1) Add TClone arrays to store the raw scint TDC and ADC paddle and values
The arrays are frPosTDCHits, frNegTDCHits,frPosADCHits and frNegADCHits There are filled in THcScintillatorPlane:ProcessHits 2) Also modified THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits explicitly set variable padnum=hit->fCounter and index=padnum-1 so the the TClone arrays for scintillator variable set padnum=1,16 while the index=0-15 Want pdnum=1-16 because it is used in a hitogram fo counts versus paddle number 3) Because of change to filling PaddleNumber in ProcessHits had to modify THcScintillatorPlane::PulseHeightCorrection so the index variable "j" is set to etPaddleNumber()-1 .
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