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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 15, 2018
    • Whitney Armstrong's avatar
      Starting adding logging with spdlog · ec942943
      Whitney Armstrong authored
      - Mixins defined in Logger.h
      - Mixin used in base classes (THcDC is currently a good example)
      Added a few more spdlog loggers
      Added logging to many.
      - Added logging to hodoscope, aerogel hitlist and detectormap
      - Working on scandalizer features.
      Added logging.
      Added more logging.
      added more logging.
      More logging.
  2. Dec 11, 2018
  3. Jun 27, 2018
  4. Jun 08, 2018
  5. Feb 19, 2018
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Create parameters to hold missing reference time counts. · 14523959
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        So that the counts can be reported in report files.
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Put a minimum cut on reference times. · 39317b13
      Stephen A. Wood authored
         First hit above this cut is taken as the reference time.
         Cuts are per detector and read as an optional parameter in
         each detector class.  TDCs and Flash ADC times have separate cuts.
      Implement a second method of selecting best reference time.
        If InitHitList is passed a possitive reference time cut,
          use the first reference time above that cut.  If none of the
          hits pass the cut, then no reference time is set
        If InitHitList is passed a negative cut, the cut is taken to be
          the absolute value of the cut, but a reference time is garuanteed
          to be set as long as there is at least one reference time hit.
          If none of the reference time hits pass the cut, then the last
          hit is taken to be the reference time.  (Should be the largest.)
      Allow reference time cuts for all the spectrometer detector classes
        Hodoscopes, drift chambers, Aerogels, Gas Cherenkovs, Calorimeters
  6. Feb 15, 2018
  7. Dec 06, 2017
    • Stephen A. Wood's avatar
      Suppress missing ref time messages when ref time not expected · e2c0eb6f
      Stephen A. Wood authored
        Each detector object will check the global variable X.present each
        event.  If X.present is false, it indicates that the parent
        spectrometer object determineted that this spectrometer is not in
        this event, and therefor reference times are not expected.  If
        X.present is false, then the reference time warning messages will
        be suppressed.
  8. Dec 05, 2017
  9. Nov 30, 2017
  10. Sep 26, 2017
  11. Aug 31, 2017
  12. Jul 28, 2017
  13. Jul 21, 2017
  14. Jul 11, 2017
  15. May 01, 2017
    • Vardan Tadevosyan's avatar
      Small Shower Calorimeter corrections, chagnes and cleanups · c30c06cf
      Vardan Tadevosyan authored
      Make matched cluster variables of the array part of calorimeter private.
      Initialize fY variable in the THcShowerHit::THcShowerHit default
      Correct typo in THcShowerArray::Clear, assign -1000 to fMatchClY.
      Edit debug output in THcShowerArray::CoarseProcess and remove obsolete
      comments THcShowerArray::MatchCluster.
      Clear fSizeClustArray and fNblockHighEnergy quantitites in
      THcShower::Clear, for just in case.
  16. Apr 20, 2017
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Updates to THcShower, THcShowerArray and THcSHowerHit · 2f9e340d
      hallc-online authored
      THcShowerHit.h and THcShowerHit.cxx
      1) Added fY for horizontal position
      2) Added fY to THcShowerHit
      1) Added variables
      2) Added method addY, clY to get the cluster Y position
      1) Added variables to the tree for "layer" detector
          either SHMS preshower or HMS layers
      2) Added variables if the SHMS "array" is used
      3) Added y position to THcShowerHit in CoarseProcess
      4) In FineProcess, if SHMS "array" used then fill X,Y info
           for the Cluster and the "best" track that matched the cluster
      THcShowerArray.h and THcShowerArray.cxx
      1) Added methods to Get the array cluster size, X and Y position
         and block number that has the highest energy in the cluster
      2) Added array fBlockClusterID for all blocks. initialized to -1
         for each block for each event and then filled with
         the cluster number if the block is included in the cluster
      3) Add variable fNhits and fNgoodhits
  17. Apr 18, 2017
  18. Mar 28, 2017
    • hallc-online's avatar
      Modify THcShower, THcShowerPlane and THcShowerArray classes · 6ad9abcf
      hallc-online authored
      Main purposes:
      1) Add the possibility of multiple ADC hits per channel and
         select best ADC by a time window.
      2) Change ProcessHits method in ShowerPlane and ShowerArray to only
          fill "raw" TClonesArrays.
      3) Add CoarseProcessHits method to ShowerPlane and ShowerArray
          to fill the "good" data arrays from call in THcShower:CoarseProcess
      4) Moved code to fill Track object with energy from FineProcess
         to CoarseProcess so that the Track->Get(Energy) can be used by other
          detectors in their FineProcess.
      5) FineProcess loops over Track object add gets Track energy
      6) Add AdcErrorFlag TClonesArray to be filled to check for
         problems with FADC
      1) Add methods GetADCMode(),GetAdcTimeWindowMin(),GetAdcTimeWindowMax()
          so that the ShowerPlane can access these parameters
      2) Add parameters ADCMode,fAdcTimeWindowMin,fAdcTimeWindowMax
      3) Add variables
         fNclustTrack : NUmber of cluster that matches best track
         fXclustTrack : X pos of cluster that matches best track
         fXTrack      : X pos of best track that matches cluster
         fEtrack  : Cluster energy associated with best track
         fEtrackNorm  : Cluster energy/Track momentum associated with best track
      1) Add calls to THcShowerPlane and THcShowerArray CoarseProcessHits
          in CoarseProcess
      2) Moved filling of Energy in Track object to CoarseProcess
      3) In FineProcess get the "best" Track object and match
         Track energy and trajectory to cluster.
      THcShowerArray.h and cxx
      1)add parameters fADCMode, fAdcTimeWindowMin and fAdcTimeWindowMax
      2) Add method CoarseProcessHits
      3) In ProcessHits fill fPosThresh and fNegThresh with a fix
          value of 250 integrated channels above pedestal.
           Need to make this a parameter.
      THcShowerPlane.h and cxx
      1)Gets fADCMode, fAdcTimeWindowMin and fAdcTimeWindowMax from THcShower
      2) Add method CoarseProcessHits
      3) In ProcessHits fill fPosThresh and fNegThresh with a fix
          value of 250 integrated channels above pedestal.
           Need to make this a parameter.
  19. Dec 15, 2016
  20. Nov 23, 2016
  21. Nov 15, 2016
  22. May 18, 2016
  23. Jan 22, 2016
  24. Jan 18, 2016
  25. Jan 15, 2016
  26. Jan 10, 2016
  27. Jan 09, 2016
  28. Jan 01, 2016
  29. Dec 28, 2015
  30. Dec 06, 2015
  31. Oct 14, 2015
  32. Feb 23, 2015
  33. Feb 04, 2015
  34. Feb 03, 2015