Stephen A. Wood authored
Fix from Mark Jones with additional cleanup for saw's misunderstanding of space point criterion
Stephen A. Wood authoredFix from Mark Jones with additional cleanup for saw's misunderstanding of space point criterion
THcDriftChamber.h 4.65 KiB
#ifndef ROOT_THcDriftChamber
#define ROOT_THcDriftChamber
// //
// THcDriftChamber //
// //
#include "THaSubDetector.h"
#include "THcDriftChamberPlane.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
//#include "TMath.h"
//class THaScCalib;
class TClonesArray;
class THcSpacePoint;
class THcDriftChamber : public THaSubDetector {
THcDriftChamber( const char* name, const char* description, Int_t chambernum,
THaDetectorBase* parent = NULL );
virtual ~THcDriftChamber();
virtual Int_t Decode( const THaEvData& );
virtual EStatus Init( const TDatime& run_time );
virtual void AddPlane(THcDriftChamberPlane *plane);
virtual Int_t ApplyCorrections( void );
virtual void ProcessHits( void );
virtual Int_t FindSpacePoints( void ) ;
virtual void PrintDecode( void ) ;
virtual void CorrectHitTimes( void ) ;
virtual void LeftRight(void);
virtual void Clear( Option_t* opt="" );
Int_t GetNHits() const { return fNhits; }
Int_t GetNSpacePoints() const { return(fNSpacePoints);}
Int_t GetNTracks() const { return fTrackProj->GetLast()+1; }
const TClonesArray* GetTrackHits() const { return fTrackProj; }
TClonesArray* GetSpacePointsP() const { return(fSpacePoints);}
Int_t GetChamberNum() const { return fChamberNum;}
Double_t GetZPos() const {return fZPos;}
// friend class THaScCalib;
void SetHMSStyleFlag(Int_t flag) {fHMSStyleChambers = flag;}
THcDriftChamber(); // for ROOT I/O // Why do we need this?
Int_t f;
// Calibration
// Per-event data
Int_t fNhits;
Int_t fNPlanes; // Number of planes in the chamber
Int_t fChamberNum;
// HMS Specific
Int_t YPlaneInd; // Index of Yplane for this chamber
Int_t YPlanePInd; // Index of Yplanep for this chamber
Int_t YPlaneNum; // Absolute plane number of Yplane
Int_t YPlanePNum; // Absolute plane number of Yplanep
// SOS Specific
Int_t XPlaneInd; // Index of Xplane for this chamber
Int_t XPlanePInd; // Index of Xplanep for this chamber
Int_t XPlaneNum; // Absolute plane number of Xplane
Int_t XPlanePNum; // Absolute plane number of Xplanep
// Parameters
Int_t fMinHits; // Minimum hits required to do something
Int_t fMaxHits; // Maximum required to do something
Int_t fMinCombos; // Minimum # pairs in a space point
Int_t fRemove_Sppt_If_One_YPlane;
Double_t fWireVelocity;
Int_t fSmallAngleApprox;
Double_t fStubMaxXPDiff;
Int_t fFixPropagationCorrection;
Int_t fHMSStyleChambers;
Int_t fhdebugflagpr;
Int_t fdebugstubchisq;
Double_t fZPos;
Double_t fXCenter;
Double_t fYCenter;
Double_t fSpacePointCriterion;
Double_t fMaxDist; // Max dist used in EasySpacePoint methods
Double_t* fSinBeta;
Double_t* fCosBeta;
Double_t* fTanBeta;
Double_t* fSigma;
Double_t* fPsi0;
Double_t** fStubCoefs;
std::vector<THcDriftChamberPlane*> fPlanes;
// THcDriftChamberPlane* fPlanes[20]; // List of plane objects
TClonesArray* fTrackProj; // projection of track onto scintillator plane
// and estimated match to TOF paddle
// void ClearEvent();
void DeleteArrays();
virtual Int_t ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date );
virtual Int_t DefineVariables( EMode mode = kDefine );
void Setup(const char* name, const char* description);
Int_t FindEasySpacePoint_HMS(Int_t yplane_hitind, Int_t yplanep_hitind);
Int_t FindEasySpacePoint_SOS(Int_t xplane_hitind, Int_t xplanep_hitind);
Int_t FindHardSpacePoints(void);
Int_t DestroyPoorSpacePoints(void);
Int_t SpacePointMultiWire(void);
void ChooseSingleHit(void);
void SelectSpacePoints(void);
UInt_t Count1Bits(UInt_t x);
Double_t FindStub(Int_t nhits, THcSpacePoint *sp,
Int_t* plane_list, UInt_t bitpat,
Int_t* plusminus, Double_t* stub);
std::vector<THcDCHit*> fHits; /* All hits for this chamber */
TClonesArray *fSpacePoints;
Int_t fNSpacePoints;
Int_t fEasySpacePoint; /* This event is an easy space point */
Double_t* stubcoef[4];
std::map<int,TMatrixD*> fAA3Inv;
ClassDef(THcDriftChamber,0) // Drift Chamber class