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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Aug 25, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcHodoEff · d658b180
      hallc-online authored
      1) add variable fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut
      2) THcHodoEff::ReadDatabase
         Optionally read in parameter hHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut (HMS) or
              pHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut (SHMS) and fill fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut
         If no parameter then defaults to fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut = 0.050
      3) fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut
          In "if" statements that select events for hodoscope efficiency
          replay hard-coded "0.05" with fHodoEff_CalEnergy_Cut
  2. Aug 24, 2018
  3. Aug 23, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Update podd version · c2a98fef
      Stephen A. Wood authored
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      In THcParmList::Load only look for run ranges in top file. · 234512dc
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Previously, if load was called with a run number, array continuation
        lines in included files were being interpreted as lists of run numbers.
        Still we have the limitation that in the top file, if we define an array
        with multiple lines, the continuation lines will be interpreted as
        run number lists and mess things up.  But it is unlikely that we would
        need to define arrays in the top file when we are in run number
  4. Aug 19, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Update THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx · 5a558673
      hallc-online authored
      Added setting of spectrometer mispointing according the the input
      spectrometer angle if the mispointing is not set by a parameter.
      The formulas for deteriming the mispointing comes from fits to sureys.
      If one wants to use different spectrometer mispointings then
      it is best to set hmispointing_x,hmispointing_y for HMS
      and pmispointing_x,pmispointing_y for SHMS in the kinematics setting file
      such as standard.kinematics .
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modified THcRaster.cxx and THcRaster.h · 7837f271
      hallc-online authored
      1) Add tree variables for the three BPMs and projections to target
      in the EPICs coordinate system (+X beam right, +Y up)
      2) Modified code so that it only modifies the BPM variables if they
      are all !=0 ( beam on) . Otherwise it sets them to the previous EPICS
      read. This gets rid of all zero EPICS reads,except if the first EPICs
      read the beam is off.
      3) Removed the reading of gpbeam from the global parameter list in the Process
        method and just have it in ReadDatabase.
      4) Change the calculation of beam at target to use the projection of
         BPM_A and BPM_C instead of BPM_A and BPM_B.
      5) Remove setting the raster position to the hcana beam coordinate system
         with (+X beam left). The raster is in the EPICS coordinate system.
          This makes it easier to interpret the carbon hole runs.
  5. Aug 15, 2018
  6. Aug 14, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify src/THcRaster.cxx · 43e57c65
      hallc-online authored
      Add default values for optional values of
      +   fgbpma_zpos = 370.82;
          fgbpmb_zpos = 224.96 ;// cm
          fgbpmc_zpos = 129.30 ;// cm
      instead of zero.
      Otherwise the code would get NaN for the calculated target beam position
      since it was divied by zero unless this the parameters are set.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcHodoscope.cxx · 7811dcc9
      hallc-online authored
      Modify code in CoarseProcess to add (subtract) time due to hit
      location in paddle for positive (negative) PMT for new hodoscope
      beta parameters.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcHodoscope to add tree variables · be05b391
      hallc-online authored
      Add tree variables TimeHist_Sigma, TimeHist_Peak and TimeHist_Hits
      for the peak,sigma and number of hits of the histogram
       of PMT times used in EstimateFocalPlaneTime
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcScintillatorPlane.cxx · e9b69d3c
      hallc-online authored
      In ProcessHits add check of adc in if statements when calculating
      the time walk correction.
  7. Aug 10, 2018
  8. Aug 08, 2018
  9. Aug 07, 2018
  10. Aug 01, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Allow lists of run numbers and run ranges in THcParmList::Load · 803ad821
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        When Load is called with a run number, then the input file is ignored
        until a line with a list of run numbers or run number ranges is found.
        For example:
        If the run number matches one of these run numbers or ranges,
        parameter definitions after the match are loaded.  (Until the next
        list of run numbers and ranges.)
        Before this commit, only a single run number or a single range of
        run numbers was allowed.
  11. Jul 31, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Improvements to THcTimeSyncEvtHandler making of filtered files. · 0319672e
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        THcTimeSyncEvtHandler can correct runs where the 1190's in a crate
        go out of sync because of a large event.  (This would happen in the
        spring of 2018.  Should be fixed in the DAQ now.)  It a previous version
        this sync problem was detected by looking for 1190 banks that were too large.
        In this update, the first event is used to make a list of which slots
        have TDCs in them.  For subsequent events, it checks that every TDC slot
        has a header and trailer word in the bank.  If any TDCs are found to be
        missing, and the bank size is above a threshold, subsequent events are
        presumed to be out of sync and corrected for in the filtered run output file.
  12. Jul 19, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Restore ability to analyze 6 GeV data. · 842da11c
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Set hodoscopes to standard ADC mode for example hodtest.C script
        badcraw_pos and badcraw_neg always true if not Dynamic pedestal mode
        Don't crash in hodoscope if there is no Cherenkov.
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Fix formating of Welcome text. · 04f058aa
      Stephen A. Wood authored
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Sync cmake in podd and hcana · 33dd18f5
      Stephen A. Wood authored
    • Ole Hansen's avatar
      CMake updates: · bc01b8fb
      Ole Hansen authored
      1. Update for ROOT5-enabled root_generate_dictionary CMake function
        root_generate_dictionary now works with both ROOT 5 and ROOT 6.
        It defines the dictionary custom target and PCM file internally,
        as appropriate, and also automatically extracts any required
        -D compile definitions from the given target(s).
      2. Add configuration option HCANA_BUILTIN_PODD (default ON)
        If set to OFF (cmake -DHCANA_BUILTIN_PODD=OFF ...), CMake will find a
        pre-built version of Podd according to the usual find_package search
        rules. (It's sufficient to have the installed "analyzer" in your PATH,
        but you can also set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the Podd installation root,
        for example.) This version of Podd has to have been built and
        installed with Podd's CMake system. In this case, only libHallC will
        be built, and the Podd submodule of hcana is ignored and does not even
        have to be present.
      3. Clean existing src/hc_compiledata.h during CMake configuration
        This file might be left over from a previous non-CMake build and would
        be incorrectly picked up instead of the CMake-generated version.
      4. Generate hcanaConfig.cmake config and version files using latest Podd scripts
        Requires Podd at commit JeffersonLab/analyzer@34dd368
  13. Jul 17, 2018
  14. Jul 10, 2018
  15. Jun 29, 2018
  16. Jun 28, 2018
  17. Jun 27, 2018
  18. Jun 08, 2018
  19. May 11, 2018
  20. May 08, 2018
  21. May 03, 2018