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  1. May 12, 2019
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Update ThcDriftChamber::LeftRight · e0e3dbcc
      Mark Jones authored
      The LeftRight method determines the sign of the wire
      distance for each hit in the spacepoint by looping
      through all combinations of wire signs and fitting each
      combination with a line  and selecting
      the combination with the lowest chi-squared.
      The fit to the line is known as the "stub" which
      is an array of the x,dx/dz, y and dy/dz of the fit
      and is associated each spacepoint. The stubs are
      used later in LinkStubs method
      to match spacepoints between two chambers to give a
      possible tracks.
      Previously the LeftRight method would only fit a
      stub for a spacepoint with 4 hits in the chamber if the
      parameter flag  HMSStyleChamber was true.
      HMSStyleChamber refers to the 6 GeV HMS chambers
      and we do not have them anymore.
      But not fitting the spacepoint, the stub
      was filled with zeros for x,dx/dz,y and dy/dz
      and these spacepoints would never be matched with
      other spacepoints to form a possible track.
  2. Jan 07, 2019
  3. Sep 07, 2018
  4. Aug 08, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Updates to doxygen documentation · 76706b74
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Add doxygen groups "Apparatuses" and "Decoders"
        Make sure every class is in a group
        Make sure most classes have a \brief description
        Improve comments for some classes including THcHallCSpectrometer
           and hodoscope classes
        Change some Doxyfile defaults.  Include sources files.
  5. Jul 17, 2018
  6. Apr 28, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC, THcDriftChamber, THcSpacePoint · 9f98b2c0
      hallc-online authored
        1) added fSetStubFlag which is intialized
           to kFALSE in constructor and set to kTRUE
           when SetStub is called.
         2) added method GetSetStubFlag which
            returns fSetStubFlag.
         1) In ProcessHits increased fHits reserve to 40
         2) In FindSpacePoints use fSpacePoints->Delete();
         3) In LeftRight ,only SetStub if the Stub is fit.
         1) In LinkStubs
            a) only link stubs if number of total spacepoints <10
            b) only link stubs if both spacepoints have SetStubFlag true
         1) In constructor initalize fLR to 0
         1) AddSpacePoint check if fnSP < 10
  7. Apr 16, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updated THcDriftChamber.cxx · 0eec2a5a
      hallc-online authored
      In LeftRight method when using SmallAngle Approximation and
       additional condition that the wires in adjacent plane have to
       be within 0.51cm.
  8. Mar 15, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modified THcDriftChamber · 2eba5f37
      hallc-online authored
      1) Add to tree variable arrays stub_x,stub_xp,stub_y and stub_yp
          and ncombos. These are arrays of the number of spacepoints in
          the chamber.
      2) In ReadDatabase
         a) new variable  fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp which is set differently
             for HMS and SHMS. Used in method LeftRight
         b) Set default value of optional parameter fStubMaxXPDiff = 999.
      3)  Modified method LeftRight
         a) Previously only for the old fHMSStyleChambers would
            the code only select LR combinations where
            the difference between stub_xp to space_point_X*ratio is
              with in the fStubMaxXPDiff .
            The ratio came from the HMS optics.
         b) Changed LeftRight so that if fStubMaxXPDiff < 100
               then the code will only select LR combinations where
            the difference between stub_xp to space_point_X*ratio is
              with in the fStubMaxXPDiff . The ratio is
            set in ReadDataBase according to the spectrometer.
      5) In FindSpacePoints add some comments.
  9. Nov 02, 2017
  10. Oct 09, 2017
  11. Aug 25, 2017
    • hallc-online's avatar
      THcDriftChamber::FindStub modified · 9e594a6a
      hallc-online authored
      Fixed minor bug
         FindStub was using the uncorrected drift distance
         from the hit object that was not corrected in
         CorrectHitTimes method. Need to use the corrected
         drift distance that with the spacepoint Hit structure
  12. Jul 28, 2017
  13. Mar 14, 2017
  14. Dec 15, 2016
  15. May 18, 2016
  16. May 12, 2016
  17. May 16, 2015
  18. Mar 10, 2015
  19. Jan 16, 2015
  20. Jan 14, 2015
  21. Jan 08, 2015
  22. Dec 12, 2014
  23. Sep 09, 2014
  24. Sep 02, 2014
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Add "+1" to length when using new char[] · 085928d1
      Mark Jones authored
      Found when doing valgrind --tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full hcana
      Return errors like below
      ==14467== Invalid write of size 1
      ==14467==    at 0x4A0794F: __GI_strcpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:313)
      ==14467==    by 0x57137A3: THcHodoscope::Setup(char const*, char const*) (THcHodoscope.cxx:112)
      ==14467==    by 0x5713A7E: THcHodoscope::Init(TDatime const&) (THcHodoscope.cxx:142)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D38C29: THaApparatus::Init(TDatime const&) (THaApparatus.C:193)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D67E57: THaAnalyzer::InitModules(TList const*, TDatime&, int, char const*) (THaAnalyzer.C:433)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D68B1F: THaAnalyzer::DoInit(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:667)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D68126: THaAnalyzer::Init(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:467)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D6B31A: THaAnalyzer::Process(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:1289)
      ==14467==    by 0x4E21E97: G__haDict_704_0_6(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int) (haDict.C:23491)
      ==14467==    by 0x6DB6148: Cint::G__ExceptionWrapper(int (*)(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int), G__value*, char*, G__param*, int) (in /u/apps/root/5.34.13/root/lib/
      ==14467==    by 0x6E5A3A0: G__execute_call (in /u/apps/root/5.34.13/root/lib/
      ==14467==    by 0x6E5B201: G__call_cppfunc (in /u/apps/root/5.34.13/root/lib/
      ==14467==  Address 0xd7636a2 is 0 bytes after a block of size 2 alloc'd
      ==14467==    at 0x4A0674C: operator new[](unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:305)
      ==14467==    by 0x5713757: THcHodoscope::Setup(char const*, char const*) (THcHodoscope.cxx:111)
      ==14467==    by 0x5713A7E: THcHodoscope::Init(TDatime const&) (THcHodoscope.cxx:142)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D38C29: THaApparatus::Init(TDatime const&) (THaApparatus.C:193)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D67E57: THaAnalyzer::InitModules(TList const*, TDatime&, int, char const*) (THaAnalyzer.C:433)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D68B1F: THaAnalyzer::DoInit(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:667)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D68126: THaAnalyzer::Init(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:467)
      ==14467==    by 0x4D6B31A: THaAnalyzer::Process(THaRunBase*) (THaAnalyzer.C:1289)
      ==14467==    by 0x4E21E97: G__haDict_704_0_6(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int) (haDict.C:23491)
      ==14467==    by 0x6DB6148: Cint::G__ExceptionWrapper(int (*)(G__value*, char const*, G__param*, int), G__value*, char*, G__param*, int) (in /u/apps/root/5
  25. Aug 29, 2014
  26. Aug 28, 2014
  27. Jul 30, 2014
    • Jonathan Stelzleni's avatar
      Created two new variables for THcDC, fNthits and fN_True_RawHits. · d496e1e3
      Jonathan Stelzleni authored
      In tree they are called tnhit and trawhit.
      Created two new variables for THcDriftChamber, fNthits and fN_True_RawHits.
      In tree they are called tnhit and trawhit.
      THcDC defined subdetector THcDriftChamber to have name Ch1 and Ch2 to do used in the tree.
      THcDriftChamberPlane defined new method GetNRawhits to return fNRawhits for each plane.
      Added member fNRawhits to THcDriftChamberPlane
  28. Feb 02, 2014
  29. Jan 14, 2014
  30. Dec 19, 2013
  31. Dec 17, 2013
  32. Dec 16, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Have THcDC tell THcDriftChambers if they are HMS style or not. · de4e0e39
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        THcDriftChamber::AddPlane didn't know if style was HMS, because
        style was only determined in Init.  Now fHMSStyleFlag is set in
        only one place.  Right now determined from spectrometer name, but
        could be a parameter in the future.
    • Mark Jones's avatar
      Modified AddPlane for SOS and HMS style chambers · 51f5ca37
      Mark Jones authored
      Modified ReadDatabase : Added fdebugstubchisq and Corrected fhdebugflagpr to be Int
      Added PrintDecode( void ) to print the drift chamber info in fHits
      Modified FindSpacePoints to use the proper PlaneInd and PlanePInd
          for HMS and SOS style chambers
      Changed THcDriftChamber::FindEasySpacePoint(Int_t yplane_hitind,Int_t yplanep_hitind) to
      THcDriftChamber::FindEasySpacePoint_HMS(Int_t yplane_hitind,Int_t yplanep_hitind)
      Added  THcDriftChamber::FindEasySpacePoint_SOS(Int_t xplane_hitind,Int_t xplanep_hitind)
      commented out many fhdebugflagpr  output statements
  33. Dec 12, 2013
  34. Dec 05, 2013
  35. Dec 02, 2013
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Untested SOS tracking code. · 2af4bf2d
      Stephen A. Wood authored
          New flag fHMSStyleChambers to determine if HMS or SOS style
          tracking should be done.  Flag is set on if the spectrometer
          name begins with 'h'.
          THcDriftChamber::LeftRight fSmallAngleApprox must be set and
          fHMSStyleChambers must be off to do SOS style.
          If not HMS style, ignore all the Yplane optimizations
          SOS code does "project to chamber" in link stubs.  Need to evaluate
          if this is necessary, or if HMS style should also do it.