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Commit a32d5c48 authored by Ak1508's avatar Ak1508 Committed by Stephen A. Wood
Browse files

Good Hodo variables.

   Added to THcScintillatorPlane.h
   Initialize and clear in THcScintillatorPlane.cxx
Add raw multiplicities for ADCs and TDCs
parent 30053c69
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......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ THcScintillatorPlane::THcScintillatorPlane( const char* name,
fPlaneNum = planenum;
fTotPlanes = planenum;
fNScinHits = 0;
fpTimes = new Double_t [fMaxHits];
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
cout << " cosmic flag = " << fCosmicFlag << endl;
// fetch the parameter from the temporary list
// Retrieve parameters we need from parent class
// Retrieve parameters we need from parent class
// Common for all planes
fAdcTimeWindowMin = ((THcHodoscope*) GetParent())->GetAdcTimeWindowMin(fPlaneNum-1);
fAdcTimeWindowMax = ((THcHodoscope*) GetParent())->GetAdcTimeWindowMax(fPlaneNum-1);
......@@ -306,6 +306,29 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
// Create arrays to hold results here
fNumGoodPosAdcHits = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fNumGoodNegAdcHits = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fNumGoodPosTdcHits = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fNumGoodNegTdcHits = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodPosAdcPed = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodNegAdcPed = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodPosAdcPulseAmp = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodNegAdcPulseAmp = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodPosAdcPulseInt = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodNegAdcPulseInt = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodPosAdcPulseTime = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodNegAdcPulseTime = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodPosTdcChan = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodNegTdcChan = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodPosTdcTimeCorr = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodNegTdcTimeCorr = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
fGoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
return kOK;
......@@ -324,10 +347,10 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
{"posAdcErrorFlag", "Error Flag for When FPGA Fails", "frPosAdcErrorFlag.THcSignalHit.GetData()"},
{"negAdcErrorFlag", "Error Flag for When FPGA Fails", "frNegAdcErrorFlag.THcSignalHit.GetData()"},
{"posTdcCounter", "List of positive TDC counter numbers.", "frPosTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
{"posAdcCounter", "List of positive ADC counter numbers.", "frPosAdcPulseIntRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
{"negTdcCounter", "List of negative TDC counter numbers.", "frNegTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
{"negAdcCounter", "List of negative ADC counter numbers.", "frNegAdcPulseIntRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
{"posTdcCounter", "List of positive TDC counter numbers.", "frPosTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"}, //Hodo+ raw TDC occupancy
{"posAdcCounter", "List of positive ADC counter numbers.", "frPosAdcPulseIntRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"}, //Hodo+ raw ADC occupancy
{"negTdcCounter", "List of negative TDC counter numbers.", "frNegTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"}, //Hodo- raw TDC occupancy
{"negAdcCounter", "List of negative ADC counter numbers.", "frNegAdcPulseIntRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"}, //Hodo- raw ADC occupancy
{"posTdcTimeRaw", "List of positive raw TDC values.", "frPosTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetData()"},
{"posAdcPedRaw", "List of positive raw ADC pedestals", "frPosAdcPedRaw.THcSignalHit.GetData()"},
......@@ -355,23 +378,38 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
// {"nhits", "Number of paddle hits (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "GetNScinHits() "},
{"totNumPosAdcHits", "Total Number of Positive ADC Hits", "fTotNumPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ raw ADC multiplicity
{"totNumNegAdcHits", "Total Number of Negative ADC Hits", "fTotNumNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- raw ADC multiplicity
{"totnumAdcHits", "Total Number of ADC Hits Per PMT", "fTotNumAdcHits"}, // Hodo raw ADC multiplicity
{"totNumPosAdcHits", "Total Number of Positive ADC Hits", "fTotNumPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ raw ADC multiplicity Int_t
{"totNumNegAdcHits", "Total Number of Negative ADC Hits", "fTotNumNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- raw ADC multiplicity ""
{"totNumAdcHits", "Total Number of PMTs Hit (as measured by ADCs)", "fTotNumAdcHits"}, // Hodo raw ADC multiplicity ""
{"totNumPosTdcHits", "Total Number of Positive TDC Hits", "fTotNumPosTdcHits"}, // Hodo+ raw TDC multiplicity ""
{"totNumNegTdcHits", "Total Number of Negative TDC Hits", "fTotNumNegTdcHits"}, // Hodo- raw TDC multiplicity ""
{"totNumTdcHits", "Total Number of PMTs Hits (as measured by TDCs)", "fTotNumTdcHits"}, // Hodo raw TDC multiplicity ""
{"numGoodPosAdcHits", "Number of Good Positive ADC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good ADC occupancy - vector<Int_t>
{"numGoodNegAdcHits", "Number of Good Negative ADC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- good ADC occupancy - vector <Int_t>
{"numGoodPosTdcHits", "Number of Good Positive TDC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodPosTdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good TDC occupancy - vector<Int_t>
{"numGoodNegTdcHits", "Number of Good Negative TDC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodNegTdcHits"}, // Hodo- good TDC occupancy - vector <Int_t>
{"totNumGoodPosAdcHits", "Total Number of Good Positive ADC Hits", "fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good ADC multiplicity - Int_t
{"totNumGoodNegAdcHits", "Total Number of Good Negative ADC Hits", "fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- good ADC multiplicity - Int_t
{"totNumGoodAdcHits", "TotalNumber of Good ADC Hits Per PMT", "fTotNumGoodAdcHits"}, // Hodo good ADC multiplicity - Int_t
{"totNumGoodPosTdcHits", "Total Number of Good Positive TDC Hits", "fTotNumGoodPosTdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good TDC multiplicity - Int_t
{"totNumGoodNegTdcHits", "Total Number of Good Negative TDC Hits", "fTotNumGoodNegTdcHits"}, // Hodo- good TDC multiplicity - Int_t
{"totNumGoodTdcHits", "TotalNumber of Good TDC Hits Per PMT", "fTotNumGoodTdcHits"}, // Hodo good TDC multiplicity - Int_t
{"numGoodPosAdcHits", "Number of Good Positive ADC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good ADC occupancy
{"numGoodNegAdcHits", "Number of Good Negative ADC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- good ADC occupancy
{"totNumGoodPosAdcHits", "Total Number of Good Positive ADC Hits", "fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good ADC multiplicity
{"totNumGoodNegAdcHits", "Total Number of Good Negative ADC Hits", "fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- good ADC multiplicity
{"totNumGoodAdcHits", "TotalNumber of Good ADC Hits Per PMT", "fTotNumGoodAdcHits"}, // Hodo good ADC multiplicity
// {"GoodPaddle", "List of Paddle Numbers (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "fHodoHits.THcHodoHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
{"GoodPosAdcPed", "List of Positive ADC pedestals (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "fGoodPosAdcPed"},
{"GoodNegAdcPed", "List of Negative ADC pedestals (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "fGoodNegAdcPed"},
{"GoodPosAdcPed", "List of Positive ADC pedestals (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "fGoodPosAdcPed"}, //vector<Double_t>
{"GoodNegAdcPed", "List of Negative ADC pedestals (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "fGoodNegAdcPed"}, //vector<Double_t>
{"GoodNegTdcChan", "List of negative TDC values (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "fGoodNegTdcChan"},
{"GoodNegTdcChan", "List of negative TDC values (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "fGoodNegTdcChan"}, //Units ns
{"GoodNegTdcTimeCorr", "List of negative corrected TDC values (corrected for PMT offset and ADC)", "fGoodNegTdcTimeCorr"},
{"GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr", "List of negative corrected TDC values (corrected for TOF)", "fGoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr"},
{"GoodNegAdcPulseInt", "List of negative ADC values (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)", "fGoodNegAdcPulseInt"},
......@@ -430,6 +468,63 @@ void THcScintillatorPlane::Clear( Option_t* )
//Clear multiplicities
fTotNumPosAdcHits = 0;
fTotNumNegAdcHits = 0;
fTotNumAdcHits = 0;
fTotNumPosTdcHits = 0;
fTotNumNegTdcHits = 0;
fTotNumTdcHits = 0;
fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits = 0;
fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits = 0;
fTotNumGoodAdcHits = 0;
fTotNumGoodPosTdcHits = 0;
fTotNumGoodNegTdcHits = 0;
fTotNumGoodTdcHits = 0;
//Clear occupancies
for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodPosAdcHits.size(); ielem++) = 0;
for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodNegAdcHits.size(); ielem++) = 0;
for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodPosTdcHits.size(); ielem++) = 0;
for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodNegTdcHits.size(); ielem++) = 0;
//Clear Ped/Amps/Int/Time
for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fGoodPosAdcPed.size(); ielem++) { = 0.0; = 0.0; = 0.0; = 0.0;
for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fGoodNegAdcPed.size(); ielem++) { = 0.0; = 0.0; = 0.0; = 0.0;
//Clear Good TDC Variables
for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fGoodPosTdcChan.size(); ielem++) { = 0.0; = 0.0; = 0.0;
for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fGoodNegTdcChan.size(); ielem++) { = 0.0; = 0.0; = 0.0;
fpTime = -1.e4;
......@@ -554,12 +649,16 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
((THcSignalHit*) frPosTdcTimeRaw->ConstructedAt(nrPosTdcHits))->Set(padnum, rawPosTdcHit.GetTimeRaw(thit));
((THcSignalHit*) frPosTdcTime->ConstructedAt(nrPosTdcHits))->Set(padnum, rawPosTdcHit.GetTime(thit));
THcRawTdcHit& rawNegTdcHit = hit->GetRawTdcHitNeg();
for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawNegTdcHit.GetNHits(); ++thit) {
((THcSignalHit*) frNegTdcTimeRaw->ConstructedAt(nrNegTdcHits))->Set(padnum, rawNegTdcHit.GetTimeRaw(thit));
((THcSignalHit*) frNegTdcTime->ConstructedAt(nrNegTdcHits))->Set(padnum, rawNegTdcHit.GetTime(thit));
THcRawAdcHit& rawPosAdcHit = hit->GetRawAdcHitPos();
for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawPosAdcHit.GetNPulses(); ++thit) {
......@@ -578,6 +677,8 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
if (rawPosAdcHit.GetPulseAmpRaw(thit) <= 0) ((THcSignalHit*) frPosAdcErrorFlag->ConstructedAt(nrPosAdcHits))->Set(padnum, 1);
THcRawAdcHit& rawNegAdcHit = hit->GetRawAdcHitNeg();
for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawNegAdcHit.GetNPulses(); ++thit) {
......@@ -596,7 +697,9 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
if (rawNegAdcHit.GetPulseAmpRaw(thit) <= 0) ((THcSignalHit*) frNegAdcErrorFlag->ConstructedAt(nrNegAdcHits))->Set(padnum, 1);
// Need to be finding first hit in TDC range, not the first hit overall
if (hit->GetRawTdcHitPos().GetNHits() > 0)
......@@ -780,9 +883,9 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
// cout << fNScinHits<< " " << timec_pos << " " << timec_neg << endl;
((THcHodoHit*) fHodoHits->At(fNScinHits))->SetPaddleCenter(fPosCenter[index]);
((THcHodoHit*) fHodoHits->At(fNScinHits))->SetCorrectedTimes(timec_pos,timec_neg,
postime, negtime,
((THcHodoHit*) fHodoHits->At(fNScinHits))->SetPaddleCenter(fPosCenter[index]);
((THcHodoHit*) fHodoHits->At(fNScinHits))->SetCorrectedTimes(timec_pos,timec_neg, //set values for f(Pos/Neg)CorrectedTime and f(Pos/Neg)TOFCorrectedTime
postime, negtime, //given that tdc_pos && tdc_neg is within the tdcTimeWindow
} else {
Double_t timec_pos,timec_neg;
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
#include "THaSubDetector.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
using namespace std;
class THaEvData;
class THaSignalHit;
......@@ -99,6 +101,54 @@ class THcScintillatorPlane : public THaSubDetector {
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseInt;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseAmp;
//Hodoscopes Multiplicities
Int_t fTotNumPosAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumNegAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumPosTdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumNegTdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumTdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodPosTdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodNegTdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodTdcHits;
//Hodoscope "GOOD" Occupancies
vector<Int_t> fNumGoodPosAdcHits;
vector<Int_t> fNumGoodNegAdcHits;
vector<Int_t> fNumGoodPosTdcHits;
vector<Int_t> fNumGoodNegTdcHits;
//Hodoscopoe "GOOD" ADC Ped/Amps/Ints/Time
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPed;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPed;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPulseAmp;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPulseAmp;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPulseInt;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPulseInt;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPulseTime;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPulseTime;
//Hodoscopoe "GOOD" TDC Variables
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosTdcChan;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosTdcTimeCorr;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegTdcChan;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegTdcTimeCorr;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr;
Int_t fCosmicFlag; //
Int_t fPlaneNum; /* Which plane am I 1-4 */
UInt_t fTotPlanes; /* so we can read variables that are not indexed by plane id */
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