TDC raw without the reference time subtraction. Add variable rawnorefcorrtdc in THcDriftChamberPlane::DefineVariables Modify THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits to call GetRawTdcHit().GetTimeRaw and call THcDCHit with new extra argument for raw time without reference time subtraction.
- Nov 02, 2017
Holly Szumila authored
- Oct 09, 2017
Holly Szumila authored
1) Add X,Y offsets parameter for each plane, instead of X,Y offset per chamber 2) ModifyTHcDriftChamber::CorrectHitTimes to work with SHMS chambers 3) Add GetReadoutSide method to THcDCHit class.
- Jul 28, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
- Jun 15, 2017
Abishek Karki authored
- May 01, 2017
hallc-online authored
Main purpose is to calculate the DC efficiency per wire using the track information of the golden track. THcDC.h ----------- 1) add method EfficiciencyPerWire 2) Add variables fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should THcDC.cxx ------------ 1) fWire_hit_did and fWire_hit_should are fixed length arrays the size of NPlanes that in set in method Init 2) Add variables wireHitDid and wireHitShould to the tree 3) In method SetFocalPlaneBestTrack add call to EfficiencyPerWire method 4) added EfficiencyPerWire method which loops over the hits and compares the wire number for the hit to the the track position at the plane (convert back to wire number). Then fills fWire_hit_did with the wire number if equal to the wire position of the hit equals the track. Also does loop over all planes and fills fWire_hit_should with the wire number of the track in each plane. THcDriftChamberPlane.h and cxx --------------------- 1) Added method CalcWireFromPos
- Apr 18, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Apr 17, 2017
hallc-online authored
Main purpose was to have option for per wire tzero offsets Modified THcDriftChamberPlane.h ------------------------------ 1) added fUsingTzeroPerWire as parameter flag to switch on per wire tzero offsets when parameter equals 1 2) fTzeroWire is array of tzero offsets for each wire in plane Modified THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx ------------------------------ 1) THcDriftChamberPlane::ReadDatabase a)set a default value of fUsingTzeroPerWire=0 b)added to DBRequest list option to read in fUsingTzeroPerWire c) if fUsingTzeroPerWire=1 then separate DBRequest to read in fTzeroWire d) if fUsingTzeroPerWire=0 then all fTzeroWire=0 2) THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits ------------------------------------ a) Modify calcualation of drift time to subtract fTzeroWire Double_t time = -StartTime- rawtdc*fNSperChan + fPlaneTimeZero - fTzeroWire[wireNum-1];
- Feb 09, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Applied changes in several files to reflect this. Minor fix in `THcRawHodoHit`.
- Dec 15, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
- Nov 06, 2016
Mark Jones authored
in THcDrifthChamberPlane::DefineVariable and output.def
- Sep 29, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Sep 28, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Separate methods for ref time subtracted and raw hits
- May 18, 2016
Mark Jones authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- May 12, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Dec 02, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
Base class THcRawHit has null GetReference method. Returns zero. THcRawDCHit will get the reference time if it was specified in the map file. It is up to the detector class to use the reference time to subtract off pipeline TDC jitter.
- Mar 10, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
Modify THcFormula and THcParmList to match changes to THaFormula (needed for reports) Small changes in THcInterface and detector classes for compatibility with new OO decoder and podd 1.6
- Jan 16, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
For the most part this is making sure that the loop variable in a for loop is of the same type as the variable that it is compared against (Often a UInt_t).
- Jan 14, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
This reverts commit e9ce1040. Conflicts: src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
- Jan 08, 2015
Stephen A. Wood authored
For the most part this is making sure that the loop variable in a for loop is of the same type as the variable that it is compared against (Often a UInt_t).
- Sep 10, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Aug 28, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jul 30, 2014
Jonathan Stelzleni authored
In tree they are called tnhit and trawhit. Created two new variables for THcDriftChamber, fNthits and fN_True_RawHits. In tree they are called tnhit and trawhit. THcDC defined subdetector THcDriftChamber to have name Ch1 and Ch2 to do used in the tree. THcDriftChamberPlane defined new method GetNRawhits to return fNRawhits for each plane. Added member fNRawhits to THcDriftChamberPlane
- Nov 15, 2013
Edward Brash authored
These were related to a) scope of some variable declarations, and b) use of pre-increment vs. post-increment of non-primitive types (this has a slight performance hit due to the way that pre- vs. post-increment operators are overloaded in C++. Also cleaned up a few places where initialized variables were not being used.
- Nov 08, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Clone some DC tests from ENGINE test files to podd style cuts. Make changes to source code to support these tests. Correct hits in plane line in example report file.
- Oct 07, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jun 20, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Uses ROOT matrix math instead of solve_four_by_four Nothing is done with found tracks yet. Will need to stuff these into podd style tracks. (Or a class inherited from podd style tracks.) Residuals not saved anywhere Single stub mode not yet implemented No printing out of trackfit results (hdebugtrackprint)
- Jun 11, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Compiles and doesn't crash.
- May 30, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
THcDriftChamber::SpacePoint -> THcSpacePoint That way space points can be put in a TClonesArray and be made known to THcDC when stub information is added.
- May 15, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
- May 01, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored