- Dec 12, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Dec 11, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Dec 09, 2017
hallc-online authored
Add variable for the difference between the Hodoscope start time and the ADC pulse time. Select good adc hit based on window on this difference
hallc-online authored
Have variables fGoodPosAdcTdcDiffTime and fGoodNegAdcTdcDiffTime which are the difference between TDC time and ADC pulse time Replace ADC pulse time cut with cut on difference between TDC time and ADC pulse time to select good ADC pulse.
hallc-online authored
Eliminate cut on fStartTimeCenter in selecting good focal plane times.
- Dec 08, 2017
hallc-online authored
Add code for doing the vertical target position correction to the optics.
hallc-online authored
Fix mistake of add target offsets twice. Fix mistake in units for the HMS Q3 correction
- Dec 06, 2017
hallc-online authored
Add in offsets for xptar, yptar and delta Add in delta correction as function of xpfp and central momentum for HMS. This corrects for a problem in setting Q3 current. There was an unknown zero offset in the Q3 current. This was determined by T. Horn in 2003.
Stephen A. Wood authored
To do this suppression, a trigger detector object needs to know the name of spectrometer it is associated with. By default it will get this name from the first character of the it's own name. This can be overridden with the SetSpectName method.
Stephen A. Wood authored
Each detector object will check the global variable X.present each event. If X.present is false, it indicates that the parent spectrometer object determineted that this spectrometer is not in this event, and therefor reference times are not expected. If X.present is false, then the reference time warning messages will be suppressed.
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Dec 05, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Edward Brash authored
Vardan Tadevosyan authored
- Dec 04, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Add ability to cut on number of PE in Cherenkov when dumping events for TOF calibration Add parameter fTOFCalib_cer_lo Add ability to cut on track beta when dumping events for TOF calibration Add parameter fTOFCalib_beta_lo and fTOFCalib_beta_hi Parameters are optional. Default set to kBig or -kBig THere was already a possible cut on Shower energy/momentum
- Dec 02, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Moved filling of fNRegions from parameter to before the fRegionValue array is defined. The code had been using default fNRegions=4 regardless of vaule of h_num_regions in parameter file.
Mark Jones authored
Add leaf dc.chisq which is the chisquared/dof of the golden track.
- Nov 30, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Add rawnorefcorrtime to THcDCHit which is the TDC raw without the reference time subtraction. Add variable rawnorefcorrtdc in THcDriftChamberPlane::DefineVariables Modify THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits to call GetRawTdcHit().GetTimeRaw and call THcDCHit with new extra argument for raw time without reference time subtraction.
Eric Pooser authored
Mark Jones authored
Mark Jones authored
Mark Jones authored
Modified so that the fGoodPosAdcPulseTime, fGoodNegAdcPulseTime or fGoodAdcPulseTime is set to kBig Modified THcShowerRawHit::SetReference to takeADC signals Modified THcTrigRawHit::SetReference to take ADC signals Modified THcShowerArray::ProcessHits so that fAdcTdcOffset add to frAdcPulseTime Modified THcShowerArray::ReadDatabase so that defaults for fAdcThreshold etc are before gHcParms->LoadParmValues
Stephen A. Wood authored
This is because it is offsetting PulseTime which is double and to be consistent with the other detectors.
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 28, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Moved writing of the TOF calibration dump file to FineProcess Added cut on shower energy/momenutum Add parameters fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo and fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi . Add parameter fNumPlanesBetaCalc which allows one to set how many planes to use in beta calculations. Useful for SHMS. fNumPlanesBetaCalc defaults to 4 if not set.
- Nov 22, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
All Int_t variables that hold scaler values are now UInt_t Some variables that were Double_t are UInt_t Keep track of overflows so that tree variables holding scaler counts are correct for high rate scalers Catch overflows when computing differences from last scaler reading.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 21, 2017
John Matter authored
Fix typo in previous commit's THcCherenkov.cxx
- Nov 17, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 14, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Fix logical flaw in THcScintillator::ProcessHits in finding good adc hit in multiple hits in one channel When looping over hits to find the best ADC hit, the code was looping over frNegAdcPulseInt->GetEntries() or frPosAdcPulseInt->GetEntries() which are the raw arrays that are filled for all raw hits in the plane The code was not using the proper indexes to access the right hits. The logic is simpler if one loops over rawNegAdcHit.GetNPulses() or rawPosAdcHit.GetNPulses() which are the the raw hit object for the paritcular hit. NPulses is the number of ADC pulses that were found for that adc channel. The first adc pulse for the channel which is within the adc time window then has its information saved for late insertion into the "good" vectors for the hit if either the hit passes 'good" tdc and adc for the POS or NEG side of the PMT.
- Nov 07, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 06, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
This will add the Hall C parameter DB (gHCParms) to the Run_Data object The GetHCParms method will retrieve the parameter DB
- Nov 03, 2017
Mark Jones authored
Fix mistake in THcHodoEff::End
Mark Jones authored
Add back parameter hodo_gold_hits which is the number of "should" hits for each paddle. Needed to calculate efficiency per paddle in end run template