- Feb 09, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Applied changes in several files to reflect this. Minor fix in `THcRawHodoHit`.
Jure Bericic authored
- Feb 08, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Pooser hms dc residual work
Eric Pooser authored
Eric Pooser authored
When calculating the residuals, consider all track candidates instead of only the first track. Moreover, eliminate the instances when there was no hit in a plane then the residual was returned as zero.
- Feb 07, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Jure Bericic authored
This error is triggered when there is no wire defined for hit, or when the wire has no `GetTDDConv()` method. The ROOT dictionary calls default constructor that doesn't set the wire and calls `ConvertTimeToDist()` regardless. I changed the default constructor to not call the `ConvertTimeToDist()` if the wire is not set. I also added the call to this function in the `SetWire()` method.
Mark K Jones authored
Add fCosmicFlag to Hodoscope class
Cdaq Account authored
The fCosmicFlag is used in EstimateFocalPlaneTime The start time for the drift chamber is determined as an average of the focal plane times for each hodo plane. Need to account for the TOF from the hodoscope to the focal plane (z=0). For cosmic data need to add this TOF to the corrected scintillator time, while usually one needs to subtract this TOF. Add a flag as parameter to switch between these modes.
- Feb 06, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
`THcTrigRawHit` now uses raw ADC and TDC classes. Added new leaves to the `THcTrigDet` Root output.
- Feb 03, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
THcScalerEvtHandler will work for rocs with scaler data with or without the data being wrapped in a bank.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jan 31, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
This should really be configurable as sometimes there will be two Cerenkovs and we should be able to choose which Cherekov the hodoscope should use in efficiency calculations.
- Jan 30, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
to account for changes to Cerenkov class
Jure Bericic authored
The calls to `Find()` need to be wrapped in checks if returned pointer is null. Otherwise a further call to get value produces SegFault. The `LoadParmValues()` does not suffer from this, since it throws error if non-optional parameter is not found. The error message also tells which parameter is missing. I still left three calls to `Find()` in `THcAnalyzer.cxx`. They are wrapped in checks and some other things...
- Jan 28, 2017
Mark K Jones authored
Add variables related to good scintillator hits to tree
Eric Pooser authored
- Jan 27, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
- Jan 26, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jan 24, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
- renamed internal variables to more vocal names - added boundary checks to new Get methods - removed obsolete get methods - added new get methods - updated documentation accordingly
Cdaq Account authored
Modify default tdc_neg and tdc_pos = -999 SetCorrectedTimes when only oneside has TDC within in window
- Jan 23, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Added documentation for THcRawAdcHit.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jan 19, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Jure Bericic authored
Added channel to time coefficients to the Adc and Tdc raw hit classes.
Jure Bericic authored
- corrected the number of samples used for peak integral to 9. This number will eventually have to be read from prestart event. - added explicit casts from Int_t to Double_t in several methods
- Jan 18, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Jan 13, 2017
Stephen A. Wood authored
Jure Bericic authored
Jure Bericic authored
- Added new leafs to the hodoscope tree. - Added new leafs to the aerogel tree. - Added new leafs to cerenkov tree. - Added new leafs to the shower tree. Left all the old leafs in there. Will need a careful cleanup...
- Jan 12, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
This makes the code nicer and with less duplication in logic. Along with that I had to correct all the call sites to the RawHodoHit in all the classes that use it.
- Jan 11, 2017
Jure Bericic authored
Added new class THcRawTdcHit. RawShowerHit update.
- Dec 21, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
The f250 modules can produce at most 511 samples (9 bit) so it seemed reasonable to increase the maximum number of samples in the raw hits to this value.
- Dec 17, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
As it turns out, this was not so easy fix. I had to do: - add at least c++0x support to scons (works for g++ 4.4.7!) - change how my DefineVariables works The c++0x support is bonus, since now we can use some additional features, like auto keyword (see https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.4/cxx0x_status.html).
Jure Bericic authored
Jure Bericic authored
The new class THcRawAdcHit is meant to represent the raw ADC hits. The logic with dealing with ADCs has become quite complex now and it would have to be multiplicated across all detectors that have ADC channels. While this by itself is not such a big problem, fixing possible bugs in multiple places is. I also redesigned the THcRawShowerHit class to use the new THcRawAdcHit. The redesign was due anyway, so I took the opportunity. I also had to modify THcShowerArray and THcShowerPlane. They still need some work to use the the new flash 250 data, but changes were necessary anyway. Minor fix 01.
- Dec 15, 2016
pooser authored
Removed trailing whitespace from all hcana source files.
Jure Bericic authored