- Nov 30, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 28, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Moved writing of the TOF calibration dump file to FineProcess Added cut on shower energy/momenutum Add parameters fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo and fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi . Add parameter fNumPlanesBetaCalc which allows one to set how many planes to use in beta calculations. Useful for SHMS. fNumPlanesBetaCalc defaults to 4 if not set.
- Nov 22, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
All Int_t variables that hold scaler values are now UInt_t Some variables that were Double_t are UInt_t Keep track of overflows so that tree variables holding scaler counts are correct for high rate scalers Catch overflows when computing differences from last scaler reading.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 21, 2017
John Matter authored
Fix typo in previous commit's THcCherenkov.cxx
- Nov 17, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 14, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Fix logical flaw in THcScintillator::ProcessHits in finding good adc hit in multiple hits in one channel When looping over hits to find the best ADC hit, the code was looping over frNegAdcPulseInt->GetEntries() or frPosAdcPulseInt->GetEntries() which are the raw arrays that are filled for all raw hits in the plane The code was not using the proper indexes to access the right hits. The logic is simpler if one loops over rawNegAdcHit.GetNPulses() or rawPosAdcHit.GetNPulses() which are the the raw hit object for the paritcular hit. NPulses is the number of ADC pulses that were found for that adc channel. The first adc pulse for the channel which is within the adc time window then has its information saved for late insertion into the "good" vectors for the hit if either the hit passes 'good" tdc and adc for the POS or NEG side of the PMT.
- Nov 07, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 06, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
This will add the Hall C parameter DB (gHCParms) to the Run_Data object The GetHCParms method will retrieve the parameter DB
- Nov 03, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Fix mistake in THcHodoEff::End
Mark Jones authored
Add back parameter hodo_gold_hits which is the number of "should" hits for each paddle. Needed to calculate efficiency per paddle in end run template
Mark Jones authored
Set fHMSStyleChambers =1 according to dc_version parameter. If no dc_version parameter loaded defaults to old HMS style chambers
Mark Jones authored
1. Add arrays over paddle num : fStatTrkSum,fStatAndSum and fStatAndEff 2. Add scalers fHodoEff_s1,fHodoEff_s2,fHodoEff_tof,fHodoEff_3_of_4,fHodoEff_4_of_4 3. Modify End method to calculate the hodoscope trigger efficiency quantities
Mark Jones authored
THcHodoscope.cxx 1. Remove from the use of "temp_planes" for SHMS which used only 3 planes for beta and determination of start time. 2. With change of Integral ADC to pC, change TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(20.0,adc_pos)) to Math::Sqrt(TMath::Max(20.0*.020,adc_pos)) to convert 20 channels to pC 3. Set fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].onTrack = kTRUE; when fTOFPInfo[ih].onTrack Was always FALSE before. 4. Modify FineProcess a. Add calculation of the track X and Y track position at each plane. b. Calculate the difference between the track position and position measured by hodoscope center. If multiple paddles hit then take average of the paddles. THcScintillatorPlane.h and cxx 1. add variables fHitDistance,fTrackXPosition and fTrackYPosition 2. add methods GetHitDistance(),GetTrackXPosition(),GetTrackYPosition() 3. add methods SetHitDistance,SetTrackXPosition,SetTrackYPosition 4. add variables to tree DiffDisTrack,TrackXPos and TrackYPos 5. set GoodPosAdcPulseTime to frPosAdcPulseTime 6. set fGoodNegAdcPulseTime to frNegAdcPulseTime 7. in HodoHit set PosADCtime and NegADCtime to PulseTime
- Nov 02, 2017
Holly Szumila authored
- Oct 31, 2017
Eric Pooser authored
- Oct 30, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Modify the way that the constants for conversion to mV and pC are defined so that it will compile with and without C11.
- Oct 27, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Eric Pooser authored
Include methods for FADC conversions and apply to non-raw data objects in THcRawAdcHit Add raw pulse time data object to Cherenkov detector classes Add raw pulse time data object to shower detector classes Add raw pulse time data object to hodoscope detector class
- Oct 25, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
This TI information, between the words 0xd0000000 and 0xd000000f, contains the # of pedestals, the time interval between scaler events the event interval between synchronized scaler events and the prescale settings. Two versions of this block of data are supported, version one is mssing the scaler interval values. Nothing is actually done with the information found in event 125, but a summary can be printed with the method THcConfigEvtHandler::PrintConfig()
Stephen A. Wood authored
1. If there are multiple ROCs with scalers (hardware, TI, FADC), then there will be multiple event 129s. In the case where analysis of these events is defered to the end of the analysis, all the event 129s will be analyzed as if a single event, resulting in one entry in the tree. 2. Scalers are read either when a given time interval has passed since the last scaler read (usually 2 seconds), or every time an event is tagged as a sync event. In the case of the "timed" reading of events, different ROCs with scalers are not guaranteed to read their scalers at the same event. But or sync event scaler reads, all ROCs read their scalers. This commit adds an option SetOnlyUseSyncEvents(Bool_t). If set, only scaler events triggered by the sync event will be analyzed.
- Oct 19, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Fix bug if more BCMs defined in db_PScalevt.dat than in gscalers.param Fix bug that confused names "BCM1" and "BCM17" by adding ".scal" to the BCM name
- Oct 12, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Mark Jones authored
Kayla Craycraft authored
Kayla Craycraft authored
Mark Jones authored
- Oct 09, 2017
Holly Szumila authored
1) Add X,Y offsets parameter for each plane, instead of X,Y offset per chamber 2) ModifyTHcDriftChamber::CorrectHitTimes to work with SHMS chambers 3) Add GetReadoutSide method to THcDCHit class.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Oct 07, 2017
Ole Hansen authored
Ole Hansen authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Eliminate duplicated/redundant configuration code in SCons system Let SCons also clean ROOT 6's *_rdict.pcm class layout cache files Move helper python script to site_scons Remove EVIO from scons as podd build will take care of it. Remove define of HALLC_MODS in SConstruct (There is no longer any Hall C conditional code in Podd)
- Oct 05, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Oct 04, 2017
Edward Brash authored
Modify SConstruct to prepend $ROOTSYS/bin to PATH, rather and append, so that SCons will use the most recently defined user-installed version of ROOT, or the system version, if no user version exists. Also, make ROOT environment definition consistent with Podd.