Stephen A. Wood authored
Makefile and THcInterface changes to reflect the changes in podd scaler code
Stephen A. Wood authoredMakefile and THcInterface changes to reflect the changes in podd scaler code
THcInterface.cxx 8.75 KiB
//*-- Author : Ole Hansen 12/05/2000
// THcInterface
// THcInterface is the interactive interface to the Hall A Analyzer.
// It allows interactive access to all analyzer classes as well as
// all of standard ROOT.
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "THcInterface.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "THaVarList.h"
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THcDetectorMap.h"
#include "THaCutList.h"
#include "CodaDecoder.h"
#include "THaGlobals.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "THaAnalyzer.h"
//#include "THaFileDB.h"
#include "THaTextvars.h"
#include "ha_compiledata.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include <iostream>
//#include "TGXW.h"
//#include "TVirtualX.h"
using namespace std;
//THaVarList* gHaVars = NULL; // List of symbolic analyzer variables
//THaCutList* gHaCuts = NULL; // List of global analyzer cuts/tests
//TList* gHaApps = NULL; // List of Apparatuses
//TList* gHaScalers = NULL; // List of scaler groups
//TList* gHaPhysics = NULL; // List of physics modules
//THaRunBase* gHaRun = NULL; // The currently active run
//TClass* gHaDecoder = NULL; // Class(!) of decoder to use
//THaDB* gHaDB = NULL; // Database system to use
//THaTextvars* gHaTextvars = NULL; // Text variable definitions
THcParmList* gHcParms = NULL; // List of symbolic analyzer variables
THcDetectorMap* gHcDetectorMap = NULL; // Global (Hall C style) detector map
THcInterface* THcInterface::fgAint = NULL; // Pointer to this interface
static TString fgTZ;
THcInterface::THcInterface( const char* appClassName, int* argc, char** argv,
void* options, int numOptions, Bool_t noLogo ) :
TRint( appClassName, argc, argv, options, numOptions, kTRUE )
// Create the Hall A analyzer application environment. The THcInterface
// environment provides an interface to the the interactive ROOT system
// via inheritance of TRint as well as access to the Hall A analyzer classes.
if( fgAint ) {
Error("THcInterface", "only one instance of THcInterface allowed");
if( !noLogo )
SetPrompt("analyzerThcInterface [%d] ");
gHaVars = new THaVarList;
gHcParms = new THcParmList;
gHaCuts = new THaCutList( gHaVars );
gHaApps = new TList;
gHaPhysics = new TList;
gHaEvtHandlers = new TList;
// Use the standard CODA file decoder by default
gHaDecoder = Decoder::CodaDecoder::Class();
// File-based database by default
// gHaDB = new THaFileDB();
gHaTextvars = new THaTextvars;
// cout << "In THcInterface ... " << endl;
// cout << "Decoder => " << gHaDecoder << endl;
// Set the maximum size for a file written by Podd contained by the TTree
// putting it to 1.5 GB, down from the default 1.9 GB since something odd
// happens for larger files
//FIXME: investigate
// Make the Podd header directory(s) available so scripts don't have to
// specify an explicit path.
// If $ANALYZER defined, we take our includes from there, otherwise we fall
// back to the compile-time directories (which may have moved!)
TString s = gSystem->Getenv("ANALYZER");
if( s.IsNull() ) {
} else {
// Give preference to $ANALYZER/include
TString p = s+"/include";
void* dp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(p);
if( dp ) {
s = p;
} else
s = s+"/src " + s+"/hana_decode ";
// Directories names separated by blanks.
// FIXME: allow blanks
TRegexp re("[^ ]+");
TString ss = s(re);
while( !ss.IsNull() ) {
// Only add dirs that exist
void* dp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(ss);
if( dp ) {
ss = s(re);
// Because of lack of foresight, the analyzer uses TDatime objects,
// which are kept in localtime() and hence are not portable, and also
// uses localtime() directly in several places. As a result, database
// lookups depend on the timezone of the machine that the replay is done on!
// If this timezone is different from the one in which the data were taken,
// mismatches may occur. This is bad.
// FIXME: Use TTimeStamp to keep time in UTC internally.
// To be done in version 1.5
// As a temporary workaround, we assume that all data were taken in
// US/Eastern time, and that the database has US/Eastern timestamps.
// This should be true for all JLab production data..
fgTZ = gSystem->Getenv("TZ");
fgAint = this;
// Destructor
if( fgAint == this ) {
// Restore the user's original TZ
// Clean up the analyzer object if defined
delete THaAnalyzer::GetInstance();
// Delete all global lists and objects contained in them
delete gHaTextvars; gHaTextvars=0;
// delete gHaDB; gHaDB = 0;
delete gHaPhysics; gHaPhysics=0;
delete gHaEvtHandlers; gHaEvtHandlers=0;
delete gHaApps; gHaApps=0;
delete gHaVars; gHaVars=0;
delete gHaCuts; gHaCuts=0;
delete gHcParms; gHcParms=0;
delete gHcDetectorMap; gHcDetectorMap=0;
fgAint = NULL;
void THcInterface::PrintLogo()
void THcInterface::PrintLogo( Bool_t lite )
// Print the Hall A analyzer logo on standard output.
Int_t iday,imonth,iyear,mille;
static const char* months[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May",
const char* root_version = gROOT->GetVersion();
Int_t idatqq = gROOT->GetVersionDate();
iday = idatqq%100;
imonth = (idatqq/100)%100;
iyear = (idatqq/10000);
if ( iyear < 90 )
mille = 2000 + iyear;
else if ( iyear < 1900 )
mille = 1900 + iyear;
mille = iyear;
char* root_date = Form("%s %d %4d",months[imonth-1],iday,mille);
const char* halla_version = HA_VERSION;
// const char* halla_date = Form("%d %s %4d",24,months[2-1],2003);
if( !lite ) {
Printf(" ************************************************");
Printf(" * *");
Printf(" * W E L C O M E to the *");
Printf(" * H A L L C ++ A N A L Y Z E R *");
Printf(" * *");
Printf(" * Release %10s %18s *",halla_version,__DATE__);
Printf(" * Based on ROOT %8s %20s *",root_version,root_date);
// Printf(" * Development version *");
Printf(" * *");
Printf(" * For information visit *");
Printf(" * http://hallaweb.jlab.org/root/ *");
Printf(" * *");
Printf(" ************************************************");
#ifdef R__UNIX
// if (!strcmp(gGXW->GetName(), "X11TTF"))
// Printf("\nFreeType Engine v1.1 used to render TrueType fonts.");
TClass* THcInterface::GetDecoder()
// Get class of the current decoder
cout << "In THcInterface::GetDecoder ... " << gHaDecoder << endl;
return gHaDecoder;
TClass* THcInterface::SetDecoder( TClass* c )
// Set the type of decoder to be used. Make sure the specified class
// actually inherits from the standard THaEvData decoder.
// Returns the decoder class (i.e. its argument) or NULL if error.
if( !c ) {
::Error("THcInterface::SetDecoder", "argument is NULL");
return NULL;
if( !c->InheritsFrom("THaEvData")) {
"decoder class must inherit from THaEvData");
return NULL;
cout << "In THcInterface::SetDecoder ... " << c << endl;
gHaDecoder = c;
return gHaDecoder;