- Nov 11, 2013
Edward Brash authored
Edward Brash authored
Edward Brash authored
Edward Brash authored
Edward Brash authored
Edward Brash authored
- Add MacOSX-dependent compile options in Hall C LinkDef
- Nov 08, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Clone some DC tests from ENGINE test files to podd style cuts. Make changes to source code to support these tests. Correct hits in plane line in example report file.
- Nov 04, 2013
sawjlab authored
Add fThetaCentralOffset, fOopCentralOffset, fPCentralOffset
- Nov 01, 2013
Mark Jones authored
sawjlab authored
Report stuff
Mark Jones authored
Add fTheta_lab Do offsets in THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadDatabase
Stephen A. Wood authored
If ThcAnalyzer::PrintReport sees a format descriptor with 'd' at the end, then the value is converted to the nearest int before formatting.
Stephen A. Wood authored
Added variables using ENGINE names gen_run_number gen_run_starting_event gen_event_id_number
- Oct 31, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Oct 18, 2013
sawjlab authored
Add missing [fNelem] to comment for fA_Neg and fA_Neg_p declarations.
Stephen A. Wood authored
This is magic that allows the size of arrays to passed to the root tree making.
sawjlab authored
Add template driven end of run reports to analyzer class
Stephen A. Wood authored
Inspired by ENGINE/CTP report generator Reports generated by THcAnalyzer::PrintReport(templatefilename,outputfilename) template is copied to output, {stuff} is replaced by the value of stuff. Value can be formated with c formater, eg. {stuff:%.2f} ThcFormula added to allow more flexibility of variables. Can get number of times cuts pass or are called with: cutname.npassed (or cutname.scaler) and cutname.ncalled
- Oct 13, 2013
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Re-arrange, modify and make more detailed comments in the Shower*.h header files. Add more comments in the Shower*.cxx files.
- Oct 10, 2013
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Changed column and row numbering in THcShowerHit.h in order to get rid of warning messages on unsigned and integer comaprisons when compiling; Corrected a debug message in THcShower.cxx.
sawjlab authored
Latest additions to Shower code
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
sawjlab authored
Switch submodule to analyzer (podd) release "Release-150".
Stephen A. Wood authored
Includes addition of scons to podd.
- Oct 09, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Edward Brash authored
and SCons version checking (now checks for version 4.9.9 of SCons, which is the newly implemented version number in the local SCons installation (in podd). Note that this change will now require use of that updated local version as packaged with podd. 2. Change to SConstruct.py to add -DHALLC_MODS defines (now consistent with Makefile) for conditional compilation in certain parts of podd. 3. Improvement in configuration for 64bit/32bit compilation on Linux.
- Oct 07, 2013
sawjlab authored
Use git protocol instead of https so git can be used on ifarm.
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Oct 02, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Use HALLC_MODS in make file to turn on Hall C changes in Podd. Remove unneeded and now broken includes of THaDB.h.
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Sep 30, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Sep 26, 2013
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored