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    Modified THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx and THcHodoscope.cxx · 84bd549e
    hallc-online authored
    The change was made so that NonTrackingDetector could have information
    on the "best" track in their FineProcess method.
    In THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices the "best" track will be selected
    and the Track object will its SetIndex method to set the index to 0 for
    the best track. The other track will have index=1 or greater.
    In the NonTrackingDetector FineProcess, the track that is selected to
    be the "best" can be found by looping through the tracks checking
    track index using Track.GetIndex() for find the track with Index=0.
    In  the NonTrackingDetector's CoarseProcess they need to set quantities
    for the Track object needed for selection of "best" track for the
    "prune" and "usingscin" track selection methods.
    1) In THcHallCSpectrometer:
      a) Moved selection methods of "best" track from TrackCalc to FindVertices.
      b) Removed setting of Golden Track in the selection methods.
      c) Add setting of Track Index=0 for "best" track in each selection method.
      d) Modified TrackCalc method to loop through Track object and find
         the track with Index=0 and set the Golden Track equal to this Track.
    2) In THcHodoscope.cxx
      a) Moved all calculations in FineProcess into CoarseProcess
      b) CoarseProcess calculates the scintillator Beta for each Track
         and does Track->SetBeta.
      c) In determination "zcor" for corrected hits times
          use fBetaNominal instead fBetap from track. Still use Track
          to get distance.
      c) Eliminate fBetap variable which was using the Track momentum
      d) Add variable fBeta which is just from scintillator times.
      e) In FineProcess fill fBeta with the the beta associated
         with the "best" track determined by selecting Track with index=0
    Modified THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx and THcHodoscope.cxx
    hallc-online authored
    The change was made so that NonTrackingDetector could have information
    on the "best" track in their FineProcess method.
    In THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices the "best" track will be selected
    and the Track object will its SetIndex method to set the index to 0 for
    the best track. The other track will have index=1 or greater.
    In the NonTrackingDetector FineProcess, the track that is selected to
    be the "best" can be found by looping through the tracks checking
    track index using Track.GetIndex() for find the track with Index=0.
    In  the NonTrackingDetector's CoarseProcess they need to set quantities
    for the Track object needed for selection of "best" track for the
    "prune" and "usingscin" track selection methods.
    1) In THcHallCSpectrometer:
      a) Moved selection methods of "best" track from TrackCalc to FindVertices.
      b) Removed setting of Golden Track in the selection methods.
      c) Add setting of Track Index=0 for "best" track in each selection method.
      d) Modified TrackCalc method to loop through Track object and find
         the track with Index=0 and set the Golden Track equal to this Track.
    2) In THcHodoscope.cxx
      a) Moved all calculations in FineProcess into CoarseProcess
      b) CoarseProcess calculates the scintillator Beta for each Track
         and does Track->SetBeta.
      c) In determination "zcor" for corrected hits times
          use fBetaNominal instead fBetap from track. Still use Track
          to get distance.
      c) Eliminate fBetap variable which was using the Track momentum
      d) Add variable fBeta which is just from scintillator times.
      e) In FineProcess fill fBeta with the the beta associated
         with the "best" track determined by selecting Track with index=0
THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx 26.18 KiB
/** \class THcHallCSpectrometer
    \ingroup Base

 A standard Hall C spectrometer.
 Contains no standard detectors,

 The usual name of this object is either "H", "S", "P"
 for HMS, SOS, or suPerHMS respectively

\author S. A. Wood


#include "THcHallCSpectrometer.h"
#include "THaTrackingDetector.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "THaTrackProj.h"
#include "THaTriggerTime.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TList.h"

#include "THcRawShowerHit.h"
#include "THcSignalHit.h"
#include "THcShower.h"
#include "THcHitList.h"
#include "THcHodoscope.h"

#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using std::vector;
using namespace std;

THcHallCSpectrometer::THcHallCSpectrometer( const char* name, const char* description ) :
  THaSpectrometer( name, description )
  // Constructor. Defines the standard detectors for the HRS.
  //  AddDetector( new THaTriggerTime("trg","Trigger-based time offset"));

  //sc_ref = static_cast<THaScintillator*>(GetDetector("s1"));


  // Destructor

  DefineVariables( kDelete );

Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
  // Define/delete standard variables for a spectrometer (tracks etc.)
  // Can be overridden or extended by derived (actual) apparatuses
  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
  THaSpectrometer::DefineVariables( mode );
  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
  RVarDef vars[] = {
    { "tr.betachisq", "Chi2 of beta", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetBetaChi2()"},
    { 0 }

  return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );

Bool_t THcHallCSpectrometer::SetTrSorting( Bool_t set )
  if( set )
    fProperties |= kSortTracks;
    fProperties &= ~kSortTracks;

  return set;

Bool_t THcHallCSpectrometer::GetTrSorting() const
  return ((fProperties & kSortTracks) != 0);

void THcHallCSpectrometer::InitializeReconstruction()
  fNReconTerms = 0;
  fAngSlope_x = 0.0;
  fAngSlope_y = 0.0;
  fAngOffset_x = 0.0;
  fAngOffset_y = 0.0;
  fDetOffset_x = 0.0;
  fDetOffset_y = 0.0;
  fZTrueFocus = 0.0;
Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )

  static const char* const here = "THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadDatabase";

  cout << "In THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadDatabase()" << endl;

  // --------------- To get energy from THcShower ----------------------

  const char* detector_name = "hod";
  //THaApparatus* app = GetDetector();
  THaDetector* det = GetDetector("hod");
  // THaDetector* det = app->GetDetector( shower_detector_name );

  if( dynamic_cast<THcHodoscope*>(det) ) {
    fHodo = static_cast<THcHodoscope*>(det);     // fHodo is a membervariable
  } else {
    Error("THcHallCSpectrometer", "Cannot find hodoscope detector %s",
    	  detector_name );
    fHodo = NULL;

  // fShower = static_cast<THcShower*>(det);     // fShower is a membervariable

  // --------------- To get energy from THcShower ----------------------

  // Get the matrix element filename from the variable store
  // Read in the matrix


  char prefix[2];

  cout << " GetName() " << GetName() << endl;


  string reconCoeffFilename;
  DBRequest list[]={
    {"_recon_coeff_filename", &reconCoeffFilename,     kString               },
    {"theta_offset",          &fThetaOffset,           kDouble               },
    {"phi_offset",            &fPhiOffset,             kDouble               },
    {"delta_offset",          &fDeltaOffset,           kDouble               },
    {"thetacentral_offset",   &fThetaCentralOffset,    kDouble               },
    {"_oopcentral_offset",    &fOopCentralOffset,      kDouble               },
    {"pcentral_offset",       &fPCentralOffset,        kDouble               },
    {"pcentral",              &fPcentral,              kDouble               },
    {"theta_lab",             &fTheta_lab,             kDouble               },
    {"partmass",              &fPartMass,              kDouble               },
    {"sel_using_scin",        &fSelUsingScin,          kInt,            0,  1},
    {"sel_using_prune",       &fSelUsingPrune,         kInt,            0,  1},
    {"sel_ndegreesmin",       &fSelNDegreesMin,        kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"sel_dedx1min",          &fSeldEdX1Min,           kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"sel_dedx1max",          &fSeldEdX1Max,           kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"sel_betamin",           &fSelBetaMin,            kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"sel_betamax",           &fSelBetaMax,            kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"sel_etmin",             &fSelEtMin,              kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"sel_etmax",             &fSelEtMax,              kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"hodo_num_planes",       &fNPlanes,               kInt                  },
    {"scin_2x_zpos",          &fScin2XZpos,            kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"scin_2x_dzpos",         &fScin2XdZpos,           kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"scin_2y_zpos",          &fScin2YZpos,            kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"scin_2y_dzpos",         &fScin2YdZpos,           kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_xp",              &fPruneXp,               kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_yp",              &fPruneYp,               kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_ytar",            &fPruneYtar,             kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_delta",           &fPruneDelta,            kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_beta",            &fPruneBeta,             kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_df",              &fPruneDf,               kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_chibeta",         &fPruneChiBeta,          kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_npmt",            &fPruneNPMT,           kDouble,         0,  1},
    {"prune_fptime",          &fPruneFpTime,             kDouble,         0,  1},

  // Default values
  fSelUsingScin = 0;
  fSelUsingPrune = 0;



  cout <<  "\n\n\nhodo planes = " << fNPlanes << endl;
  cout <<  "sel using scin = "    << fSelUsingScin << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneXp = "          <<  fPruneXp << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneYp = "          <<  fPruneYp << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneYtar = "        <<  fPruneYtar << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneDelta = "       <<  fPruneDelta << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneBeta = "        <<  fPruneBeta << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneDf = "          <<  fPruneDf << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneChiBeta = "     <<  fPruneChiBeta << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneFpTime = "      <<  fPruneFpTime << endl;
  cout <<  "fPruneNPMT = "        <<  fPruneNPMT << endl;
  cout <<  "sel using prune = "   <<  fSelUsingPrune << endl;
  cout <<  "fPartMass = "         <<  fPartMass << endl;
  cout <<  "fPcentral = "         <<  fPcentral << " " <<fPCentralOffset << endl;
  cout <<  "fThate_lab = "        <<  fTheta_lab << " " <<fThetaCentralOffset << endl;
  fPcentral= fPcentral*(1.+fPCentralOffset/100.);
  // Check that these offsets are in radians
  fTheta_lab=fTheta_lab + fThetaCentralOffset*TMath::RadToDeg();
  Double_t ph = 0.0+fPhiOffset*TMath::RadToDeg();

  SetCentralAngles(fTheta_lab, ph, false);
  Double_t off_x = 0.0, off_y = 0.0, off_z = 0.0;
  fPointingOffset.SetXYZ( off_x, off_y, off_z );

  ifstream ifile;;
  if(!ifile.is_open()) {
    Error(here, "error opening reconstruction coefficient file %s",reconCoeffFilename.c_str());
    //    return kInitError; // Is this the right return code?
    return kOK;

  string line="!";
  int good=1;
  while(good && line[0]=='!') {
    good = getline(ifile,line).good();
    //    cout << line << endl;
  // Read in focal plane rotation coefficients
  // Probably not used, so for now, just paste in fortran code as a comment
  while(good &&,4," ---")!=0) {
    //  if(line(1:13).eq.'h_ang_slope_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_slope_x
    //  if(line(1:13).eq.'h_ang_slope_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_slope_y
    //  if(line(1:14).eq.'h_ang_offset_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_offset_x
    //  if(line(1:14).eq.'h_ang_offset_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_ang_offset_y
    //  if(line(1:14).eq.'h_det_offset_x')read(line,1201,err=94)h_det_offset_x
    //  if(line(1:14).eq.'h_det_offset_y')read(line,1201,err=94)h_det_offset_y
    //  if(line(1:14).eq.'h_z_true_focus')read(line,1201,err=94)h_z_true_focus
    good = getline(ifile,line).good();
  // Read in reconstruction coefficients and exponents
  line=" ";
  good = getline(ifile,line).good();
  //  cout << line << endl;
  fNReconTerms = 0;
  //cout << "Reading matrix elements" << endl;
  while(good &&,4," ---")!=0) {
    sscanf(line.c_str()," %le %le %le %le %1d%1d%1d%1d%1d"
    good = getline(ifile,line).good();
  cout << "Read " << fNReconTerms << " matrix element terms"  << endl;
  if(!good) {
    Error(here, "Error processing reconstruction coefficient file %s",reconCoeffFilename.c_str());
    return kInitError; // Is this the right return code?
  return kOK;

void THcHallCSpectrometer::EnforcePruneLimits()
  // Enforce minimum values for the prune cuts

  fPruneXp      = TMath::Max( 0.08, fPruneXp);
  fPruneYp      = TMath::Max( 0.04, fPruneYp);
  fPruneYtar    = TMath::Max( 4.0,  fPruneYtar);
  fPruneDelta   = TMath::Max( 13.0, fPruneDelta);
  fPruneBeta    = TMath::Max( 0.1,  fPruneBeta);
  fPruneDf      = TMath::Max( 1.0,  fPruneDf);
  fPruneChiBeta = TMath::Max( 2.0,  fPruneChiBeta);
  fPruneFpTime  = TMath::Max( 5.0,  fPruneFpTime);
  fPruneNPMT    = TMath::Max( 6.0,  fPruneNPMT);

Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices( TClonesArray& tracks )
  // Reconstruct target coordinates for all tracks found in the focal plane.

  // In Hall A, this is passed off to the tracking detectors.
  // In Hall C, we do the target traceback here since the traceback should
  // not depend on which tracking detectors are used.

  fNtracks = tracks.GetLast()+1;

  for (Int_t it=0;it<tracks.GetLast()+1;it++) {
    THaTrack* track = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks[it] );

    Double_t hut[5];
    Double_t hut_rot[5];

    hut[0] = track->GetX()/100.0 + fZTrueFocus*track->GetTheta() + fDetOffset_x;//m
    hut[1] = track->GetTheta() + fAngOffset_x;//radians
    hut[2] = track->GetY()/100.0 + fZTrueFocus*track->GetPhi() + fDetOffset_y;//m
    hut[3] = track->GetPhi() + fAngOffset_y;//radians

    Double_t gbeam_y = 0.0;// This will be the y position from the fast raster

    hut[4] = -gbeam_y/100.0;

    // Retrieve the focal plane coordnates
    // Do the transpormation
    // Stuff results into track
    hut_rot[0] = hut[0];
    hut_rot[1] = hut[1] + hut[0]*fAngSlope_x;
    hut_rot[2] = hut[2];
    hut_rot[3] = hut[3] + hut[2]*fAngSlope_y;
    hut_rot[4] = hut[4];

    // Compute COSY sums
    Double_t sum[4];
    for(Int_t k=0;k<4;k++) {
      sum[k] = 0.0;
    for(Int_t iterm=0;iterm<fNReconTerms;iterm++) {
      Double_t term=1.0;
      for(Int_t j=0;j<5;j++) {
	if(fReconTerms[iterm].Exp[j]!=0) {
	  term *= pow(hut_rot[j],fReconTerms[iterm].Exp[j]);
      for(Int_t k=0;k<4;k++) {
	sum[k] += term*fReconTerms[iterm].Coeff[k];
    // Transfer results to track
    // No beam raster yet
    //; In transport coordinates phi = hyptar = dy/dz and theta = hxptar = dx/dz
    //;    but for unknown reasons the yp offset is named  htheta_offset
    //;    and  the xp offset is named  hphi_offset

    track->SetTarget(0.0, sum[1]*100.0, sum[0]+fPhiOffset, sum[2]+fThetaOffset);
    track->SetDp(sum[3]*100.0+fDeltaOffset);	// Percent.  (Don't think podd cares if it is % or fraction)
    // There is an hpcentral_offset that needs to be applied somewhere.
    // (happly_offs)


  if ( ( fSelUsingScin == 0 ) && ( fSelUsingPrune == 0 ) ) {
  } else if (fSelUsingPrune !=0) {
  } else {

  return 0;

Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::TrackCalc()

  if( fNtracks > 0 ) {
    Int_t hit_gold_track=0; // find track with index =0 which is best track
    for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < fNtracks; itrack++ ){
      THaTrack* aTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(itrack) );
      if (aTrack->GetIndex()==0) hit_gold_track=itrack;  
    fGoldenTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(hit_gold_track) );
    fTrkIfo      = *fGoldenTrack;
    fTrk         = fGoldenTrack;
  } else
    fGoldenTrack = NULL;

  return TrackTimes( fTracks );

Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackSimple()

  if( GetTrSorting() )   fTracks->Sort();

  // Assign index=0 to the best track, 
    for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < fNtracks; itrack++ ){
      THaTrack* aTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(itrack) );
      if (itrack==0) aTrack->SetIndex(0);  


Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingScin()
  Double_t chi2Min;

  if( fNtracks > 0 ) {
    fGoodTrack = -1;
    chi2Min = 10000000000.0;
    Int_t y2Dmin = 100;
    Int_t x2Dmin = 100;

    Bool_t* x2Hits        = new Bool_t [fHodo->GetNPaddles(2)];
    Bool_t* y2Hits        = new Bool_t [fHodo->GetNPaddles(3)];
    for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fHodo->GetNPaddles(2); j++ ){
      x2Hits[j] = kFALSE;
    for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fHodo->GetNPaddles(3); j++ ){
      y2Hits[j] = kFALSE;

    for (Int_t rawindex=0; rawindex<fHodo->GetTotHits(); rawindex++) {
      Int_t ip = fHodo->GetGoodRawPlane(rawindex);
      if(ip==2) {	// X2
	Int_t goodRawPad = fHodo->GetGoodRawPad(rawindex);
	x2Hits[goodRawPad] = kTRUE;
      } else if (ip==3) { // Y2
	Int_t goodRawPad = fHodo->GetGoodRawPad(rawindex);
	y2Hits[goodRawPad] = kTRUE;

    for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < fNtracks; itrack++ ){
      Double_t chi2PerDeg;

      THaTrack* aTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(itrack) );
      if (!aTrack) return -1;

      if ( aTrack->GetNDoF() > fSelNDegreesMin ){
	chi2PerDeg =  aTrack->GetChi2() / aTrack->GetNDoF();

	if( ( aTrack->GetDedx()    > fSeldEdX1Min )   &&
	    ( aTrack->GetDedx()    < fSeldEdX1Max )   &&
	    ( aTrack->GetBeta()    > fSelBetaMin  )   &&
	    ( aTrack->GetBeta()    < fSelBetaMax  )   &&
	    ( aTrack->GetEnergy()  > fSelEtMin    )   &&
	    ( aTrack->GetEnergy()  < fSelEtMax    ) )
	    Int_t x2D, y2D;

	    if ( fNtracks > 1 ){
	      Double_t hitpos3  = aTrack->GetX() + aTrack->GetTheta() * ( fScin2XZpos + 0.5 * fScin2XdZpos );
	      Int_t icounter3  = TMath::Nint( ( hitpos3 - fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(2) ) / fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(2) ) + 1;
	      Int_t hitCnt3  = TMath::Max( TMath::Min(icounter3, (Int_t) fHodo->GetNPaddles(2) ) , 1); // scin_2x_nr = 16
	      //	      fHitDist3 = fHitPos3 - ( fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(2) * ( hitCnt3 - 1 ) + fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(2) );
	      Double_t hitpos4 = aTrack->GetY() + aTrack->GetPhi() * ( fScin2YZpos + 0.5 * fScin2YdZpos );
	      Int_t icounter4  = TMath::Nint( ( fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(3) - hitpos4 ) / fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(3) ) + 1;
	      Int_t hitCnt4  = TMath::Max( TMath::Min(icounter4, (Int_t) fHodo->GetNPaddles(3) ) , 1); // scin_2y_nr = 10
	      //	      fHitDist4 = fHitPos4 - ( fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(3) - fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(3) * ( hitCnt4 - 1 ) );
	      // Plane 3
	      Int_t mindiff=1000;
	      for (UInt_t i = 0; i <  fHodo->GetNPaddles(2); i++ ){
		if ( x2Hits[i] ) {
		  Int_t diff = TMath::Abs((Int_t)hitCnt3-(Int_t)i-1);
		  if (diff < mindiff) mindiff = diff;
	      if(mindiff < 1000) {
		x2D = mindiff;
	      } else {
		x2D = 0;	// Is this what we really want if there were no hits on this plane?

	      // Plane 4
	      mindiff = 1000;
	      for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fHodo->GetNPaddles(3); i++ ){
		if ( y2Hits[i] ) {
		  Int_t diff = TMath::Abs((Int_t)hitCnt4-(Int_t)i-1);
		  if (diff < mindiff) mindiff = diff;
	      if(mindiff < 1000) {
		y2D = mindiff;
	      } else {
		y2D = 0;	// Is this what we really want if there were no hits on this plane?
	    } else { // Only a single track
	      x2D = 0.;
	      y2D = 0.;

	    if ( y2D <= y2Dmin ) {
	      if ( y2D < y2Dmin ) {
		x2Dmin = 100;
		chi2Min = 10000000000.;
	      } // y2D min

	      if ( x2D <= x2Dmin ){
		if ( x2D < x2Dmin ){
		  chi2Min = 10000000000.0;
		} // condition x2D
		if ( chi2PerDeg < chi2Min ){

		  fGoodTrack = itrack; // fGoodTrack = itrack
		  y2Dmin = y2D;
		  x2Dmin = x2D;
		  chi2Min = chi2PerDeg;

		  fGoldenTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At( fGoodTrack ) );
		  fTrkIfo      = *fGoldenTrack;
		  fTrk         = fGoldenTrack;
	      } // condition x2D
	    } // condition y2D
	  } // conditions for dedx, beta and trac energy
      } // confition for fNFreeFP greater than fSelNDegreesMin
    } // loop over tracks

    // Fall back to using track with minimum chi2
    if ( fGoodTrack == -1 ){

      chi2Min = 10000000000.0;
      for (Int_t iitrack = 0; iitrack < fNtracks; iitrack++ ){
	Double_t chi2PerDeg;
	THaTrack* aTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(iitrack) );
	if (!aTrack) return -1;

	if ( aTrack->GetNDoF() > fSelNDegreesMin ){
	  chi2PerDeg =  aTrack->GetChi2() / aTrack->GetNDoF();

	  if ( chi2PerDeg < chi2Min ){

	    fGoodTrack = iitrack;
	    chi2Min = chi2PerDeg;

      } // loop over trakcs
      // Set index for fGoodTrack = 0
      for (Int_t iitrack = 0; iitrack < fNtracks; iitrack++ ){
 	THaTrack* aTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(iitrack) );
	if (iitrack==fGoodTrack) aTrack->SetIndex(0);



Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
  Int_t nGood;
  Double_t chi2Min;

  if ( fNtracks > 0 ) {
    chi2Min   = 10000000000.0;
    fGoodTrack = 0;
    Bool_t* keep      = new Bool_t [fNtracks];
    Int_t* reject    = new Int_t  [fNtracks];

    THaTrack *testTracks[fNtracks];

    // ! Initialize all tracks to be good
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      keep[ptrack] = kTRUE;
      reject[ptrack] = 0;
      testTracks[ptrack] = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(ptrack) );
      if (!testTracks[ptrack]) return -1;

    // ! Prune on xptar
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetTTheta() ) < fPruneXp ) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if ( nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetTTheta() ) >= fPruneXp ){
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 1;

    // ! Prune on yptar
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetTPhi() ) < fPruneYp ) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetTPhi() ) >= fPruneYp ){
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 2;


    // !     Prune on ytar
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetTY() ) < fPruneYtar ) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetTY() ) >= fPruneYtar ){
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 10;
    // !     Prune on delta
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetDp() ) < fPruneDelta ) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetDp() ) >= fPruneDelta ){
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 20;

    // !     Prune on beta
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      Double_t p = testTracks[ptrack]->GetP();
      Double_t betaP = p / TMath::Sqrt( p * p + fPartMass * fPartMass );
      if ( ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetBeta() - betaP ) < fPruneBeta ) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	Double_t p = testTracks[ptrack]->GetP();
	Double_t betaP = p / TMath::Sqrt( p * p + fPartMass * fPartMass );
	if ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetBeta() - betaP ) >= fPruneBeta ) {
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 100;

    // !     Prune on deg. freedom for track chisq
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetNDoF() >= fPruneDf ) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetNDoF() < fPruneDf ){
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 200;

    //!     Prune on num pmt hits
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetNPMT() >= fPruneNPMT ) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetNPMT() < fPruneNPMT ){
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 100000;

    // !     Prune on beta chisqr
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetBetaChi2() < fPruneChiBeta ) &&
	   ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetBetaChi2() > 0.01 )          &&   ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetBetaChi2() >= fPruneChiBeta ) ||
	     ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetBetaChi2() <= 0.01          ) ){
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 1000;

    // !     Prune on fptime
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetFPTime() - fHodo->GetStartTimeCenter() ) < fPruneFpTime )  &&
	   ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( TMath::Abs( testTracks[ptrack]->GetFPTime() - fHodo->GetStartTimeCenter() ) >= fPruneFpTime ) {
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 2000;

    // !     Prune on Y2 being hit
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetGoodPlane4() == 1 )  &&  keep[ptrack] ) {
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetGoodPlane4() != 1 ) {
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 10000;

    // !     Prune on X2 being hit
    nGood = 0;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
      if ( ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetGoodPlane3() == 1 )  &&  keep[ptrack] ) {
	nGood ++;
    if (nGood > 0 ) {
      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
	if ( testTracks[ptrack]->GetGoodPlane3() != 1 ) {
	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
	  reject[ptrack] = reject[ptrack] + 20000;

    // !     Pick track with best chisq if more than one track passed prune tests
    Double_t chi2PerDeg = 0.;
    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){

      chi2PerDeg =  testTracks[ptrack]->GetChi2() / testTracks[ptrack]->GetNDoF();

      if ( ( chi2PerDeg < chi2Min ) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
	fGoodTrack = ptrack;
	chi2Min = chi2PerDeg;
      // Set index=0 for fGoodTrack 
      for (Int_t iitrack = 0; iitrack < fNtracks; iitrack++ ){
 	THaTrack* aTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(iitrack) );
	if (iitrack==fGoodTrack) aTrack->SetIndex(0);



Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::TrackTimes( TClonesArray* Tracks ) {
  // Do the actual track-timing (beta) calculation.
  // Use multiple scintillators to average together and get "best" time at S1.
  // To be useful, a meaningful timing resolution should be assigned
  // to each Scintillator object (part of the database).

  return 0;

Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadRunDatabase( const TDatime& date )
  // Override THaSpectrometer with nop method.  All needed kinamatics
  // read in ReadDatabase.

  return kOK;
