- Dec 21, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
The f250 modules can produce at most 511 samples (9 bit) so it seemed reasonable to increase the maximum number of samples in the raw hits to this value.
- Dec 17, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
As it turns out, this was not so easy fix. I had to do: - add at least c++0x support to scons (works for g++ 4.4.7!) - change how my DefineVariables works The c++0x support is bonus, since now we can use some additional features, like auto keyword (see https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.4/cxx0x_status.html).
Jure Bericic authored
Jure Bericic authored
The new class THcRawAdcHit is meant to represent the raw ADC hits. The logic with dealing with ADCs has become quite complex now and it would have to be multiplicated across all detectors that have ADC channels. While this by itself is not such a big problem, fixing possible bugs in multiple places is. I also redesigned the THcRawShowerHit class to use the new THcRawAdcHit. The redesign was due anyway, so I took the opportunity. I also had to modify THcShowerArray and THcShowerPlane. They still need some work to use the the new flash 250 data, but changes were necessary anyway. Minor fix 01.
- Dec 15, 2016
pooser authored
Removed trailing whitespace from all hcana source files.
Jure Bericic authored
- Dec 12, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
- Now throwing an error for invalid signal in THcRawHodoHit::GetRawData and THcRawHodoHit::GetData. - THcRawHodoHit::GetData now only subtracts reference time for TDC channels. - THcRawHodoHit::SetReference now prints warning when trying to set reference time for ADC and does not set it. - Fix in THcTrigRawHit::Clear to set fHasMulti to kFALSE. - THcTrigRawHit::SetReference now prints warning when trying to set reference time for ADC and does not set it.
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Dec 09, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
Jure Bericic authored
Modified THcTrigRawHit. Modified THcTrigDet. Updated documentation.
- Dec 07, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
Dummy spectrometer class. Added a dummy spectrometer class to ease the construction of teststands for single detectors.
Stephen A. Wood authored
Use xhodo_adc_mode to choose how to interpret data 0 - Interpret as a standard ADC, subtracting pedestal found from ped events 1 - Use integrated pulse from ADC. Subtract the event by ev pedestal 2 - Integrate the sample data, subtract ped found from ped events 3 - Integrate the sample data, subtract dynamic pedestal xhodo_pedestal_scale is factor to multiply dynamic pedestal before subtracting. For example, if uses 4 samples to get pedestal and is acquiring 86 samples, in mode 3, this should be 86/4 xhodo_adc_diag_cut is a cut used to determine if diagnostic ADC stuff should be put in tree for each channel. Need to set this so that hodoscope hitmaps get filled right. Was 50 for Fastbus data.
Stephen A. Wood authored
Get this information if hit says it is looking for ADC info and the module reports that it is multifunction
Stephen A. Wood authored
Raw hit reports # of expected signals and their types (ADC vs TDC) Raw hit accept and deliver flash ADC sample, and pulse data (pulse integral, dynamic pedestal, time and peak)
- Dec 05, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Eric Pooser authored
Don't check if UInt_t's are >=0 Remove unused/repeated variables Cast enums to Int_t in switch statements Initialize temp variables
Eric Pooser authored
- Dec 02, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
THcParmList::LoadParmValues now throws runtime_error instead of calling Fatal, and with that causing core dump, when non-optional parameter is not found.
Stephen A. Wood authored
Jure Bericic authored
Jure Bericic authored
- Dec 01, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 23, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Otherwise InitHistlist doesn't have the detector map and can't do setup of reference time stuff or sanity checks on the detector mapping
- Nov 21, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 15, 2016
Jure Bericic authored
Some detector classes lacked the ability to get the appropriate Apparatus character and were only working for HMS.
Mark Jones authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
Stephen A. Wood authored
- Nov 14, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Includes decoder commits from Eric and Jure
- Nov 11, 2016
Mark K Jones authored
Fix Mark's mistakes
Mark Jones authored
Jure Bericic authored
- Added range checks when adding data to hits. Now an error is thrown instead of potentially getting core dump.
- Nov 06, 2016
Mark Jones authored
in THcDrifthChamberPlane::DefineVariable and output.def
Mark Jones authored
Fixed mistake in calculating focal plane time from hodoscope Change to check if hit has a corrected time. Then change to use GetPosTOFCorrectedTime instead of GetPosCorrectedTime and same for neg
Stephen A. Wood authored
evio .so now gets copied to top of podd directory Copy evio into podd directory
- Nov 04, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Edward Brash authored
double-qoute mangling
- Nov 01, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored
Default is to use new "invadc" parameters. Use old style by setting Xtofusinginvadc=0
- Oct 31, 2016
Stephen A. Wood authored