diff --git a/src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx b/src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx
index 94682cd71b5ca4cdf02177e34cd9117133280e52..ffdb47942140056050cf3338127de77c283d1089 100644
--- a/src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx
+++ b/src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ THcScintillatorPlane::THcScintillatorPlane( const char* name,
   fPlaneNum = planenum;
   fTotPlanes = planenum;
   fNScinHits = 0;
-  //
   fpTimes = new Double_t [fMaxHits];
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   cout << " cosmic flag = " << fCosmicFlag << endl;
  // fetch the parameter from the temporary list
-  // Retrieve parameters we need from parent class
+ // Retrieve parameters we need from parent class
   // Common for all planes
   fAdcTimeWindowMin = ((THcHodoscope*) GetParent())->GetAdcTimeWindowMin(fPlaneNum-1);
   fAdcTimeWindowMax = ((THcHodoscope*) GetParent())->GetAdcTimeWindowMax(fPlaneNum-1);
@@ -306,6 +306,29 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   // Create arrays to hold results here
+    fNumGoodPosAdcHits     = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fNumGoodNegAdcHits     = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fNumGoodPosTdcHits     = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fNumGoodNegTdcHits     = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodPosAdcPed         = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodNegAdcPed         = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodPosAdcPulseAmp    = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodNegAdcPulseAmp    = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodPosAdcPulseInt    = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodNegAdcPulseInt    = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodPosAdcPulseTime   = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodNegAdcPulseTime   = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodPosTdcChan        = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodNegTdcChan        = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodPosTdcTimeCorr    = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodNegTdcTimeCorr    = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
+    fGoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr = vector<Double_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
   return kOK;
@@ -324,10 +347,10 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
     {"posAdcErrorFlag", "Error Flag for When FPGA Fails", "frPosAdcErrorFlag.THcSignalHit.GetData()"},
     {"negAdcErrorFlag", "Error Flag for When FPGA Fails", "frNegAdcErrorFlag.THcSignalHit.GetData()"},
-    {"posTdcCounter", "List of positive TDC counter numbers.", "frPosTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
-    {"posAdcCounter", "List of positive ADC counter numbers.", "frPosAdcPulseIntRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
-    {"negTdcCounter", "List of negative TDC counter numbers.", "frNegTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
-    {"negAdcCounter", "List of negative ADC counter numbers.", "frNegAdcPulseIntRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
+    {"posTdcCounter", "List of positive TDC counter numbers.", "frPosTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},   //Hodo+ raw TDC occupancy
+    {"posAdcCounter", "List of positive ADC counter numbers.", "frPosAdcPulseIntRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"}, //Hodo+ raw ADC occupancy
+    {"negTdcCounter", "List of negative TDC counter numbers.", "frNegTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},     //Hodo- raw TDC occupancy
+    {"negAdcCounter", "List of negative ADC counter numbers.", "frNegAdcPulseIntRaw.THcSignalHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},  //Hodo- raw ADC occupancy
     {"posTdcTimeRaw",      "List of positive raw TDC values.",           "frPosTdcTimeRaw.THcSignalHit.GetData()"},
     {"posAdcPedRaw",       "List of positive raw ADC pedestals",         "frPosAdcPedRaw.THcSignalHit.GetData()"},
@@ -355,23 +378,38 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
     //    {"nhits", "Number of paddle hits (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",           "GetNScinHits() "},
-    {"totNumPosAdcHits", "Total Number of Positive ADC Hits",   "fTotNumPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ raw ADC multiplicity
-    {"totNumNegAdcHits", "Total Number of Negative ADC Hits",   "fTotNumNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- raw ADC multiplicity
-    {"totnumAdcHits",   "Total Number of ADC Hits Per PMT",      "fTotNumAdcHits"},    // Hodo raw ADC multiplicity
+    {"totNumPosAdcHits", "Total Number of Positive ADC Hits",   "fTotNumPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ raw ADC multiplicity Int_t
+    {"totNumNegAdcHits", "Total Number of Negative ADC Hits",   "fTotNumNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- raw ADC multiplicity  ""
+    {"totNumAdcHits",   "Total Number of PMTs Hit (as measured by ADCs)",      "fTotNumAdcHits"},    // Hodo raw ADC multiplicity  ""
+    {"totNumPosTdcHits", "Total Number of Positive TDC Hits",   "fTotNumPosTdcHits"}, // Hodo+ raw TDC multiplicity  ""
+    {"totNumNegTdcHits", "Total Number of Negative TDC Hits",   "fTotNumNegTdcHits"}, // Hodo- raw TDC multiplicity  ""
+    {"totNumTdcHits",   "Total Number of PMTs Hits (as measured by TDCs)",      "fTotNumTdcHits"},    // Hodo raw TDC multiplicity  ""
+    {"numGoodPosAdcHits",    "Number of Good Positive ADC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodPosAdcHits"},    // Hodo+ good ADC occupancy - vector<Int_t>
+    {"numGoodNegAdcHits",    "Number of Good Negative ADC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodNegAdcHits"},   // Hodo- good ADC occupancy - vector <Int_t>
+    {"numGoodPosTdcHits",    "Number of Good Positive TDC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodPosTdcHits"},    // Hodo+ good TDC occupancy - vector<Int_t>
+    {"numGoodNegTdcHits",    "Number of Good Negative TDC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodNegTdcHits"},   // Hodo- good TDC occupancy - vector <Int_t>
+    {"totNumGoodPosAdcHits", "Total Number of Good Positive ADC Hits",   "fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good ADC multiplicity - Int_t
+    {"totNumGoodNegAdcHits", "Total Number of Good Negative ADC Hits",   "fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- good ADC multiplicity - Int_t
+    {"totNumGoodAdcHits",   "TotalNumber of Good ADC Hits Per PMT",      "fTotNumGoodAdcHits"},    // Hodo good ADC multiplicity - Int_t
+    {"totNumGoodPosTdcHits", "Total Number of Good Positive TDC Hits",   "fTotNumGoodPosTdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good TDC multiplicity - Int_t
+    {"totNumGoodNegTdcHits", "Total Number of Good Negative TDC Hits",   "fTotNumGoodNegTdcHits"}, // Hodo- good TDC multiplicity - Int_t
+    {"totNumGoodTdcHits",   "TotalNumber of Good TDC Hits Per PMT",      "fTotNumGoodTdcHits"},    // Hodo good TDC multiplicity - Int_t
-    {"numGoodPosAdcHits",    "Number of Good Positive ADC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodPosAdcHits"},    // Hodo+ good ADC occupancy
-    {"numGoodNegAdcHits",    "Number of Good Negative ADC Hits Per PMT", "fNumGoodNegAdcHits"},   // Hodo- good ADC occupancy
-    {"totNumGoodPosAdcHits", "Total Number of Good Positive ADC Hits",   "fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits"}, // Hodo+ good ADC multiplicity
-    {"totNumGoodNegAdcHits", "Total Number of Good Negative ADC Hits",   "fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits"}, // Hodo- good ADC multiplicity
-    {"totNumGoodAdcHits",   "TotalNumber of Good ADC Hits Per PMT",      "fTotNumGoodAdcHits"},    // Hodo good ADC multiplicity
     // {"GoodPaddle",         "List of Paddle Numbers (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",               "fHodoHits.THcHodoHit.GetPaddleNumber()"},
-    {"GoodPosAdcPed",  "List of Positive ADC pedestals (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",           "fGoodPosAdcPed"},
-    {"GoodNegAdcPed",  "List of Negative ADC pedestals (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",           "fGoodNegAdcPed"},
+    {"GoodPosAdcPed",  "List of Positive ADC pedestals (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",           "fGoodPosAdcPed"}, //vector<Double_t>
+    {"GoodNegAdcPed",  "List of Negative ADC pedestals (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",           "fGoodNegAdcPed"}, //vector<Double_t>
-    {"GoodNegTdcChan",         "List of negative TDC values (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",        "fGoodNegTdcChan"},
+    {"GoodNegTdcChan",         "List of negative TDC values (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",        "fGoodNegTdcChan"},  //Units ns
     {"GoodNegTdcTimeCorr",         "List of negative corrected TDC values (corrected for PMT offset and ADC)",           "fGoodNegTdcTimeCorr"},
     {"GoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr",         "List of negative corrected TDC values (corrected for TOF)",                       "fGoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr"},
     {"GoodNegAdcPulseInt",         "List of negative ADC values (passed TDC && ADC Min and Max cuts for either end)",    "fGoodNegAdcPulseInt"},
@@ -430,6 +468,63 @@ void THcScintillatorPlane::Clear( Option_t* )
+  //Clear multiplicities  
+   fTotNumPosAdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumNegAdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumAdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumPosTdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumNegTdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumTdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumGoodAdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumGoodPosTdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumGoodNegTdcHits = 0;
+   fTotNumGoodTdcHits = 0;
+   //Clear occupancies
+   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodPosAdcHits.size(); ielem++)
+    fNumGoodPosAdcHits.at(ielem) = 0;
+   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodNegAdcHits.size(); ielem++)
+    fNumGoodNegAdcHits.at(ielem) = 0;
+   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodPosTdcHits.size(); ielem++)
+    fNumGoodPosTdcHits.at(ielem) = 0;
+   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodNegTdcHits.size(); ielem++)
+    fNumGoodNegTdcHits.at(ielem) = 0;
+   //Clear Ped/Amps/Int/Time
+   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fGoodPosAdcPed.size(); ielem++) {
+     fGoodPosAdcPed.at(ielem)         = 0.0;
+     fGoodPosAdcPulseInt.at(ielem)    = 0.0;
+     fGoodPosAdcPulseAmp.at(ielem)    = 0.0;
+     fGoodPosAdcPulseTime.at(ielem)   = 0.0;
+   }
+   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fGoodNegAdcPed.size(); ielem++) {
+     fGoodNegAdcPed.at(ielem)         = 0.0;
+     fGoodNegAdcPulseInt.at(ielem)    = 0.0;
+     fGoodNegAdcPulseAmp.at(ielem)    = 0.0;
+     fGoodNegAdcPulseTime.at(ielem)   = 0.0;
+   }
+   //Clear Good TDC Variables
+   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fGoodPosTdcChan.size(); ielem++) {
+     fGoodPosTdcChan.at(ielem)          = 0.0;
+     fGoodPosTdcTimeCorr.at(ielem)      = 0.0;
+     fGoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr.at(ielem)   = 0.0;
+   }
+   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fGoodNegTdcChan.size(); ielem++) {
+     fGoodNegTdcChan.at(ielem)          = 0.0;
+     fGoodNegTdcTimeCorr.at(ielem)      = 0.0;
+     fGoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr.at(ielem)   = 0.0;
+   }
   fpTime = -1.e4;
@@ -554,12 +649,16 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
       ((THcSignalHit*) frPosTdcTimeRaw->ConstructedAt(nrPosTdcHits))->Set(padnum, rawPosTdcHit.GetTimeRaw(thit));
       ((THcSignalHit*) frPosTdcTime->ConstructedAt(nrPosTdcHits))->Set(padnum, rawPosTdcHit.GetTime(thit));
+      fTotNumTdcHits++;
+      fTotNumPosTdcHits++;
     THcRawTdcHit& rawNegTdcHit = hit->GetRawTdcHitNeg();
     for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawNegTdcHit.GetNHits(); ++thit) {
       ((THcSignalHit*) frNegTdcTimeRaw->ConstructedAt(nrNegTdcHits))->Set(padnum, rawNegTdcHit.GetTimeRaw(thit));
       ((THcSignalHit*) frNegTdcTime->ConstructedAt(nrNegTdcHits))->Set(padnum, rawNegTdcHit.GetTime(thit));
+      fTotNumTdcHits++;
+      fTotNumNegTdcHits++;
     THcRawAdcHit& rawPosAdcHit = hit->GetRawAdcHitPos();
     for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawPosAdcHit.GetNPulses(); ++thit) {
@@ -578,6 +677,8 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
       if (rawPosAdcHit.GetPulseAmpRaw(thit) <= 0) ((THcSignalHit*) frPosAdcErrorFlag->ConstructedAt(nrPosAdcHits))->Set(padnum, 1);
+      fTotNumAdcHits++;
+      fTotNumPosAdcHits++;
     THcRawAdcHit& rawNegAdcHit = hit->GetRawAdcHitNeg();
     for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawNegAdcHit.GetNPulses(); ++thit) {
@@ -596,7 +697,9 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
       if (rawNegAdcHit.GetPulseAmpRaw(thit) <= 0) ((THcSignalHit*) frNegAdcErrorFlag->ConstructedAt(nrNegAdcHits))->Set(padnum, 1);
-    }
+      fTotNumAdcHits++;
+      fTotNumNegAdcHits++;
+  }
     // Need to be finding first hit in TDC range, not the first hit overall
     if (hit->GetRawTdcHitPos().GetNHits() > 0)
@@ -780,9 +883,9 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
 	//        cout << fNScinHits<< " " << timec_pos << " " << timec_neg << endl;
-        ((THcHodoHit*) fHodoHits->At(fNScinHits))->SetPaddleCenter(fPosCenter[index]);
-	((THcHodoHit*) fHodoHits->At(fNScinHits))->SetCorrectedTimes(timec_pos,timec_neg,
-								     postime, negtime,
+        ((THcHodoHit*) fHodoHits->At(fNScinHits))->SetPaddleCenter(fPosCenter[index]);             
+	((THcHodoHit*) fHodoHits->At(fNScinHits))->SetCorrectedTimes(timec_pos,timec_neg,          //set values for f(Pos/Neg)CorrectedTime and f(Pos/Neg)TOFCorrectedTime  
+								     postime, negtime,             //given that tdc_pos && tdc_neg is within the tdcTimeWindow
       } else {
 	Double_t timec_pos,timec_neg;
diff --git a/src/THcScintillatorPlane.h b/src/THcScintillatorPlane.h
index ddecf7828a836ad699437862fba63d3e310db899..8924f2af0e3c5db2ec599db360f6710c25477f39 100644
--- a/src/THcScintillatorPlane.h
+++ b/src/THcScintillatorPlane.h
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 #include "THaSubDetector.h"
 #include "TClonesArray.h"
+using namespace std;
 class THaEvData;
 class THaSignalHit;
@@ -99,6 +101,54 @@ class THcScintillatorPlane : public THaSubDetector {
   TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseInt;
   TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseAmp;
+  //Hodoscopes Multiplicities
+  Int_t fTotNumPosAdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumNegAdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumAdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumPosTdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumNegTdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumTdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumGoodAdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumGoodPosTdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumGoodNegTdcHits;
+  Int_t fTotNumGoodTdcHits;
+  //Hodoscope "GOOD" Occupancies
+  vector<Int_t>    fNumGoodPosAdcHits;
+  vector<Int_t>    fNumGoodNegAdcHits;
+  vector<Int_t>    fNumGoodPosTdcHits;
+  vector<Int_t>    fNumGoodNegTdcHits;
+  //Hodoscopoe "GOOD" ADC Ped/Amps/Ints/Time
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodPosAdcPed;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodNegAdcPed;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodPosAdcPulseAmp;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodNegAdcPulseAmp;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodPosAdcPulseInt;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodNegAdcPulseInt;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodPosAdcPulseTime;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodNegAdcPulseTime;
+  //Hodoscopoe "GOOD" TDC Variables
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodPosTdcChan;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodPosTdcTimeCorr;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodPosTdcTimeTOFCorr;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodNegTdcChan;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodNegTdcTimeCorr;
+  vector<Double_t>  fGoodNegTdcTimeTOFCorr;
   Int_t fCosmicFlag; //
   Int_t fPlaneNum;		/* Which plane am I 1-4 */
   UInt_t fTotPlanes;            /* so we can read variables that are not indexed by plane id */