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THcDC.cxx 52.5 KiB
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Sylvester Joosten's avatar
Sylvester Joosten committed
        if (fdebuglinkstubs)
          cout << "EPIC FAIL 3:  Too many tracks found in THcDC::LinkStubs" << endl;
        fNDCTracks = 0;
        // Do something here to fail this event
        return; // Max # of allowed tracks
  if (fdebuglinkstubs) {
    cout << " Number of tracks from link stubs = " << fNDCTracks << endl;
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Sylvester Joosten committed
    printf("%s %s \n", "Track", "Plane Wire ");
    for (UInt_t itrack = 0; itrack < fNDCTracks; itrack++) {
      THcDCTrack* tempTrack = (THcDCTrack*)(fDCTracks->At(itrack));
      printf("%-5d  ", itrack + 1);
      for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < tempTrack->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
        THcDCHit* hit = (THcDCHit*)(tempTrack->GetHit(ihit));
        printf("%3d %3d", hit->GetPlaneNum(), hit->GetWireNum());
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Sylvester Joosten committed
void THcDC::TrackFit() {
     Primary track fitting routine

  // Number of ray parameters in focal plane.
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  const Int_t raycoeffmap[] = {4, 5, 2, 3};
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  for (UInt_t itrack = 0; itrack < fNDCTracks; itrack++) {
    //    Double_t chi2 = dummychi2;
    //    Int_t htrack_fit_num = itrack;
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    THcDCTrack* theDCTrack = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>(fDCTracks->At(itrack));

    Double_t coords[theDCTrack->GetNHits()];
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    Int_t    planes[theDCTrack->GetNHits()];
    for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
      THcDCHit* hit = theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
      planes[ihit]  = hit->GetPlaneNum() - 1;
      if (fFixLR) {
        if (fFixPropagationCorrection) {
          coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos() + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit) * theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
        } else {
          coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos() + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit) * hit->GetDist();
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Sylvester Joosten committed
        if (fFixPropagationCorrection) {
          coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos() + hit->GetLR() * theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
        } else {
          coords[ihit] = hit->GetCoord();
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Sylvester Joosten committed
    } // end loop over hits
    theDCTrack->SetNFree(theDCTrack->GetNHits() - NUM_FPRAY);
    Double_t chi2 = dummychi2;
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Sylvester Joosten committed
    if (theDCTrack->GetNFree() > 0) {
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Sylvester Joosten committed
      for (Int_t irayp = 0; irayp < NUM_FPRAY; irayp++) {
        TT[irayp] = 0.0;
        for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits(); ihit++) {

          THcDCHit* hit = theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);

          TT[irayp] += (coords[ihit] * fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]]) /
                       pow(hit->GetWireSigma(), 2);
          //	  if (hit->GetPlaneNum()==5)
          //	    {
          //	      //	cout << "Plane: " << hit->GetPlaneNum() << endl;
          //	      //cout << "Wire: " <<hit->GetWireNum() << endl;
          //	      //cout << "Sigma: " << hit->GetWireSigma() << endl;
          //	    }

        } // end hit loop
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Sylvester Joosten committed
      for (Int_t irayp = 0; irayp < NUM_FPRAY; irayp++) {
        for (Int_t jrayp = 0; jrayp < NUM_FPRAY; jrayp++) {
          AA[irayp][jrayp] = 0.0;
          if (jrayp < irayp) { // Symmetric
            AA[irayp][jrayp] = AA[jrayp][irayp];
          } else {
            for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits(); ihit++) {

              THcDCHit* hit = theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);

              AA[irayp][jrayp] += fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]] *
                                  fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[jrayp]] /
                                  pow(hit->GetWireSigma(), 2);

            } // end ihit loop
      // Solve 4x4 equations
      TVectorD dray(NUM_FPRAY);
      // Should check that it is invertable
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Sylvester Joosten committed
      dray = AA * TT;
      //      cout << "DRAY: " << dray[0] << " "<< dray[1] << " "<< dray[2] << " "<< dray[3] << " "
      //      << endl; if(bad_determinant) {
      //	dray[0] = dray[1] = 10000.; dray[2] = dray[3] = 2.0;
      //      }
      // Calculate hit coordinate for each plane for chi2 and efficiency
      // calculations

      // Make sure fCoords, fResiduals, and fDoubleResiduals are clear
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Sylvester Joosten committed
      for (Int_t iplane = 0; iplane < fNPlanes; iplane++) {
        Double_t coord = 0.0;
        for (Int_t ir = 0; ir < NUM_FPRAY; ir++) {
          coord += fPlaneCoeffs[iplane][raycoeffmap[ir]] * dray[ir];
          // cout << "ir = " << ir << ", dray[ir] = " << dray[ir] << endl;
        theDCTrack->SetCoord(iplane, coord);
      // Compute Chi2 and residuals
      chi2 = 0.0;
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Sylvester Joosten committed
      for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
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Sylvester Joosten committed
        THcDCHit* hit = theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
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Sylvester Joosten committed
        Double_t residual = coords[ihit] - theDCTrack->GetCoord(planes[ihit]);
        theDCTrack->SetResidual(planes[ihit], residual);
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Sylvester Joosten committed
        //  	  double track_coord = theDCTrack->GetCoord(planes[ihit]);
        // cout<<planes[ihit]<<"\t"<<track_coord<<"\t"<<coords[ihit]<<"\t"<<residual<<endl;
        chi2 += pow(residual / hit->GetWireSigma(), 2);
      theDCTrack->SetVector(dray[0], dray[1], 0.0, dray[2], dray[3]);
    // calculate ray without a plane in track
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Sylvester Joosten committed
    for (Int_t ipl_hit = 0; ipl_hit < theDCTrack->GetNHits(); ipl_hit++) {

      if (theDCTrack->GetNFree() > 0) {
        TVectorD TT(NUM_FPRAY);
        TMatrixD AA(NUM_FPRAY, NUM_FPRAY);
        for (Int_t irayp = 0; irayp < NUM_FPRAY; irayp++) {
          TT[irayp] = 0.0;
          for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits(); ihit++) {

            THcDCHit* hit = theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);

            if (ihit != ipl_hit) {
              TT[irayp] += (coords[ihit] * fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]]) /
                           pow(hit->GetWireSigma(), 2);
        for (Int_t irayp = 0; irayp < NUM_FPRAY; irayp++) {
          for (Int_t jrayp = 0; jrayp < NUM_FPRAY; jrayp++) {
            AA[irayp][jrayp] = 0.0;
            if (jrayp < irayp) { // Symmetric
              AA[irayp][jrayp] = AA[jrayp][irayp];
            } else {

              for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits(); ihit++) {

                THcDCHit* hit = theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);

                if (ihit != ipl_hit) {
                  AA[irayp][jrayp] += fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]] *
                                      fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[jrayp]] /
                                      pow(hit->GetWireSigma(), 2);
        // Solve 4x4 equations
        // Should check that it is invertable
        TVectorD dray(NUM_FPRAY);
        dray           = AA * TT;
        Double_t coord = 0.0;
        for (Int_t ir = 0; ir < NUM_FPRAY; ir++) {
          coord += fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ipl_hit]][raycoeffmap[ir]] * dray[ir];
          // cout << "ir = " << ir << ", dray[ir] = " << dray[ir] << endl;
        Double_t residual = coords[ipl_hit] - coord;
        theDCTrack->SetResidualExclPlane(planes[ipl_hit], residual);
Sylvester Joosten's avatar
Sylvester Joosten committed
  // Calculate residual without plane
  // Calculate residuals for each chamber if in single stub mode
  // and there was a track found in each chamber
  // Specific for two chambers.  Can/should it be generalized?

Sylvester Joosten's avatar
Sylvester Joosten committed
  if (fSingleStub != 0) {
    if (fNDCTracks == 2) {
      THcDCTrack* theDCTrack1 = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>(fDCTracks->At(0));
      THcDCTrack* theDCTrack2 = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>(fDCTracks->At(1));
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Sylvester Joosten committed
      Int_t     ihit    = 0;
      THcDCHit* hit     = theDCTrack1->GetHit(ihit);
      Int_t     plane   = hit->GetPlaneNum() - 1;
      Int_t     chamber = fNChamber[plane];
      if (chamber == 1) {
        //	itrack=1;
        hit     = theDCTrack2->GetHit(ihit);
        plane   = hit->GetPlaneNum() - 1;
        chamber = fNChamber[plane];
        if (chamber == 2) {
          Double_t ray1[4];
          Double_t ray2[4];
          //	  itrack = 1;
          // Loop over hits in second chamber
          for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack2->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
            // Calculate residual in second chamber from first chamber track
            THcDCHit* hit   = theDCTrack2->GetHit(ihit);
            Int_t     plane = hit->GetPlaneNum() - 1;
            Double_t  pos   = DpsiFun(ray1, plane);
            Double_t  coord;
            if (fFixLR) {
              if (fFixPropagationCorrection) {
                coord = hit->GetPos() + theDCTrack2->GetHitLR(ihit) * theDCTrack2->GetHitDist(ihit);
              } else {
                coord = hit->GetPos() + theDCTrack2->GetHitLR(ihit) * hit->GetDist();
            } else {
              if (fFixPropagationCorrection) {
                coord = hit->GetPos() + hit->GetLR() * theDCTrack2->GetHitDist(ihit);
              } else {
                coord = hit->GetCoord();
            theDCTrack1->SetDoubleResidual(plane, coord - pos);
            //  hdc_dbl_res(pln) = hdc_double_residual(1,pln)  for hists
          //	  itrack=0;
          // Loop over hits in first chamber
          for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack1->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
            // Calculate residual in first chamber from second chamber track
            THcDCHit* hit   = theDCTrack1->GetHit(ihit);
            Int_t     plane = hit->GetPlaneNum() - 1;
            Double_t  pos   = DpsiFun(ray1, plane);
            Double_t  coord;
            if (fFixLR) {
              if (fFixPropagationCorrection) {
                coord = hit->GetPos() + theDCTrack1->GetHitLR(ihit) * theDCTrack1->GetHitDist(ihit);
              } else {
                coord = hit->GetPos() + theDCTrack1->GetHitLR(ihit) * hit->GetDist();
            } else {
              if (fFixPropagationCorrection) {
                coord = hit->GetPos() + hit->GetLR() * theDCTrack1->GetHitDist(ihit);
              } else {
                coord = hit->GetCoord();
            theDCTrack2->SetDoubleResidual(plane, coord - pos);
            //  hdc_dbl_res(pln) = hdc_double_residual(1,pln)  for hists
  if (fdebugtrackprint) {
Sylvester Joosten's avatar
Sylvester Joosten committed
    printf("%5s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s  %-10s %-10s \n", "Track", "x_t", "y_t", "xp_t", "yp_t",
           "chi2", "DOF");
    printf("%5s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s  %-10s %-10s \n", "     ", "[cm]", "[cm]", "[rad]", "[rad]",
           " ", " ");
    for (UInt_t itr = 0; itr < fNDCTracks; itr++) {
      THcDCTrack* theDCTrack = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>(fDCTracks->At(itr));
      printf("%-5d %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %10.3e %3d \n", itr + 1, theDCTrack->GetX(),
             theDCTrack->GetY(), theDCTrack->GetXP(), theDCTrack->GetYP(), theDCTrack->GetChisq(),
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Sylvester Joosten committed
    for (UInt_t itr = 0; itr < fNDCTracks; itr++) {
      printf("%s %5d \n", "Hit info for track number = ", itr + 1);
      printf("%5s %-15s %-15s %-15s \n", "Plane", "WIRE_COORD", "Fit postiion", "Residual");
      THcDCTrack* theDCTrack = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>(fDCTracks->At(itr));
      for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
        THcDCHit* hit   = theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
        Int_t     plane = hit->GetPlaneNum() - 1;
        Double_t  coords_temp;
        if (fFixLR) {
          if (fFixPropagationCorrection) {
            coords_temp = hit->GetPos() + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit) * theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
          } else {
            coords_temp = hit->GetPos() + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit) * hit->GetDist();
        } else {
          if (fFixPropagationCorrection) {
            coords_temp = hit->GetPos() + hit->GetLR() * theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
          } else {
            coords_temp = hit->GetCoord();
        printf("%-5d %15.7e %15.7e %15.7e \n", plane + 1, coords_temp, theDCTrack->GetCoord(plane),
Sylvester Joosten's avatar
Sylvester Joosten committed
Double_t THcDC::DpsiFun(Double_t ray[4], Int_t plane) {
    this function calculates the psi coordinate of the intersection
    of a ray (defined by ray) with a hms wire chamber plane. the geometry
    of the plane is contained in the coeff array calculated in the
    array hplane_coeff
    Note it is call by MINUIT via H_FCNCHISQ and so uses double precision

    the ray is defined by
    x = (z-zt)*tan(xp) + xt
    y = (z-zt)*tan(yp) + yt
     at some fixed value of zt*
    ray(1) = xt
    ray(2) = yt
    ray(3) = tan(xp)
    ray(4) = tan(yp)

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Sylvester Joosten committed
  Double_t infinity  = 1.0E+20;
  Double_t cinfinity = 1 / infinity;
  Double_t DpsiFun   = ray[2] * ray[1] * fPlaneCoeffs[plane][0] +
                     ray[3] * ray[0] * fPlaneCoeffs[plane][1] + ray[2] * fPlaneCoeffs[plane][2] +
                     ray[3] * fPlaneCoeffs[plane][3] + ray[0] * fPlaneCoeffs[plane][4] +
                     ray[1] * fPlaneCoeffs[plane][5];
  Double_t denom =
      ray[2] * fPlaneCoeffs[plane][6] + ray[3] * fPlaneCoeffs[plane][7] + fPlaneCoeffs[plane][8];
  if (TMath::Abs(denom) < cinfinity) {
    DpsiFun = infinity;
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    DpsiFun = DpsiFun / denom;
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  return (DpsiFun);
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Sylvester Joosten committed
Int_t THcDC::End(THaRunBase* run) {
  MissReport(Form("%s.%s", GetApparatus()->GetName(), GetName()));

Sylvester Joosten's avatar
Sylvester Joosten committed
void THcDC::EffInit() {
     Create, and initialize counters used to calculate
     efficiencies.  Register the counters in gHcParms so that the
     variables can be used in end of run reports.
Sylvester Joosten's avatar
Sylvester Joosten committed
  delete[] fNChamHits;
  fNChamHits = new Int_t[fNChambers];
  delete[] fPlaneEvents;
  fPlaneEvents = new Int_t[fNPlanes];
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Sylvester Joosten committed
  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fNChambers; i++) {
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  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNPlanes; i++) {
    fPlaneEvents[i] = 0;
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Sylvester Joosten committed
  gHcParms->Define(Form("%sdc_tot_events", fPrefix), "Total DC Events", fTotEvents);
  gHcParms->Define(Form("%sdc_cham_hits[%d]", fPrefix, fNChambers),
                   "N events with hits per chamber", *fNChamHits);
  gHcParms->Define(Form("%sdc_events[%d]", fPrefix, fNPlanes), "N events with hits per plane",

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Sylvester Joosten committed
void THcDC::Eff() {
     Accumulate statistics for efficiency calculations
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  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fNChambers; i++) {
    if (fChambers[i]->GetNHits() > 0)
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Sylvester Joosten committed
  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNPlanes; i++) {
    if (fPlanes[i]->GetNHits() > 0)
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Sylvester Joosten committed