- Jan 20, 2019
Whitney Armstrong authored
modified: Dockerfile modified: ../../src/CMakeLists.txt
Whitney Armstrong authored
Whitney Armstrong authored
- removed spdlog ( now in analyzer) - added logging to THaAnalzyer (podd)
- Aug 08, 2018
Whitney Armstrong authored
modified: src/CMakeLists.txt
- Aug 02, 2018
Whitney Armstrong authored
- Jul 19, 2018
Ole Hansen authored
1. Update for ROOT5-enabled root_generate_dictionary CMake function root_generate_dictionary now works with both ROOT 5 and ROOT 6. It defines the dictionary custom target and PCM file internally, as appropriate, and also automatically extracts any required -D compile definitions from the given target(s). 2. Add configuration option HCANA_BUILTIN_PODD (default ON) If set to OFF (cmake -DHCANA_BUILTIN_PODD=OFF ...), CMake will find a pre-built version of Podd according to the usual find_package search rules. (It's sufficient to have the installed "analyzer" in your PATH, but you can also set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the Podd installation root, for example.) This version of Podd has to have been built and installed with Podd's CMake system. In this case, only libHallC will be built, and the Podd submodule of hcana is ignored and does not even have to be present. 3. Clean existing src/hc_compiledata.h during CMake configuration This file might be left over from a previous non-CMake build and would be incorrectly picked up instead of the CMake-generated version. 4. Generate hcanaConfig.cmake config and version files using latest Podd scripts Requires Podd at commit JeffersonLab/analyzer@34dd368
- Jul 17, 2018
Ole Hansen authored
Requires Podd at commit JeffersonLab/analyzer@aa4c6a8
- Jun 29, 2018
Whitney Armstrong authored
modified: CMakeLists.txt modified: cmake/HCANAConfig.cmake.in modified: external/CMakeLists.txt modified: external/PODD.CMakeLists.txt modified: src/CMakeLists.txt
Whitney Armstrong authored
new file: external/CMakeLists.txt new file: external/PODD.CMakeLists.txt modified: src/CMakeLists.txt
- Jun 27, 2018
Whitney Armstrong authored
This repo along with hallac_evio and analyzer all have "cmake" branches with complete cmake builds.