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THcBCMCurrent.cxx 5.59 KiB
   \class THcBCMCurrent
   \ingroup PhysMods
   \brief Read BCM current from scalers and compare to thresholds

  This physics module does:
  - Read average BCM beam current values from scaler parameter file.
  - Write the values into bcm#.AvgCurrent for each event  
  - Compare the current values with the threshold and 
  set event flags (BCM1 and BCM2 only)

  You can set the threshold using SetCurrentCut
  instead of gBCM_Current_threshold


#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "THcHitList.h"

#include "THcBCMCurrent.h"

using namespace std;

THcBCMCurrent::THcBCMCurrent(const char* name,
			     const char* description) :
  THaPhysicsModule(name, description)

  fBCMflag = 0;

  fBCM1avg  = 0;
  fBCM2avg  = 0;
  fBCM4aavg = 0;
  fBCM4bavg = 0;
  fBCM4cavg = 0;



  DefineVariables (kDelete);

  delete [] fiBCM1;  fiBCM1 = NULL;
  delete [] fiBCM2;  fiBCM2 = NULL;
  delete [] fiBCM4a; fiBCM4a = NULL;
  delete [] fiBCM4b; fiBCM4b = NULL;
  delete [] fiBCM4c; fiBCM4c = NULL;
  delete [] fEvtNum; fEvtNum = NULL;



THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcBCMCurrent::Init( const TDatime& date )

  if( THaPhysicsModule::Init( date ) != kOK )
    return fStatus;

  return fStatus =  kOK;


Int_t THcBCMCurrent::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
  DBRequest list1[] = {
    {"num_scal_reads",               &fNscaler,   kInt},
    {"gBCM_Current_threshold",       &fThreshold, kDouble}, 
    {"gBCM_Current_threshold_index", &fBCMIndex,  kInt}, 

  fiBCM1     = new Double_t[fNscaler];
  fiBCM2     = new Double_t[fNscaler];
  fiBCM4a    = new Double_t[fNscaler];
  fiBCM4b    = new Double_t[fNscaler];
  fiBCM4c    = new Double_t[fNscaler];

  fEvtNum    = new Int_t[fNscaler];

  DBRequest list2[] = {
    {"scal_read_bcm1_current",  fiBCM1,     kDouble, (UInt_t) fNscaler},
    {"scal_read_bcm2_current",  fiBCM2,     kDouble, (UInt_t) fNscaler},
    {"scal_read_bcm4a_current", fiBCM4a,    kDouble, (UInt_t) fNscaler},
    {"scal_read_bcm4b_current", fiBCM4b,    kDouble, (UInt_t) fNscaler},
    {"scal_read_bcm4c_current", fiBCM4c,    kDouble, (UInt_t) fNscaler},
    {"scal_read_event",         fEvtNum,    kInt,    (UInt_t) fNscaler},


  BCMInfo binfo;
  for(int i=0; i<fNscaler; i++)
      binfo.bcm1_current  = fiBCM1[i];
      binfo.bcm2_current  = fiBCM2[i];
      binfo.bcm4a_current = fiBCM4a[i];
      binfo.bcm4b_current = fiBCM4b[i];
      binfo.bcm4c_current = fiBCM4c[i];

      BCMInfoMap.insert( std::make_pair(fEvtNum[i], binfo) );

  return kOK;



Int_t THcBCMCurrent::DefineVariables( EMode mode )

  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );

  RVarDef vars[] = {
    {"CurrentFlag",      "BCM current flag for good event", "fBCMflag"},
    {"bcm1.AvgCurrent",  "BCM1  average beam current",      "fBCM1avg"},
    {"bcm2.AvgCurrent",  "BCM2  average beam current",      "fBCM2avg"},
    {"bcm4a.AvgCurrent", "BCM4a average beam current",      "fBCM4aavg"},
    {"bcm4b.AvgCurrent", "BCM4b average beam current",      "fBCM4bavg"},
    {"bcm4c.AvgCurrent", "BCM4c average beam current",      "fBCM4cavg"},
    { 0 }

  return DefineVarsFromList(vars, mode);



Int_t THcBCMCurrent::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )
  if( !IsOK() ) return -1;
  int fEventNum = evdata.GetEvNum();
  BCMInfo binfo;
  Int_t fGetScaler = GetAvgCurrent( fEventNum, binfo );

  if(fGetScaler != kOK)
      fBCM1avg  = 0;
      fBCM2avg  = 0;
      fBCM4aavg = 0;
      fBCM4bavg = 0;
      fBCM4cavg = 0;
      fBCM1avg  = binfo.bcm1_current;
      fBCM2avg  = binfo.bcm2_current;
      fBCM4aavg = binfo.bcm4a_current;
      fBCM4bavg = binfo.bcm4b_current;
      fBCM4cavg = binfo.bcm4c_current;

  switch (fBCMIndex) 
    case BCM1 :
      fBCMflag = ( fBCM1avg < fThreshold )?0:1;
    case BCM2:
      fBCMflag = ( fBCM2avg < fThreshold )?0:1;
    case BCM4A:
      fBCMflag = ( fBCM4aavg < fThreshold )?0:1;
    case BCM4B:
      fBCMflag = ( fBCM4bavg < fThreshold )?0:1;
    case BCM4C:
      fBCMflag = ( fBCM4cavg < fThreshold )?0:1;
      fBCMflag = 0;

  return kOK;



Int_t THcBCMCurrent::GetAvgCurrent( Int_t fevn, BCMInfo &bcminfo )

  map<int, BCMInfo>::iterator it, next;
  it = BCMInfoMap.find(fevn);
  if( it != BCMInfoMap.end() )
      bcminfo.bcm1_current  = it->second.bcm1_current;
      bcminfo.bcm2_current  = it->second.bcm2_current;
      bcminfo.bcm4a_current = it->second.bcm4a_current;
      bcminfo.bcm4b_current = it->second.bcm4b_current;
      bcminfo.bcm4c_current = it->second.bcm4c_current;

      return kOK;
      next = BCMInfoMap.upper_bound(fevn);
      if( next != BCMInfoMap.end() )
	  bcminfo.bcm1_current  = next->second.bcm1_current;
	  bcminfo.bcm2_current  = next->second.bcm2_current;
	  bcminfo.bcm4a_current = next->second.bcm4a_current;
	  bcminfo.bcm4b_current = next->second.bcm4b_current;
	  bcminfo.bcm4c_current = next->second.bcm4c_current;
	  return kOK;
      return kOK+1;

  return kOK+1;


