- Mar 16, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Mar 15, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
THcFormula::DefinedValue is removed as THaFormula::DefinedValue now handles the kCutScaler and kCutNCalled types
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Includes THaFormula patches needed for THcFormula simplification
Stephen A. Wood authored
Fix annoyance of spurious extra prompt on exit Add -l, -v and --version command line options
Stephen A. Wood authored
hallc-online authored
1) Add to tree variable arrays stub_x,stub_xp,stub_y and stub_yp and ncombos. These are arrays of the number of spacepoints in the chamber. 2) In ReadDatabase a) new variable fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp which is set differently for HMS and SHMS. Used in method LeftRight b) Set default value of optional parameter fStubMaxXPDiff = 999. 3) Modified method LeftRight a) Previously only for the old fHMSStyleChambers would the code only select LR combinations where the difference between stub_xp to space_point_X*ratio is with in the fStubMaxXPDiff . The ratio came from the HMS optics. b) Changed LeftRight so that if fStubMaxXPDiff < 100 then the code will only select LR combinations where the difference between stub_xp to space_point_X*ratio is with in the fStubMaxXPDiff . The ratio is set in ReadDataBase according to the spectrometer. 5) In FindSpacePoints add some comments.
hallc-online authored
hallc-online authored
Modified THcSpacePoint.h to have public member that keeps track of the spacepoint ID number for each chamber. Used in THcDC::LinkStubs Modified THcDC.cxx and h 1) Add tree variables sp1_id and sp2_id which are the integer ID in the spacepoints in each chamber used in the golden track. The ID refers to index in array of spacepoints created in THcDriftChamber.cxx 2) Modify LinkStub to fill sp1_id and sp2_id for each track 3) For golden track fill sp1_ID_best and sp2_ID_best
hallc-online authored
Add methods for setting the spacepoint integer identifier for two spacepoints used in the track.
hallc-online authored
Add calls: + Double_t GetStubX() {return fStub[0];}; + Double_t GetStubXP() {return fStub[2];}; + Double_t GetStubY() {return fStub[1];}; + Double_t GetStubYP() {return fStub[3];};
- Mar 14, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Just replaces Process method.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Mar 07, 2018
hallc-online authored
Add AdcTimeWindowMin and Max for each pmt Add tree variables GoodPosAdcMult and fGoodPosAdcHitUsed
- Mar 06, 2018
hallc-online authored
Fix sign mistake in correction for vertical pointing offset in THcExtTarCor.cxx Write Hall C version of THcReactionPoint
hallc-online authored
Add new ntuple variables goodAdcMult == the number of hits in raw ADc for that channel goodAdcHitUsed == which hit number of the raw ADC hits passed the the ADC time window cut Modified fAdcTimeWindowMin and fAdcTimeWindowMax to be arrays that are the size of the number of Cerenkov pmts.
- Feb 20, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Statistics for missing ADC reference times are still accumulated and still printed at the end of the run and stored in parameters.
hallc-online authored
Moved the old track efficiency tests to OriginalTrackEffTest method and this is presently commented out. Eventually can be eliminated. The old track efficiency assumed that both planes had matching paddlle spacing which is not true for SHMS. Added new method TrackEffTest which calculates the number of clusters in each plane and the position for the cluster for scintillator paddle that had good times in both ends. Selects events with one cluster with size of 1 or 2 in either 4 of 4 planes or 3 of 4 planes. Also checks that the events are inside a given range of scintillator paddles.
- Feb 19, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
So that the counts can be reported in report files.
Stephen A. Wood authored
First hit above this cut is taken as the reference time. Cuts are per detector and read as an optional parameter in each detector class. TDCs and Flash ADC times have separate cuts. Implement a second method of selecting best reference time. If InitHitList is passed a possitive reference time cut, use the first reference time above that cut. If none of the hits pass the cut, then no reference time is set If InitHitList is passed a negative cut, the cut is taken to be the absolute value of the cut, but a reference time is garuanteed to be set as long as there is at least one reference time hit. If none of the reference time hits pass the cut, then the last hit is taken to be the reference time. (Should be the largest.) Allow reference time cuts for all the spectrometer detector classes Hodoscopes, drift chambers, Aerogels, Gas Cherenkovs, Calorimeters
- Feb 15, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
Add End method to each detector that calls MissReport which prints the number of events with missing TDC and ADC reference times.
- Feb 12, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
in THcDummySpectrometer and THcTrigApp by removing calls to DefineVarsFromList that are not needed because those classes define no variables.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Feb 11, 2018
hallc-online authored
THcHallCSpectrometer 1) Add variables fMispointing_x and fMispointing_y which are filled by parameters hmispointing_x, hmispointing_y in PARAM/HMS/GEN/hmsflags.param and pmispointing_x, pmispointing_y in PARAM/SHMS/GEN/shmsflags.param . The offsets are used in THcExtTarCor and THaReactionPoint 2) Modify argument to method CalculateTargetQuantities to be xtar instead of gbeam_y . THcExtTarCor 1) add call to get spectrometer pointing offsets 2) The mispointing_x is added to xtar 3) Set xtar to start as -beam_y = - vertex(1)+mispointing_x for first call to CalculateTargetQuantities After first call the xtar is recalculated using the returned xptar and a second call is done to get the target xptar,ytar,yptar and delta. 4) Fill golden track with final xtar
- Feb 05, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Feb 04, 2018
hallc-online authored
Added call trkifo->Set since it is used in THcPrimaryKine and THcSecondaryKine Fill golden track with target quantities after correction for vertical target position.
hallc-online authored
When filling beam position that is used in determining the reaction point multiply the raster X by -1 to put in the right handed coordinate system The raster coordinate system is left-handed to match the EPICS beam coordinate system.
- Feb 03, 2018
hallc-online authored
Increase default size static const int fMaxAdcChannels = 200; static const int fMaxTdcChannels = 200;
- Jan 30, 2018
hallc-online authored
Add TH1f histogram hTime to replace timehist array
- Jan 29, 2018
sanghwapark authored
sanghwapark authored
- Jan 27, 2018
hallc-online authored
1) add error message if Time between sucessive reads is zero. This should never happen. 2) Add the event number of that scaler read to the Scaler root tree The tree variable is evNumber
- Jan 22, 2018
hallc-online authored
Added a check that fDeltatime>0 when calculating charge and current.
- Jan 12, 2018
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
For a TrigDet associated with one spectrometer, call SetSpectName so that H.present or P.present can be found. For coin TrigDet, supply a list of event types for which warnings should be suppressed.