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  1. Jul 19, 2018
    • Ole Hansen's avatar
      CMake updates: · bc01b8fb
      Ole Hansen authored
      1. Update for ROOT5-enabled root_generate_dictionary CMake function
        root_generate_dictionary now works with both ROOT 5 and ROOT 6.
        It defines the dictionary custom target and PCM file internally,
        as appropriate, and also automatically extracts any required
        -D compile definitions from the given target(s).
      2. Add configuration option HCANA_BUILTIN_PODD (default ON)
        If set to OFF (cmake -DHCANA_BUILTIN_PODD=OFF ...), CMake will find a
        pre-built version of Podd according to the usual find_package search
        rules. (It's sufficient to have the installed "analyzer" in your PATH,
        but you can also set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the Podd installation root,
        for example.) This version of Podd has to have been built and
        installed with Podd's CMake system. In this case, only libHallC will
        be built, and the Podd submodule of hcana is ignored and does not even
        have to be present.
      3. Clean existing src/hc_compiledata.h during CMake configuration
        This file might be left over from a previous non-CMake build and would
        be incorrectly picked up instead of the CMake-generated version.
      4. Generate hcanaConfig.cmake config and version files using latest Podd scripts
        Requires Podd at commit JeffersonLab/analyzer@34dd368
  2. Jul 17, 2018
  3. Jul 10, 2018
  4. Jun 29, 2018
  5. Jun 28, 2018
  6. Jun 27, 2018
  7. Jun 08, 2018
  8. May 11, 2018
  9. May 08, 2018
  10. May 03, 2018
  11. Apr 30, 2018
  12. Apr 29, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modifiy THcHodoScope.cxx · 4254664d
      hallc-online authored
      In Setup : Set name of histogram to include initial of spectrometer
         that it belongs. Each event in EstimateFocalPLaneTime the histogram
         is fill with the scintillator times so that a cut can be placed
         to throw out bad scintillator times relative to the mean of
         all scintillator times.
  13. Apr 28, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcScalerEvtHandler · d3c4f8c1
      hallc-online authored
      Change fBCM_Name to vector of strings .
      Fixed memory leak when it was array of char.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcHodoscope · f26d1d0d
      hallc-online authored
      Elminiate "void" in THcHodoscope::EstimateFocalPlaneTime( void )
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcHodoEff · 142d35a9
      hallc-online authored
      In Process add if statement to be sure that hitcounter is
        greater than zero and less than total number of paddles
        in the plane.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC, THcDriftChamber, THcSpacePoint · 9f98b2c0
      hallc-online authored
        1) added fSetStubFlag which is intialized
           to kFALSE in constructor and set to kTRUE
           when SetStub is called.
         2) added method GetSetStubFlag which
            returns fSetStubFlag.
         1) In ProcessHits increased fHits reserve to 40
         2) In FindSpacePoints use fSpacePoints->Delete();
         3) In LeftRight ,only SetStub if the Stub is fit.
         1) In LinkStubs
            a) only link stubs if number of total spacepoints <10
            b) only link stubs if both spacepoints have SetStubFlag true
         1) In constructor initalize fLR to 0
         1) AddSpacePoint check if fnSP < 10
  14. Apr 24, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Updates to THcTimeSyncEvtHandler · c5e04a3f
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        THcTimeSyncEvtHandler is a toolbox to study and correct various
        synchronization issues.
        It checks that the timestamp in the FADC250s agrees with the timestamp
        in the TI modules.
        It also checks if the event counter in the 1190 modules agrees with the
        event counter in the TI modules.
        It can be used to correct the 1190 synchronization problem we have
        seen in ROC3 by writing out a corrected data file.  See the next commit
        for an example of how it is used.
  15. Apr 23, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Fix typo in THcTrigDet.cxx · 9ef53129
      hallc-online authored
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updated THcTrigDet · a4f28135
      hallc-online authored
      1) Have time cut on TrigDet reference time for TDC and ADC,
             to select reference time from multiple hits
      2) Have time window to select best TDC or ADC reference time subtracted
         time  hit for each channel.
  16. Apr 16, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updated THcDriftChamber.cxx · 0eec2a5a
      hallc-online authored
      In LeftRight method when using SmallAngle Approximation and
       additional condition that the wires in adjacent plane have to
       be within 0.51cm.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updated THcDriftChamberPlane · f0e86b0f
      hallc-online authored
      Add call ConvertTimeToDist in SubtractStartTime method
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updated THcHodoscope.cxx · ff106a07
      hallc-online authored
      Modify so default starttime is -1000.
      Modify so if no hits in scintillator then EstimateFocalPlane is not called.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDCTrack.h · 04242df6
      hallc-online authored
      Fix type in GetSp2_ID()
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC, THcDriftChamberPlane · 994097ec
      hallc-online authored
        1) Remove subtraction of hodoscope starttime from ProcessHits
          which is called by THcDC::Decode.
        The hodoscope start time is determined in hodoscope Decode
         which is called after THcDC::Decode. So drift chamber
         was using the starttime from the previous event.
         2) Create method SubtractStartTime which is called by THcDC:CoarseTrack
          1) Move fChambers[ic]->ProcessHits() to CoarseTrack
          2) Before looping through fChambers[ic]->ProcessHits() in CoarseTrack
              loop through all planes and call fPlanes[ip]->SubtractStartTime()
  17. Apr 12, 2018
  18. Apr 11, 2018
  19. Apr 02, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify fFpTimeAll filling in THcHodoscope · e06d50f0
      hallc-online authored
      fFPTimeAll is the average focal plane time from all
        scintillator times. In EstimatedFocalPlaneTime fFPTimeAll is set to
        starttime which is the average FP time without using the DC track.
      If there are tracks, then a focal plane time is calculated
      for each track using the track information to improve the focal
      plane time calculation and save for each track. Previously
       fFPTimeAll was being filled for each track, so in effect
      fFPTimeAll was being filled with the FP time of the last track.
      ALso there was no check that nFPTimeSum was not zero when
      calculating average FP time, so one could get NaN values for
      To fix the problem , added  and modified line
      Double_t fptime=-1000;
      if (nFPTimeSum>0) fptime = FPTimeSum/nFPTimeSum;
      And moved setting fFPTimeAll to THcHodoscope::FineProcess
      Now fFPTimeAll is set the the average focal plane time of
      the golden track.
  20. Mar 23, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Add THcTimeSyncEvtHandler · af10f36b
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        This event type handler can be used to gather statistics on the slippage
        of trigger times in FADC250 headers.
        It looks at the relative trigger times between the ADCs and the TI modules
        and counts the number of times the relative times shift.
        The ADC trigger times will have a small offset relative to the TI trigger
        times.  The method AddExpectedOffset(roc, offset) allows the setting
        of this offset on a crate by crate basis.  If expected offsets are not
        set, the first event is used to determine the offsets.
  21. Mar 19, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Implement version numbering for hcana. · dada9972
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        We'll start with version 0.90.0 and increment the second number up to 99.
        Goal is to declare a verison 1.0.0 sometime over the summer.
        To change the version, edit both and Makefile.
  22. Mar 17, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC and THcDCTrack · 7e790fc0
      hallc-online authored
      Modify THcDCTrack::TrackFit to calculate residuals for each plane
         without the plane involved in the track.
      Add tree variable residualExclPlane
  23. Mar 16, 2018
  24. Mar 15, 2018