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Commit cdba969f authored by Stephen A. Wood's avatar Stephen A. Wood
Browse files

Merge branch 'gaby' of ssh:// into gaby

parents 961e391c 9fb62b03
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......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THcHitList.h"
#include "THcDriftChamber.h"
#include "THcHodoscope.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include <cstring>
......@@ -115,6 +116,14 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
//if( something < 0 ) wire->SetFlag(1);
THaApparatus* app = GetApparatus();
const char* nm = "hod";
if( !app ||
!(fglHod = dynamic_cast<THcHodoscope*>(app->GetDetector(nm))) ) {
Warning(Here(here),"Hodoscope \"%s\" not found. "
"Event-by-event time offsets will NOT be used!!",nm);
return kOK;
......@@ -175,6 +184,12 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
// Assumes that the hit list is sorted by plane, so we stop when the
// plane doesn't agree and return the index for the next hit.
Double_t StartTime = 0.0;
// Would be nice to have a way to determine that the hodoscope decode was
// actually called for this event.
if( fglHod ) StartTime = fglHod->GetStartTime();
cout << "Start time " << StartTime << endl;
//Int_t nTDCHits=0;
......@@ -206,7 +221,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
// Are we choose the same hit that ENGINE chooses?
// cout << "Extra hit " << fPlaneNum << " " << wireNum << " " << rawtdc << endl;
} else {
Double_t time = // -hstart_time (comes from h_trans_scin
Double_t time = -StartTime // (comes from h_trans_scin
- rawtdc*fNSperChan + fPlaneTimeZero;
// How do we get this start time from the hodoscope to here
// (or at least have it ready by coarse process)
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class THaEvData;
class THcDCWire;
class THcDCHit;
class THcDCTimeToDistConv;
class THcHodoscope;
/*class THaSignalHit;*/
......@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ class THcDriftChamberPlane : public THaSubDetector {
THcDCTimeToDistConv* fTTDConv; // Time-to-distance converter for this plane's wires
THcHodoscope* fglHod; // Hodoscope to get start time
......@@ -352,26 +352,25 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
// need this for "padded arrays" i.e. 4x16 lists of parameters (GN)
if (fDebug>=1) cout <<"fMaxScinPerPlane = "<<fMaxScinPerPlane<<" fMaxHodoScin = "<<fMaxHodoScin<<endl;
Double_t fHodoVelLight[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoPosSigma[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoNegSigma[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoPosMinPh[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoNegMinPh[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoPosPhcCoeff[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoNegPhcCoeff[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoPosTimeOffset[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoNegTimeOffset[fMaxHodoScin];
Int_t fHodoPosPedLimit[fMaxHodoScin];
Int_t fHodoNegPedLimit[fMaxHodoScin];
Int_t fTofUsingInvAdc;
Double_t fHodoPosInvAdcOffset[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoNegInvAdcOffset[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoPosInvAdcLinear[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoNegInvAdcLinear[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoPosInvAdcAdc[fMaxHodoScin];
Double_t fHodoNegInvAdcAdc[fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoVelLight=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoPosSigma=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoNegSigma=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoPosMinPh=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoNegMinPh=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoPosPhcCoeff=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoNegPhcCoeff=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoPosTimeOffset=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoNegTimeOffset=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoPosPedLimit=new Int_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoNegPedLimit=new Int_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoPosInvAdcOffset=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoNegInvAdcOffset=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoPosInvAdcLinear=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoNegInvAdcLinear=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoPosInvAdcAdc=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
fHodoNegInvAdcAdc=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
DBRequest list[]={
{"start_time_center", &fStartTimeCenter, kDouble},
......@@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
cout <<"TdcMin = "<<fScinTdcMin<<" TdcMax = "<<fScinTdcMax<<endl;
cout <<"TofTolerance = "<<fTofTolerance<<endl;
cout <<"*** VelLight ***\n";
for (int i1=1;i1<=fNPlanes;i1++) {
for (int i1=0;i1<fNPlanes;i1++) {
cout<<"Plane "<<i1<<endl;
for (int i2=0;i2<fMaxScinPerPlane;i2++) {
cout<<fHodoVelLight[GetScinIndex(i1,i2)]<<" ";
......@@ -419,6 +418,22 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
cout <<endl<<endl;
// check fHodoPosPhcCoeff
cout <<"fHodoPosPhcCoeff = ";
for (int i1=0;i1<fMaxHodoScin;i1++) {
cout<<this->GetHodoPosPhcCoeff(i1)<<" ";
if ((fTofTolerance > 0.5) && (fTofTolerance < 10000.)) {
else {
fTofTolerance= 3.0;
fIsInit = true;
return kOK;
......@@ -495,7 +510,24 @@ void THcHodoscope::DeleteArrays()
// Delete member arrays. Used by destructor.
delete [] fNPaddle; fNPaddle = NULL;
delete [] fNPaddle; fNPaddle = NULL;
delete [] fHodoVelLight; fHodoVelLight = NULL;
delete [] fHodoPosSigma; fHodoPosSigma = NULL;
delete [] fHodoNegSigma; fHodoNegSigma = NULL;
delete [] fHodoPosMinPh; fHodoPosMinPh = NULL;
delete [] fHodoNegMinPh; fHodoNegMinPh = NULL;
delete [] fHodoPosPhcCoeff; fHodoPosPhcCoeff = NULL;
delete [] fHodoNegPhcCoeff; fHodoNegPhcCoeff = NULL;
delete [] fHodoPosTimeOffset; fHodoPosTimeOffset = NULL;
delete [] fHodoNegTimeOffset; fHodoNegTimeOffset = NULL;
delete [] fHodoPosPedLimit; fHodoPosPedLimit = NULL;
delete [] fHodoNegPedLimit; fHodoNegPedLimit = NULL;
delete [] fHodoPosInvAdcOffset; fHodoPosInvAdcOffset = NULL;
delete [] fHodoNegInvAdcOffset; fHodoNegInvAdcOffset = NULL;
delete [] fHodoPosInvAdcLinear; fHodoPosInvAdcLinear = NULL;
delete [] fHodoNegInvAdcLinear; fHodoNegInvAdcLinear = NULL;
delete [] fHodoPosInvAdcAdc; fHodoPosInvAdcAdc = NULL;
delete [] fHodoNegInvAdcAdc; fHodoNegInvAdcAdc = NULL;
// delete [] fSpacing; fSpacing = NULL;
//delete [] fCenter; fCenter = NULL; // This 2D. What is correct way to delete?
......@@ -561,7 +593,13 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
// Let each plane get its hits
Int_t nexthit = 0;
for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
nexthit = fPlanes[ip]->ProcessHits(fRawHitList, nexthit);
// nexthit = fPlanes[ip]->ProcessHits(fRawHitList, nexthit);
// GN: select only events that have reasonable TDC values to start with
// as per the Engine h_strip_scin.f
nexthit = fPlanes[ip]->ProcessHits(fRawHitList,nexthit);
if (fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits()>0) {
// fRawHitList is TClones array of THcHodoscopeHit objects
......@@ -575,6 +613,8 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
cout << endl;
fStartTime = 500; // Drift Chamber will need this
return nhits;
......@@ -583,7 +623,6 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ApplyCorrections( void )
Double_t THcHodoscope::TimeWalkCorrection(const Int_t& paddle,
const ESide side)
......@@ -592,7 +631,7 @@ Double_t THcHodoscope::TimeWalkCorrection(const Int_t& paddle,
Int_t THcHodoscope::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& /* tracks */ )
Int_t THcHodoscope::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
// Calculation of coordinates of particle track cross point with scint
// plane in the detector coordinate system. For this, parameters of track
......@@ -601,7 +640,12 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& /* tracks */ )
// Apply corrections and reconstruct the complete hits.
// static const Double_t sqrt2 = TMath::Sqrt(2.);
// cout <<"**** in THcHodoscope CoarseProcess ********\n";
for(Int_t i=0;i<fNPlanes;i++) {
cout<<i<<" ";
return 0;
......@@ -623,10 +667,11 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
Int_t THcHodoscope::GetScinIndex( Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle ) {
// Return the index of a scintillator given the plane # and the paddle #
// This assumes that planes start counting from 1
// and paddles start counting from 0! (not ideal but that's what I have for now)
return fNPlanes*nPaddle+nPlane-1;
// GN: Return the index of a scintillator given the plane # and the paddle #
// This assumes that both planes and
// paddles start counting from 0!
// Result also counts from 0.
return fNPlanes*nPaddle+nPlane;
Int_t THcHodoscope::GetScinIndex( Int_t nSide, Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle ) {
......@@ -30,13 +30,24 @@ public:
virtual Int_t FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks );
virtual Int_t ApplyCorrections( void );
// Int_t GetNHits() const { return fNhit; }
Double_t GetStartTime() const { return fStartTime; }
Int_t GetScinIndex(Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle);
Int_t GetScinIndex(Int_t nSide, Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle);
Double_t GetPathLengthCentral();
Int_t GetNTracks() const { return fTrackProj->GetLast()+1; }
Double_t GetTdcMin() const {return fScinTdcMin;}
Double_t GetTdcMax() const {return fScinTdcMax;}
Double_t GetTofTolerance() const {return fTofTolerance;}
Double_t GetTdcToTime() const {return fScinTdcToTime;}
Double_t GetHodoPosPhcCoeff(Int_t iii) const {return fHodoPosPhcCoeff[iii];}
Double_t GetHodoNegPhcCoeff(Int_t iii) const {return fHodoNegPhcCoeff[iii];}
Double_t GetHodoPosMinPh(Int_t iii) const {return fHodoPosMinPh[iii];}
Double_t GetHodoNegMinPh(Int_t iii) const {return fHodoNegMinPh[iii];}
Double_t GetHodoPosTimeOffset(Int_t iii) const {return fHodoPosTimeOffset[iii];}
Double_t GetHodoNegTimeOffset(Int_t iii) const {return fHodoNegTimeOffset[iii];}
Double_t GetHodoVelLight(Int_t iii) const {return fHodoVelLight[iii];}
const TClonesArray* GetTrackHits() const { return fTrackProj; }
friend class THaScCalib;
......@@ -50,6 +61,9 @@ protected:
// Per-event data
Double_t fStartTime;
// Per-event data
// Potential Hall C parameters. Mostly here for demonstration
Int_t fNPlanes,fMaxScinPerPlane,fMaxHodoScin; // number of planes; max number of scin/plane; product of the first two
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
// THcScintillatorPlane
#include "TMath.h"
#include "THcScintillatorPlane.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "THcSignalHit.h"
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ THcScintillatorPlane::THcScintillatorPlane( const char* name,
fNegADCHits = new TClonesArray("THcSignalHit",16);
fPlaneNum = planenum;
fTotPlanes = planenum;
fNScinHits = 0;
THcScintillatorPlane::THcScintillatorPlane( const char* name,
......@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ THcScintillatorPlane::THcScintillatorPlane( const char* name,
fNegADCHits = new TClonesArray("THcSignalHit",16);
fPlaneNum = planenum;
fTotPlanes = totplanes;
fNScinHits = 0;
......@@ -129,14 +131,16 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
fNelem = *(Int_t *)gHcParms->Find(parname)->GetValuePointer();
// Based on the signs of these quantities in the .pos file the correspondence
// should be bot=>left and top=>right when comparing x and y-type scintillators
char *tmpleft, *tmpright;
if (fPlaneNum==1 || fPlaneNum==3) {
else {
Double_t tmpdouble[fTotPlanes];
......@@ -168,25 +172,6 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
cout <<"PosOffset = "<<fPosOffset<<endl;
cout <<"PosCenter[0] = "<<fPosCenter[0]<<endl;
/* for(Int_t i=0;i<fNPlanes;i++) {
fCenter[i] = new Double_t[fNPaddle[i]];
DBRequest list[]={
{Form("scin_%s_spacing",fPlaneNames[i]), &fSpacing[i], kDouble},
{Form("scin_%s_center",fPlaneNames[i]), fCenter[i], kDouble, fNPaddle[i]},
/// Int_t tmpint = new Int_t [GetParent()->GetNPlanes()];
/// cout<<"Nplanes in scintplane!! = "<<fTotPlanes <<endl;
// First letter of GetParent()->GetPrefix() tells us what prefix to
// use on parameter names.
// Find the number of elements
// Think we will make special methods to pass most
// How generic do we want to make this class?
// The way we get parameter data is going to be pretty specific to
......@@ -250,6 +235,9 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
cout <<"*******************************\n";
cout <<"NOW IN THcScintilatorPlane::CoarseProcess!!!!\n";
cout <<"*******************************\n";
// HitCount();
return 0;
......@@ -260,18 +248,23 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
return 0;
Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
// Extract the data for this plane from hit list
// Assumes that the hit list is sorted by plane, so we stop when the
// plane doesn't agree and return the index for the next hit.
// GN: Select only events that have at least one of their TDC signals in the
// right range.
// Also subtract the pedestals from the adc signal (as per the ENGINE) we're not checking here
// if the actual ADC is larger than the pedestal value we subtract!!
Double_t mintdc, maxtdc;
Int_t nPosTDCHits=0;
Int_t nNegTDCHits=0;
Int_t nPosADCHits=0;
Int_t nNegADCHits=0;
......@@ -279,7 +272,8 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
Int_t nrawhits = rawhits->GetLast()+1;
// cout << "THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits " << fPlaneNum << " " << nexthit << "/" << nrawhits << endl;
mintdc=((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetTdcMin();
maxtdc=((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetTdcMax();
Int_t ihit = nexthit;
while(ihit < nrawhits) {
THcHodoscopeHit* hit = (THcHodoscopeHit *) rawhits->At(ihit);
......@@ -287,37 +281,114 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
// TDC positive hit
if(hit->fTDC_pos > 0) {
// check TDC values
if (((hit->fTDC_pos >= mintdc) && (hit->fTDC_pos <= maxtdc)) ||
((hit->fTDC_neg >= mintdc) && (hit->fTDC_neg <= maxtdc))) {
//TDC positive hit
THcSignalHit *sighit = (THcSignalHit*) fPosTDCHits->ConstructedAt(nPosTDCHits++);
sighit->Set(hit->fCounter, hit->fTDC_pos);
// TDC negative hit
THcSignalHit *sighit2 = (THcSignalHit*) fNegTDCHits->ConstructedAt(nNegTDCHits++);
sighit2->Set(hit->fCounter, hit->fTDC_neg);
// ADC positive hit
/// if(hit->fADC_pos > 0) {
THcSignalHit *sighit3 = (THcSignalHit*) fPosADCHits->ConstructedAt(nPosADCHits++);
sighit3->Set(hit->fCounter, hit->fADC_pos-fPosPed[ihit]);
///} else {
/// cout<<"Skipping ADC_pos "<<hit->fADC_pos<<endl;
/// }
// ADC negative hit
/// if(hit->fADC_neg > 0) {
// cout <<"adc neg hit!!\n";
THcSignalHit *sighit4 = (THcSignalHit*) fNegADCHits->ConstructedAt(nNegADCHits++);
sighit4->Set(hit->fCounter, hit->fADC_neg-fNegPed[ihit]);
///} else {
///cout<<"Skipping ADC_neg "<<hit->fADC_neg<<endl;
// cout <<"test "<<fNHits<<endl;
// TDC negative hit
if(hit->fTDC_neg > 0) {
THcSignalHit *sighit = (THcSignalHit*) fNegTDCHits->ConstructedAt(nNegTDCHits++);
sighit->Set(hit->fCounter, hit->fTDC_neg);
else {
//cout <<"pos TDC "<<hit->fTDC_pos<<" "<<mintdc<<" "<<maxtdc<<endl;
//cout <<"neg TDC "<<hit->fTDC_neg<<" "<<mintdc<<" "<<maxtdc<<endl;
//cout <<"skipping BAD tdc event\n";
// ADC positive hit
if(hit->fADC_pos > 0) {
// cout <<"adc pos hit!!\n";
THcSignalHit *sighit = (THcSignalHit*) fPosADCHits->ConstructedAt(nPosADCHits++);
sighit->Set(hit->fCounter, hit->fADC_pos);
// ADC negative hit
if(hit->fADC_neg > 0) {
// cout <<"adc neg hit!!\n";
THcSignalHit *sighit = (THcSignalHit*) fNegADCHits->ConstructedAt(nNegADCHits++);
sighit->Set(hit->fCounter, hit->fADC_neg);
Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::PulseHeightCorrection()
// Perform pulse height correction of the TDC values as in the original h_trans_scin
// see original comments below
/*! Calculate all corrected hit times and histogram
! This uses a copy of code below. Results are save in time_pos,neg
! including the z-pos. correction assuming nominal value of betap
! Code is currently hard-wired to look for a peak in the
! range of 0 to 100 nsec, with a group of times that all
! agree withing a time_tolerance of time_tolerance nsec. The normal
! peak position appears to be around 35 nsec (SOS0 or 31 nsec (HMS)
! NOTE: if want to find particles with beta different than
! reference particle, need to make sure this is big enough
! to accomodate difference in TOF for other particles
! Default value in case user hasn't defined something reasonable */
Int_t i,j,index,nfound=0;
Double_t mintdc, maxtdc,tdctotime;
Double_t pos_ph[53],neg_ph[53],postime[53],negtime[53]; // the 53 should go in a param file (was hmax_scin_hits originally)
Bool_t keep_pos[53],keep_neg[53]; // are these all really needed?
Double_t dist_from_center,scint_center,hit_position,time_pos[100],time_neg[100],hbeta_pcent;
mintdc=((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetTdcMin();
maxtdc=((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetTdcMax();
// hbeta_pcent=(TH((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetParent()
// Horrible hack until I find out where to get the central beta from momentum!! GN
tdctotime=((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetTdcToTime();
for (i=0;i<fNScinHits;i++) {
if ((((THcSignalHit*) fPosTDCHits->At(i))->GetData()>=mintdc) &&
(((THcSignalHit*) fPosTDCHits->At(i))->GetData()<=maxtdc) &&
(((THcSignalHit*) fNegTDCHits->At(i))->GetData()>=mintdc) &&
(((THcSignalHit*) fNegTDCHits->At(i))->GetData()<=maxtdc)) {
pos_ph[i]=((THcSignalHit*) fPosADCHits->At(i))->GetData();
postime[i]=((THcSignalHit*) fPosTDCHits->At(i))->GetData()*tdctotime;
index=((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetScinIndex(fPlaneNum-1,j);
postime[i]=postime[i]-((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoPosPhcCoeff(index)*
TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(0.,(pos_ph[i]/((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoPosMinPh(index)-1)));
postime[i]=postime[i]-((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoPosTimeOffset(index);
// cout <<postime[i]<<endl;
neg_ph[i]=((THcSignalHit*) fNegADCHits->At(i))->GetData();
negtime[i]=((THcSignalHit*) fNegTDCHits->At(i))->GetData()*tdctotime;
index=((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetScinIndex(fPlaneNum-1,j);
negtime[i]=negtime[i]-((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoNegPhcCoeff(index)*
TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(0.,(neg_ph[i]/((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoNegMinPh(index)-1)));
negtime[i]=negtime[i]-((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoNegTimeOffset(index);
// cout <<"postime = "<<postime[i]<<" negtime = "<<negtime[i]<<endl;
// Find hit position. If postime larger, then hit was nearer negative side.
dist_from_center=0.5*(negtime[i]-postime[i])*((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoVelLight(index);
// cout <<fPosLeft<<" "<<fPosRight<<" hit position = "<<hit_position<<" ";
// cout<<hit_position<<" ";
postime[i]=postime[i]-(fPosLeft-hit_position)/((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoVelLight(index);
negtime[i]=negtime[i]-(hit_position-fPosRight)/((THcHodoscope *)GetParent())->GetHodoVelLight(index);
cout <<"time pos/neg = "<<time_pos[i]<<" "<<time_neg[i]<<endl;
// for (int k=0;k<200;k++) {
return 0;
Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::AccumulatePedestals(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
......@@ -416,6 +487,10 @@ void THcScintillatorPlane::InitializePedestals( )
Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::GetNelem()
return fNelem;
Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::GetNScinHits()
return fNScinHits;
Double_t THcScintillatorPlane::GetSpacing()
......@@ -37,10 +37,13 @@ class THcScintillatorPlane : public THaSubDetector {
virtual Bool_t IsPid() { return kFALSE; }
virtual Int_t ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit);
virtual Int_t PulseHeightCorrection();
virtual Int_t AccumulatePedestals(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit);
virtual void CalculatePedestals( );
Int_t GetNelem(); // return number of paddles in this plane
Int_t GetNScinHits(); // return the number of hits in this plane (that pass min/max TDC cuts)
Double_t GetSpacing(); // return the spacing of paddles
Double_t GetSize(); // return paddle size
Double_t GetHodoSlop(); // return the hodo slop
......@@ -61,12 +64,13 @@ class THcScintillatorPlane : public THaSubDetector {
TClonesArray* fNegADCHits;
Int_t fPlaneNum; /* Which plane am I 1-4 */
Int_t fTotPlanes; /* so we can read variables that are not indexed by plane id */
Int_t fTotPlanes; /* so we can read variables that are not indexed by plane id */
Int_t fNelem; /* Need since we don't inherit from
detector base class */
Int_t fNScinHits; /* Number of hits in this plane */
Double_t fSpacing; /* paddle spacing */
Double_t fSize; /* paddle size */
Double_t fZpos; /* z position */
Double_t fZpos; /* z position */
Double_t fDzpos;
Double_t fHodoSlop; /* max allowed slop for this plane */
Double_t fPosLeft; /* NOTE: "left" = "top" for a Y scintillator */
......@@ -74,6 +78,8 @@ class THcScintillatorPlane : public THaSubDetector {
Double_t fPosOffset;
Double_t fPosCenter[16]; /* array with centers for all scintillators in the plane */
Double_t fTolerance; /* need this for PulseHeightCorrection */
/* Pedestal Quantities */
Int_t fNPedestalEvents; /* Number of pedestal events */
Int_t fMinPeds; /* Only analyze/update if num events > */
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