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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jul 25, 2017
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Add primary kine (#184) · 5c07f546
      Yero1990 authored
      * -added primary kin to HMS single arm production replay script
      -Minor fix in shms production replay script
      * Minor addition in replay_production_hms.C
      * -change primary kine names in hms/shms replay scripts
      * -added elec_KIN/ dir. for electron kinematics DEF-files for HMS/SHMS
      -include new def files in mergelist and update production def file
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Hms replay restruct (#182) · d02e6a42
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param
      * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files
      * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database
      * -added Raster to HMS trigger map
      -minor fix in commented raster names
      -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file
      * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...)
      * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included
      -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS.
      (This script combines individual detector def files into one)
      * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables)
      * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good
      detector histograms
      * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .)
      * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production
      * Re-structure the PARAM files for HMS and added raster variables to thms.param
      * restructure hallc_replay DBASE for HMS param files; add hodo/cer kpp_spring_2017 calibration directories and parameter files
      * restructure HMS detector maps directory; add hms run 303 to standard.database
      * -added Raster to HMS trigger map
      -minor fix in commented raster names
      -minor fix in name for HMS to SHMS in an shms map file
      * -Include only one spectrometer in 'g.evtyp' variable for HMS/SHMS report file cuts (for the moment ...)
      * -added new 'PRODUCTION' directory for HMS where all def files with 'good' variables are included
      -copied python script/list from SHMS 'PRODUCTION' directory to HMS.
      (This script combines individual detector def files into one)
      * -added STACK directory in HMS Def-files dir, which includes only stack histograms (excludes EPICS variables)
      * -added TEST_STANDS directory in HMS Def-Files to include raw and good
      detector histograms
      * -excluded hms Aerogel from def files (for now . . .)
      * -updated HMS templates for scalers, stack and production
      * -Restructurization of replay scripts in HMS
      * Minor fixes in shms replay scripts
      * -moved replay scripts to new directories
    • Mark K Jones's avatar
      Merge pull request #181 from MarkKJones/primarykine · 6d6f5f1d
      Mark K Jones authored
      Scripts and DEF files for using THcPrimaryKine
    • hallc-online's avatar
  2. Jul 24, 2017
  3. Jul 21, 2017
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser scaler work (#179) · 9180c4be
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Modify naming scheme and aesthetic chaqnges to map
      * Move scaler map file and modify naming scheme
      * Remove deprecated data base files and relocate them
      * Remove depreacted scaler map files in MAPS directory
      * Add symbolic links to scaler database files
      * Modify scaler prefixes
      * Modify templates to utilize new naming convention
  4. Jul 19, 2017
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser report file work (#178) · 89d1932c
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Include trigger apparatus to scaler replay
      * Add rate, live time, and dead time to scalers template
      * Add rate, live time, and dead time to all template
      * Rename ALL to PROD for production
      * Move test stand DEF-files into TEST_STAND directory
      * Change from PROD to PRODUCTION to be consistant
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser report file work (#176) · 2ffe4293
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Include trigger apparatus to scaler replay
      * Add rate, live time, and dead time to scalers template
      * Add rate, live time, and dead time to all template
      * Rename ALL to PROD for production
      * Move test stand DEF-files into TEST_STAND directory
  5. Jul 18, 2017
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser replay tweaks (#175) · 487a6edf
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Rename directories to be consistent with previous framework
      * Make directory names consistent
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser template work recover (#173) · ca3bfc8e
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Add directory stucture for report outputs
      * Add directory structure for templates
      * Add directory structure to SCRIPTS directory
      * Remove templates from old directory stucture
      * Create SHMS EPICS directory
      * Configure stack and scaler replay
      Add directroy structure to scripts directory
      * Add directories for stack and scalers for report output
      * Modify locations of replay scripts, def-files, and templates
      * Incoporate fast raster into trigger apparatus and stack map
      * Add directory structure to maps
      Reconfigure test stand scripts to point to new map loactions
      * Add fast raster histograms and aesthetic changes
      * Tweak stack & all DEF-files
      Rename cut files
      Configure separate replay scripts
      * Remove REPORT_OUTPUT directory from framework since this file should be sym linked to the RAID disk
      * Uncomment histos
      * Re-work DEF-file directory structure so that one DEF-file exists for each stack component
      Include python script to cat individual DEF-files into single DEF-file
      * Add new paramter structure of the NGC
      * Add new paramter structure of the HGC
      * Add new paramter structure of the aerogel
      * Add new paramter structure of the calorimeter
      * Add new paramter structure of the hodoscope
      * Add new paramter structure of the drift chambers
      * remove deprecated paramter files
      * Remove deprecated parameter files
      * Add calibration steering files for run specific calibrations
      Remove deprecated general parameter files
      * Include calibration steering files
      * Include calibiration files for all replay scripts
      * Include CALIB directory in path
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser template work (#172) · b462742b
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Add directory stucture for report outputs
      * Add directory structure for templates
      * Add directory structure to SCRIPTS directory
      * Remove templates from old directory stucture
      * Create SHMS EPICS directory
      * Configure stack and scaler replay
      Add directroy structure to scripts directory
      * Add directories for stack and scalers for report output
      * Modify locations of replay scripts, def-files, and templates
      * Incoporate fast raster into trigger apparatus and stack map
      * Add directory structure to maps
      Reconfigure test stand scripts to point to new map loactions
      * Add fast raster histograms and aesthetic changes
      * Tweak stack & all DEF-files
      Rename cut files
      Configure separate replay scripts
      * Remove REPORT_OUTPUT directory from framework since this file should be sym linked to the RAID disk
      * Uncomment histos
      * Re-work DEF-file directory structure so that one DEF-file exists for each stack component
      Include python script to cat individual DEF-files into single DEF-file
  6. Jul 12, 2017
    • Mark K Jones's avatar
      Merge pull request #171 from MarkKJones/cut_update · 6b090375
      Mark K Jones authored
      Updated report cuts DEF files
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updated report cuts DEF files · 54e79615
      hallc-online authored
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser ngc calib (#169) · 2ef9f9f8
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Add various run specific gain calibration constants for the SHMS HGC & NGC
      * Add KPP specific Chrenkov parameter files
      * Default to KPP run 488 for now
      * Include directory structure for databases
      Add specific KPP runs to general database
      * Remove deprecated database files
      * Modify shms stack analyzer script to handle new DB structure
      * Include new DB structure to various replay scripts
      * Include calibration constants for the SHMS calorimeter
      Add low momentum run to kinematics file
      * Add calibration constants for good kpp calo runs
  7. Jul 11, 2017
  8. Jul 10, 2017
  9. Jul 06, 2017
  10. Jul 05, 2017
    • Yero1990's avatar
      Shms config (#164) · 9b445c2a
      Yero1990 authored
      * -Added new config file for shms hodo test stand replay
      -Modified config file for HGC/NGC/AERO
      * -Added new SHMS Calo Confi file
      -Minor histo name fix in SHMS CALO Def File
  11. Jun 30, 2017
  12. Jun 29, 2017
  13. Jun 28, 2017
  14. Jun 26, 2017
  15. Jun 25, 2017
    • Eric Pooser's avatar
      Pooser workshop (#153) · 84203608
      Eric Pooser authored
      * Add summer 2017 software analysis workshop example
      * Add summer 2017 software analysis workshop example for real this time
    • Ryan-Ambrose's avatar
      Heavy Gas Cherenkov Calibration (#151) · e377706a
      Ryan-Ambrose authored
      * May 26, 2017 -- Long overdue push, some old Calibration Scripts but also the presently working analysis and Calibration scripts in Final Scripts directory.
      * Updated Calibration with pulseAmp script.
      * root file
      * added Rootfiles
      * Rewrote pulseAmp analysis, works much better now.
      Included Degtiarenko's code to evaluate as a better alternative.
      Started the write up for the actual calibration process
      * Updated Analysis scripts, started deciphering Fortran code.
      * test
      * TEST
      * test
      * bla
      * blah
      * boring git stuff
      * git stuff
      * Made the master branch much more organized/presentable
      * Finializing directory. Modified how calibration appears/output the calibration constants
      * Updated the analysis and visualization scripts for NGC.
      * Version of Calibration suitable for the Summer presentation.
      * Removed debugging line
  16. Jun 24, 2017
  17. Jun 22, 2017
  18. Jun 19, 2017