- Jan 20, 2019
Whitney Armstrong authored
- removed spdlog ( now in analyzer) - added logging to THaAnalzyer (podd)
- Dec 15, 2018
Whitney Armstrong authored
- Mixins defined in Logger.h - Mixin used in base classes (THcDC is currently a good example) Added a few more spdlog loggers Added logging to many. - Added logging to hodoscope, aerogel hitlist and detectormap - Working on scandalizer features. Added logging. Added more logging. added more logging. More logging.
- Dec 11, 2018
Whitney Armstrong authored
- Aug 30, 2018
Mark Jones authored
Main change was to allow the beam X and Y positions and angle at the target to be read in through parameters instead of always using the EPICS data. This gives added flexibility. If either of the beam position parameters (gbeam_xoff or gbeam_yoff) are read-in as parameters, then the code uses the read-in parameters as the BPM position at target. If there are other beam position or angle parameter that are not read in then they are set to zero. 1) Modify THcRaster.h a) Added variables for X and Y beam angles at target. b) Added variable fFlag_use_EPICS_bpm which is a flag that is determines whether the code uses the parameters or EPICS reads. 2) Modified THcRaster.cxx a) set default BPM z-positions to Fall 2018 survey. b) Modified Process method so that the BPM position/angle variables that are set by parameters are no longer recalculated. Just use the existing variables fXbpm_tar, fYbpm_tar, fXpbpm_tar and fYPbpm_tar throughout the method.
Mark Jones authored
Add the variable ebeam_epics to the tree. This is the EPICS value of HALLC:p . For now this is good for monitoring changes in the beam energy but needs to be check how it compares to the Hall C beam energy measurement.
- Aug 19, 2018
hallc-online authored
1) Add tree variables for the three BPMs and projections to target in the EPICs coordinate system (+X beam right, +Y up) rb.raster.fr_xbpm_tar rb.raster.fr_ybpm_tar rb.raster.fr_xbpmA rb.raster.fr_ybpmA rb.raster.fr_xbpmB rb.raster.fr_ybpmB rb.raster.fr_xbpmC rb.raster.fr_ybpmC 2) Modified code so that it only modifies the BPM variables if they are all !=0 ( beam on) . Otherwise it sets them to the previous EPICS read. This gets rid of all zero EPICS reads,except if the first EPICs read the beam is off. 3) Removed the reading of gpbeam from the global parameter list in the Process method and just have it in ReadDatabase. 4) Change the calculation of beam at target to use the projection of BPM_A and BPM_C instead of BPM_A and BPM_B. 5) Remove setting the raster position to the hcana beam coordinate system with (+X beam left). The raster is in the EPICS coordinate system. This makes it easier to interpret the carbon hole runs.
- Aug 10, 2018
Edward Brash authored
Handle cases where BPM information is unavailable/zero. Change raster x/y position calculation to cm (from mm). Update calculation of fPosition and fDirection in THcRaster.cxx Fix minor bug in calculation of fDirection
- Jan 09, 2018
Melanie Cardona authored
Switched X and Y rasters to make them consistent with epics left-handed coordinate system, and changed sign of x in fDirection() to make the beam position a right-handed system
- Aug 29, 2017
bduran authored
- Dec 15, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
- Nov 15, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
- May 05, 2014
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
Added the raw raster ADC values to the histos and trees. Modified the ranges and binning of the histogram definitions in output_bpw_.def accordingly.
- Apr 24, 2014
Mark Jones authored
Read gpbeam in THcRaster::ReadDatabase Add jan05.kinematics Modified DBASE/raster_test.database to fill g_ctp_kinematics_filename with DBASE/jan05.kinematics Modified raster_test.C to load g_ctp_kinematics_filename
- Mar 31, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
Fixes not necessarily correct, just avoid the errors.
- Mar 05, 2014
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
Files with the prefix raster_ are coppies of original *.database, and *.param files which now includes changes nessacery for decoding raster data. I created seperate files for these because I need to merge this code upstream before I can compare the raster decoding results with that of the analyzer. For e.g. the map files are different from the original map files. So Steve needs to create a perl script that can propgate these changes in the map files to the map file of the analyzer inorder for me to do the analyzer hcana comparision. Once the comparision is done and we are satisifies with the results, we will merge the changes with the original files and remove the files with the prefix raster_*. gbeam.param now included by general.param. No need to load a separate parameter set to test raster/BPM code. examples/MAPS/raster_jun04.map adds new detector IDs for the raster and BPMs as follows: Add the following IDs to the misc elements, BEAM RASTER_ID= 18 ADC BPM_ID= 19 ADC In the channel section did the following modification: sub , plane, counter, sig 14, 1, 13, 1 !ADC ROC#1 Sl#15 Ch#14 Fast Raster X-sync 15, 1, 14, 2 !ADC ROC#1 Sl#15 Ch#15 Fast Raster X-signal 12, 1, 15, 3 !ADC ROC#1 Sl#15 Ch#12 Fast Raster Y-sync 13, 1, 16, 4 !ADC ROC#1 Sl#15 Ch#13 Fast Raster Y-signal
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
THcRasterRawHit class to helps with the decoding of the raster signals via THcHitList class. THcRasteredBeam class derives from THaApparatus to handle rastered beam. Modify Makefile and HallC_LinkDef.h to compile new classes
- Mar 04, 2014
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
Added coding for read parameters from the hcana.param file. In the hcana.param file added the four raster channels graster_channels = "xsync xsig ysync ysig" Created raster_test.C script to run the analyzer for raster code testing purpose. This was coppied from the hodotest.C
Buddhini Waidyawansa authored
- Jan 17, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jan 14, 2014
Stephen A. Wood authored
Friend the detector classes that need access to the private members. May later want to use member functions to access the data.
- May 01, 2012
Stephen A. Wood authored
TClonesArray ConstructedAt method. Raw hit class for drift chambers and skeleton drift chamber that prints out drift chamber package hits. Move Compare method from THcHodoscopeHit to ThcRawHit since it should work for any derived class. Get detector name -> ID mapping from the map file comments
Stephen A. Wood authored
work for any derived class.
- Apr 24, 2012
Stephen A. Wood authored
THcHodoscope, a multiplane scintillator array. Make a Hall C style spectrometer (so that default Hall A detectors are not included.) Can read a Hall C data file and print out hodoscope hits where the left/right TDC/ADC are matched up per counter.
Stephen A. Wood authored
constructors so that they now work in TClonesArray.
- Apr 21, 2012
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Apr 04, 2012
Stephen A. Wood authored
Some progress on generic Decode method.
- Mar 16, 2012
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Mar 15, 2012
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Mar 13, 2012
Stephen A. Wood authored