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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Sep2115121098543230Aug292825222120191830Jul16918Jun177May6528Apr2524211814113131Mar5427Feb2619185130Jan292827262422171410329Dec28191817161210653226Nov25151413121084131Oct181210987230Sep26231812964328Aug272322212019181298625Jul23221917820Jun1311129May2818161532130Apr191610925Mar2119858Feb76529Jan28212021Dec2076Nov4211Oct19Sep16157630Aug292822191714109711Jun29112827261311106512May9875432130Apr24232220191817161513121186543130Mar231918161513929FebGolden track using prune:Properly zero out traceback coefficients and exponents.Rename THcHodoscopeHit class to THcRawHodoHitAdd debug flags to the print-outs from the HMS calorimeter initialization.Add new flag for debugging HMS calorimeter initialization.Get rid of some warnings and excess coutsDisable hms track debug infoRestore default THcDriftChamber constructor.Minor memory leak squashing. (From running valgrind)Remove unnecessary TMath::Nint() calls to fix compile errorEscape the cd command for people that have weird aliases of cd.Don't access time_pos[i] and time_neg[i] if not defined.Add [fNLayers] in THcShower.h for proper fillingRemove fADCHits (a TClonesArray) from DeleteArrays and InitArraysInitialize arrays in constructors. Delete them in destructor.Add "+1" to length when using new char[]Fix problem with uninitialized variables used in THcHodoscope::ClearRemove hardwired hososcope numbers in THcHallcSpectrometerMerge pull request #67 from sawjlab/crashfixes0828Remove default constructor for THcDriftChamberCleanup array creation/destructionRestore correct version of setup.cshMerge pull request #66 from zahmed9/zafarA2 Golden track:Golden track:Golden track.Golden track.Beta:Move energy to track assignment from THcHallCSpectrometer to theAdd per event purge of ShowerClusterList in order to reduce grow ofRevise misplaced lines in THcShower:GetShEnergy method which causedAdd example code to assign energies to tracks.Add method for getting coordinate corrected track total energy in theMake counting of calorimeter tracks consistent with Engine.Modify cuts definition for the HMS calrimeter calibration.Upldate to latest analzer 1.5 with Hall C specific THaTrack membersMerge pull request #62 from jonstelz/jonsCreated two new variables for THcDC, fNthits and fN_True_RawHits.Fix definitions of fBeta, fBetaChisq and fFPTime.Simplification of variables for Shower Counter calibration