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Commit aa38543f authored by Zafar Ahmed's avatar Zafar Ahmed Committed by Stephen A. Wood
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THcHodoscope and THcCherenkov FineProcess additions

  Adds tests to THcHodoscope fiducial tracking efficiency
  Adds tests to THcCherenkov for Cerenkov efficiency
parent daaa9221
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......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Int_t THcCherenkov::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
strcat(parname,"cer_tot_pmts"); // THcScintillatorPlane
fNelem = (Int_t)gHcParms->Find(parname)->GetValue(); // class.
// fNelem = 2; // Default if not defined
// fNelem = 2; // Default if not defined
fNPMT = new Int_t[fNelem];
fADC = new Double_t[fNelem];
......@@ -178,10 +178,40 @@ Int_t THcCherenkov::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
fPedLimit = new Int_t[fNelem];
fPedMean = new Double_t[fNelem];
fNPMT = new Int_t[fNelem];
fADC = new Double_t[fNelem];
fADC_P = new Double_t[fNelem];
fNPE = new Double_t[fNelem];
fCerWidth = new Double_t[fNelem];
fGain = new Double_t[fNelem];
fPedLimit = new Int_t[fNelem];
fPedMean = new Double_t[fNelem];
fCerNRegions = 3; // This value should be in parameter file
fCerTrackCounter = new Int_t [fCerNRegions];
fCerFiredCounter = new Int_t [fCerNRegions];
for ( Int_t ireg = 0; ireg < fCerNRegions; ireg++ ) {
fCerTrackCounter[ireg] = 0;
fCerFiredCounter[ireg] = 0;
fCerRegionsValueMax = fCerNRegions * 8; // This value 8 should also be in paramter file
fCerRegionValue = new Double_t [fCerRegionsValueMax];
DBRequest list[]={
{"cer_adc_to_npe", fGain, kDouble, (UInt_t) fNelem}, // Ahmed
{"cer_ped_limit", fPedLimit, kInt, (UInt_t) fNelem}, // Ahmed
{"cer_width", fCerWidth, kDouble, (UInt_t) fNelem}, // Ahmed
{"cer_chi2max", &fCerChi2Max, kDouble}, // Ahmed
{"cer_beta_min", &fCerBetaMin, kDouble}, // Ahmed
{"cer_beta_max", &fCerBetaMax, kDouble}, // Ahmed
{"cer_et_min", &fCerETMin, kDouble}, // Ahmed
{"cer_et_max", &fCerETMax, kDouble}, // Ahmed
{"cer_mirror_zpos", &fCerMirrorZPos, kDouble}, // Ahmed
{"cer_region", &fCerRegionValue[0], kDouble, fCerRegionsValueMax}, // Ahmed
{"cer_threshold", &fCerThresh, kDouble}, // Ahmed
......@@ -189,6 +219,14 @@ Int_t THcCherenkov::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
fIsInit = true;
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < fCerNRegions; i1++ ) {
cout << "Region " << i1 << endl;
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < 8; i2++ ) {
cout << fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( i1, i2 )] << " ";
cout <<endl;
// Create arrays to hold pedestal results
......@@ -217,6 +255,8 @@ Int_t THcCherenkov::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
{"npe", "Number of Photo electrons", "fNPE"},
{"npesum", "Sum of Number of Photo electrons", "fNPEsum"},
{"ncherhit", "Number of Hits(Cherenkov)", "fNCherHit"},
{"certrackcounter", "Tracks inside Cherenkov region", "fCerTrackCounter"},
{"cerfiredcounter", "Tracks with engough Cherenkov NPEs ", "fCerFiredCounter"},
{ 0 }
......@@ -287,31 +327,6 @@ Int_t THcCherenkov::ApplyCorrections( void )
Int_t THcCherenkov::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& ) //tracks
h_trans_cer.f code:
hcer_num_hits = 0 <--- clear event
do tube=1,hcer_num_mirrors
hcer_npe(tube) = 0. <--- clear event
hcer_adc(tube) = 0. <--- clear event
hcer_npe_sum = 0. <--- clear event
do nhit = 1, hcer_tot_hits <--- loop over total hits. Very first line of this method
tube = hcer_tube_num(nhit) <--- tube is number of PMT on either side and it is this
line: Int_t npmt = hit->fCounter - 1
hcer_adc(tube) = hcer_raw_adc(nhit) - hcer_ped(tube) <--- This is done above:
fA_Pos_p[npmt] = hit->fADC_pos - fPosPedMean[npmt];
fA_Neg_p[npmt] = hit->fADC_neg - fNegPedMean[npmt];
if (hcer_adc(tube) .gt. hcer_width(tube)) then <--- This needs to convert in hcana
hcer_num_hits = hcer_num_hits + 1
hcer_tube_num(hcer_num_hits) = tube
hcer_npe(tube) = hcer_adc(tube) * hcer_adc_to_npe(tube)
hcer_npe_sum = hcer_npe_sum + hcer_npe(tube)
for(Int_t ihit=0; ihit < fNhits; ihit++) {
THcCherenkovHit* hit = (THcCherenkovHit *) fRawHitList->At(ihit); // nhit = 1, hcer_tot_hits
......@@ -354,6 +369,65 @@ Int_t THcCherenkov::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& ) //tracks
Int_t THcCherenkov::FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
Double_t fCerX, fCerY;
if ( tracks.GetLast() > -1 ) {
THaTrack* theTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks.At(0) );
if (!theTrack) return -1;
if ( ( ( tracks.GetLast() + 1 ) == 1 ) &&
( theTrack->GetChi2()/theTrack->GetNDoF() > 0. ) &&
( theTrack->GetChi2()/theTrack->GetNDoF() < fCerChi2Max ) &&
( theTrack->GetBeta() > fCerBetaMin ) &&
( theTrack->GetBeta() < fCerBetaMax ) &&
( ( theTrack->GetEnergy() / theTrack->GetP() ) > fCerETMin ) &&
( ( theTrack->GetEnergy() / theTrack->GetP() ) < fCerETMax )
) {
fCerX = theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta() * fCerMirrorZPos;
fCerY = theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi() * fCerMirrorZPos;
for ( Int_t ir = 0; ir < fCerNRegions; ir++ ) {
// * hit must be inside the region in order to continue.
if ( ( TMath::Abs( fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 0 )] - fCerX ) <
fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 4 )] ) &&
( TMath::Abs( fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 1 )] - fCerY ) <
fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 5 )] ) &&
( TMath::Abs( fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 2 )] - theTrack->GetTheta() ) <
fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 6 )] ) &&
( TMath::Abs( fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 3 )] - theTrack->GetPhi() ) <
fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 7 )] )
) {
// * increment the 'should have fired' counters
fCerTrackCounter[ir] ++;
// * increment the 'did fire' counters
if ( fNPEsum > fCerThresh ) {
fCerFiredCounter[ir] ++;
// if ( fCerEvent > 5880 ) {
// cout << "Event = " << fCerEvent
// << " region = " << ir + 1
// << " track counter = " << fCerTrackCounter[ir]
// << " fired coutner = " << fCerFiredCounter[ir]
// << endl;
// }
} // loop over regions
// cout << endl;
return 0;
......@@ -431,6 +505,14 @@ void THcCherenkov::CalculatePedestals( )
// cout << " " << endl;
Int_t THcCherenkov::GetCerIndex( Int_t nRegion, Int_t nValue ) {
return fCerNRegions * nValue + nRegion;
void THcCherenkov::Print( const Option_t* opt) const {
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ class THcCherenkov : public THaNonTrackingDetector, public THcHitList {
virtual void Print(const Option_t* opt) const;
Int_t GetCerIndex(Int_t nRegion, Int_t nValue);
THcCherenkov(); // for ROOT I/O
Int_t fAnalyzePedestals;
......@@ -53,6 +55,19 @@ class THcCherenkov : public THaNonTrackingDetector, public THcHitList {
Double_t fNPEsum; // [fNelem] Array of ADC amplitudes
Double_t fNCherHit; // [fNelem] Array of ADC amplitudes
Double_t* fCerRegionValue;
Double_t fCerChi2Max;
Double_t fCerBetaMin;
Double_t fCerBetaMax;
Double_t fCerETMin;
Double_t fCerETMax;
Double_t fCerMirrorZPos;
Int_t fCerNRegions;
Int_t fCerRegionsValueMax;
Int_t* fCerTrackCounter; // [fCerNRegions] Array of Cher regions
Int_t* fCerFiredCounter; // [fCerNRegions] Array of Cher regions
Double_t fCerThresh;
// Hits
TClonesArray* fADCHits;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "THaTrackingDetector.h"
#include "THcHitList.h"
#include "THcRawDCHit.h"
#include "THcSpacePoint.h"
#include "THcDriftChamberPlane.h"
#include "THcDriftChamber.h"
......@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ public:
Int_t GetGoodRawPad(Int_t iii){return fTOFCalc[iii].good_raw_pad;}
Double_t GetNScinHits(Int_t iii){return fNScinHits[iii];}
UInt_t GetNPaddles(Int_t iii) { return fNPaddle[iii];}
Int_t GetNPaddles(Int_t iii) { return fNPaddle[iii];}
Double_t GetPlaneCenter(Int_t iii) { return fPlaneCenter[iii];}
Double_t GetPlaneSpacing(Int_t iii) { return fPlaneSpacing[iii];}
......@@ -104,15 +105,13 @@ protected:
// Per-event data
// Potential Hall C parameters. Mostly here for demonstration
Int_t fNPlanes;
UInt_t fMaxScinPerPlane,fMaxHodoScin; // number of planes; max number of scin/plane; product of the first two
Int_t fNPlanes,fMaxScinPerPlane,fMaxHodoScin; // number of planes; max number of scin/plane; product of the first two
Double_t fStartTimeCenter, fStartTimeSlop, fScinTdcToTime;
Double_t fTofTolerance;
Double_t fPathLengthCentral;
Double_t fScinTdcMin, fScinTdcMax; // min and max TDC values
char** fPlaneNames;
UInt_t* fNPaddle; // Number of paddles per plane
Int_t* fNPaddle; // Number of paddles per plane
Double_t* fHodoVelLight;
Double_t* fHodoPosSigma;
......@@ -162,7 +161,26 @@ protected:
Double_t* fPlaneCenter;
Double_t* fPlaneSpacing;
Double_t** fScinHit; // [fNPlanes] Array
Int_t fTestSum;
Int_t fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes;
Int_t fGoodScinHits;
Int_t* fxLoScin;
Int_t* fxHiScin;
Int_t* fyLoScin;
Int_t* fyHiScin;
Int_t fNHodoscopes;
Int_t fHitSweet1X;
Int_t fHitSweet1Y;
Int_t fHitSweet2X;
Int_t fHitSweet2Y;
Int_t fSweet1XScin;
Int_t fSweet1YScin;
Int_t fSweet2XScin;
Int_t fSweet2YScin;
// Double_t** fScinHit; // [fNPlanes] Array
Double_t* fFPTime; // [fNPlanes] Array
......@@ -232,9 +250,15 @@ protected:
// This doesn't work because we clear this structure each track
// Do we need an vector of vectors of structures?
// Start with a separate vector of vectors for now.
std::vector<std::vector<Double_t> > fdEdX; // Vector over track #
std::vector<Int_t > fNScinHit; // # scins hit for the track
std::vector<std::vector<Double_t> > fdEdX; // Vector over track #
std::vector<Int_t > fNScinHit; // # scins hit for the track
std::vector<std::vector<Double_t> > fScinHitPaddle; // Vector over hits in a plane #
std::vector<Int_t > fNClust; // # scins clusters for the plane
std::vector<Int_t > fThreeScin; // # scins three clusters for the plane
std::vector<Int_t > fGoodScinHitsX; // # hits in fid x range
// Could combine the above into a structure
void ClearEvent();
void DeleteArrays();
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