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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Apr 16, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC, THcDriftChamberPlane · 994097ec
      hallc-online authored
        1) Remove subtraction of hodoscope starttime from ProcessHits
          which is called by THcDC::Decode.
        The hodoscope start time is determined in hodoscope Decode
         which is called after THcDC::Decode. So drift chamber
         was using the starttime from the previous event.
         2) Create method SubtractStartTime which is called by THcDC:CoarseTrack
          1) Move fChambers[ic]->ProcessHits() to CoarseTrack
          2) Before looping through fChambers[ic]->ProcessHits() in CoarseTrack
              loop through all planes and call fPlanes[ip]->SubtractStartTime()
  2. Apr 12, 2018
  3. Apr 11, 2018
  4. Apr 02, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify fFpTimeAll filling in THcHodoscope · e06d50f0
      hallc-online authored
      fFPTimeAll is the average focal plane time from all
        scintillator times. In EstimatedFocalPlaneTime fFPTimeAll is set to
        starttime which is the average FP time without using the DC track.
      If there are tracks, then a focal plane time is calculated
      for each track using the track information to improve the focal
      plane time calculation and save for each track. Previously
       fFPTimeAll was being filled for each track, so in effect
      fFPTimeAll was being filled with the FP time of the last track.
      ALso there was no check that nFPTimeSum was not zero when
      calculating average FP time, so one could get NaN values for
      To fix the problem , added  and modified line
      Double_t fptime=-1000;
      if (nFPTimeSum>0) fptime = FPTimeSum/nFPTimeSum;
      And moved setting fFPTimeAll to THcHodoscope::FineProcess
      Now fFPTimeAll is set the the average focal plane time of
      the golden track.
  5. Mar 28, 2018
  6. Mar 23, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Examples script to study slippage of FADC trigger times. · 0126a691
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Usual trigger time offsets for the 3 FADC crates are set
        in slipstudy.C
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Add THcTimeSyncEvtHandler · af10f36b
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        This event type handler can be used to gather statistics on the slippage
        of trigger times in FADC250 headers.
        It looks at the relative trigger times between the ADCs and the TI modules
        and counts the number of times the relative times shift.
        The ADC trigger times will have a small offset relative to the TI trigger
        times.  The method AddExpectedOffset(roc, offset) allows the setting
        of this offset on a crate by crate basis.  If expected offsets are not
        set, the first event is used to determine the offsets.
  7. Mar 21, 2018
  8. Mar 19, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Implement version numbering for hcana. · dada9972
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        We'll start with version 0.90.0 and increment the second number up to 99.
        Goal is to declare a verison 1.0.0 sometime over the summer.
        To change the version, edit both and Makefile.
  9. Mar 17, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC and THcDCTrack · 7e790fc0
      hallc-online authored
      Modify THcDCTrack::TrackFit to calculate residuals for each plane
         without the plane involved in the track.
      Add tree variable residualExclPlane
  10. Mar 16, 2018
  11. Mar 15, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Simplify THcFormula so that code from THaFormula is not duplicated. · a11e43b3
      Stephen A. Wood authored
         THcFormula::DefinedValue is removed as
           THaFormula::DefinedValue now handles the kCutScaler and kCutNCalled types
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Update to podd 1.6.0 release. · cc81cf4b
      Stephen A. Wood authored
            Includes THaFormula patches needed for THcFormula simplification
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Sync main.C with podd version. · 3896ee58
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Fix annoyance of spurious extra prompt on exit
        Add -l, -v and --version command line options
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Inherit THcInterface from THaInterface · 36e2347b
      Stephen A. Wood authored
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modified THcDriftChamber · 2eba5f37
      hallc-online authored
      1) Add to tree variable arrays stub_x,stub_xp,stub_y and stub_yp
          and ncombos. These are arrays of the number of spacepoints in
          the chamber.
      2) In ReadDatabase
         a) new variable  fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp which is set differently
             for HMS and SHMS. Used in method LeftRight
         b) Set default value of optional parameter fStubMaxXPDiff = 999.
      3)  Modified method LeftRight
         a) Previously only for the old fHMSStyleChambers would
            the code only select LR combinations where
            the difference between stub_xp to space_point_X*ratio is
              with in the fStubMaxXPDiff .
            The ratio came from the HMS optics.
         b) Changed LeftRight so that if fStubMaxXPDiff < 100
               then the code will only select LR combinations where
            the difference between stub_xp to space_point_X*ratio is
              with in the fStubMaxXPDiff . The ratio is
            set in ReadDataBase according to the spectrometer.
      5) In FindSpacePoints add some comments.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modified THcDC.cxx · b0abd6ab
      hallc-online authored
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcDC and THcSpacePoint.h · d12c9130
      hallc-online authored
      Modified THcSpacePoint.h to have public member that keeps track
         of the spacepoint ID number for each chamber.
         Used in THcDC::LinkStubs
      Modified THcDC.cxx and h
      1) Add tree variables sp1_id and sp2_id which are the integer
          ID in the spacepoints in each chamber used in the golden track.
           The ID refers to index in array of spacepoints created in
      2) Modify LinkStub to fill sp1_id and sp2_id for each track
      3) For golden track fill sp1_ID_best and sp2_ID_best
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THCDCTrack · 973412c2
      hallc-online authored
      Add methods for setting the spacepoint integer identifier
        for two spacepoints used in the track.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcSpacePoint.h · e546ebb1
      hallc-online authored
      Add calls:
      +  Double_t GetStubX() {return fStub[0];};
      +  Double_t GetStubXP() {return fStub[2];};
      +  Double_t GetStubY() {return fStub[1];};
      +  Double_t GetStubYP() {return fStub[3];};
  12. Mar 14, 2018
  13. Mar 07, 2018
  14. Mar 06, 2018
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcExtTarCor.cxx and THcReactionPoint · 810f8b3e
      hallc-online authored
      Fix sign mistake in correction for vertical pointing offset
         in THcExtTarCor.cxx
      Write Hall C version of THcReactionPoint
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updated THcCherenkov.cxx and h · 13c30107
      hallc-online authored
      Add new ntuple variables
      goodAdcMult == the number of hits in raw ADc for that channel
      goodAdcHitUsed == which hit number of the raw ADC hits passed the
                            the ADC time window cut
      Modified fAdcTimeWindowMin  and fAdcTimeWindowMax to be arrays
        that are the size of the number of Cerenkov pmts.
  15. Feb 20, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Don't print missing reference time errors for ADC's. · 7df38f56
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Statistics for missing ADC reference times are still accumulated
        and still printed at the end of the run and stored in parameters.
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Add new Track Efficiency Test to THcHodoscope · 2057c6e3
      hallc-online authored
      Moved the old track efficiency tests to OriginalTrackEffTest method and
      this is presently commented out. Eventually can be eliminated.
      The old track efficiency assumed that both planes had matching
        paddlle spacing which is not true for SHMS.
      Added new method TrackEffTest which calculates the number of clusters
        in each plane and the position for the cluster for scintillator
        paddle that had good times in both ends. Selects events with
        one cluster with size of 1 or 2 in either 4 of 4 planes
        or 3 of 4 planes. Also checks that the events are inside
        a given range of scintillator paddles.
  16. Feb 19, 2018
  17. Feb 15, 2018
  18. Feb 12, 2018