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  1. Dec 16, 2013
  2. Dec 05, 2013
  3. Dec 02, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Untested SOS tracking code. · 2af4bf2d
      Stephen A. Wood authored
          New flag fHMSStyleChambers to determine if HMS or SOS style
          tracking should be done.  Flag is set on if the spectrometer
          name begins with 'h'.
          THcDriftChamber::LeftRight fSmallAngleApprox must be set and
          fHMSStyleChambers must be off to do SOS style.
          If not HMS style, ignore all the Yplane optimizations
          SOS code does "project to chamber" in link stubs.  Need to evaluate
          if this is necessary, or if HMS style should also do it.
  4. Nov 08, 2013
  5. Oct 31, 2013
  6. Sep 26, 2013
    • Mark Jones's avatar
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Parameters to optionally correct small ENGINE DC hit handling errors. · 6a33dcf3
      Stephen A. Wood authored
              Historically, in the ENGINE, if a hit is used in multiple
              space points/stubs, the left/right assignment for that hit, which
              is later used in track fitting, is that assigned for the last stub
              encountered with that hit.  Properly, the left right assignment
              should be allowed to be different in different space points.  If
              this parameter is set to zero (e.g. in hcana.param), then the
              ENGINE behavior is used.  For new analyses, it should be set to one.
              (Which is the default)
              When a hit gets put into a stub, the distance of the hit from the
              discriminator can then be estimated.  In the engine, a correction to
              the drift time (and thus drift distance) is applied.  However, if
              that hit ends up in another stub, the correction will get applied again,
              resulting in a over correction.  Setting this flag to 1 will give that
              hit a different corection for each stub that it is in.
      These flags will default to the new "correct" way of handling hits if
      the above parameters are not set in a parameter file.  Currently, both
      flags are set to zero in hcana.param to replicate the ENGINE behavior.
      To implement these changes, the propagation correction and L/R information
      for each hit is saved in space point and track classes.  This information
      is still saved in the hit class, but only used if in ENGINE compatibility
      The THcDCTrack class now saves a list of space point pointers instead
      of space point indices.
      The AddSpacePoint method now also copies all the hit information into
      the track object so that THcDC doesn't need to explicitely copy all
      the hits.
      The FindStub method, which fits a stub track to a space point is passed
      the space point rather than a list of hits
  7. Sep 06, 2013
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Replicate ENGINE tracking better. · 818bd894
      Mark Jones authored
      1.  nplusminus was not initialized corectly so small angle approximation
      was never used.
      2.  Change MAXTRACKS from 50 to 10 to match ENGINE.
  8. Aug 19, 2013
  9. Jul 22, 2013
  10. Jul 17, 2013
  11. Jun 20, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Partially implement THcDC::TrackFit, modelled after h_track_fit. · 4d5378e0
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Uses ROOT matrix math instead of solve_four_by_four
        Nothing is done with found tracks yet.  Will need to stuff these into
           podd style tracks.  (Or a class inherited from podd style tracks.)
        Residuals not saved anywhere
        Single stub mode not yet implemented
        No printing out of trackfit results (hdebugtrackprint)
  12. Jun 13, 2013
  13. Jun 11, 2013
  14. May 30, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      IN THcDriftChamber.cxx : · 12e1b5fa
      Mark Jones authored
        1)   Moved hardcoding of Yplane plane number to Addplane since it is called
           before ReadDatabase
        2) In FindEasySpacePoint add variable max_dist to match the code in
           h_find_easy_space_point.f more and fix problem
        3) As in h_find_easy_space_point  use max_dist instead
           of FSpacePointCriterion in IF statement to pick matching "x" hits.
      In THCDC.h
        1) Set GetPicth and GetCentralWire as Double_t
        2) Set  GetSpacePointCriterion to return fSpace_Point_Criterion2[chamber-1]
           instead of sqrt
  15. May 15, 2013
  16. May 01, 2013
  17. Apr 30, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Implement DC Space Point finding · b519f00b
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        New class THcDC is whole set of wire chambers.
        THcDriftChamber is one chamber (6 planes)
        Implement space point finding from h_pattern_recognition up to point
           before where space point lists from the two chambers are combined.
            FindEasySpacePoint   (h_find_easy_space_point)
            FindHardSpacePoints  (find_space_points)
            DestroyPoorSpacePoints (h_sp_destroy)
            SpacePointMultiwire  (h_sp_multiwire)
            ChooseSingleHit 	   (h_choose_single_hit)
            SelectSpacePoint	   (select_space_points)
      Space points are arrays of structures in the THcDriftChamber class.  Will
      probably need to take space points out class so that they can be looked at
      at the THcDC level.
      New code is only tested to see that it compiles and that space points
      are sometimes found.
  18. Jan 21, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Drift chamber code work. Modeled on podd and h_trans_dc.f · b1b202d2
      Stephen A. Wood authored
            Start adding to the drift chamber code.   Setup a class structure
            similar to what podd uses for the VDCs.  Raw hit class renamed
            to THcRawDCHit.  Signal hits are how THcDCHit, modeled after
            podd hits.  Add THcDCWire, and classes for time to distance conversion.
            Time to distnace conversion doesn't do anything yet.
            Find some improved DC parameter files so that min and max TDC limits
            are good for the run we are using.
            THcDriftChamberPlane asks ThcDriftChamber for many parameters.
  19. Jun 27, 2012
  20. May 01, 2012
  21. Apr 24, 2012
  22. Apr 19, 2012
  23. Apr 18, 2012
  24. Apr 12, 2012
  25. Apr 11, 2012
  26. Apr 09, 2012