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  • Edward Brash's avatar
    Address some minor issues reported by cppcheck · bd50814c
    Edward Brash authored
    These were related to a) scope of some variable declarations, and b) use
    of pre-increment vs. post-increment of non-primitive types (this has a
    slight performance hit due to the way that pre- vs. post-increment
    operators are overloaded in C++.
    Also cleaned up a few places where initialized variables were not being
    Address some minor issues reported by cppcheck
    Edward Brash authored
    These were related to a) scope of some variable declarations, and b) use
    of pre-increment vs. post-increment of non-primitive types (this has a
    slight performance hit due to the way that pre- vs. post-increment
    operators are overloaded in C++.
    Also cleaned up a few places where initialized variables were not being
THcParmList.cxx 16.13 KiB
//*-- Author : Stephen A. Wood 10.02.2012

// THcParmList
// A THaVarList that holds parameters read from
// the legacy ENGINE parameter file format

#define INCLUDESTR "#include"

#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"

#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THaVar.h"
#include "THaFormula.h"

#include "TMath.h"

/* #incluce <algorithm> include <fstream> include <cstring> */
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;
Int_t  fDebug   = 1;  // Keep this at one while we're working on the code    


THcParmList::THcParmList() : THaVarList()
  TextList = new THaTextvars;

inline static bool IsComment( const string& s, string::size_type pos )
  return ( pos != string::npos && pos < s.length() &&
	   (s[pos] == '#' || s[pos] == ';' || s.substr(pos,2) == "//") );

void THcParmList::Load( const char* fname, Int_t RunNumber )

  static const char* const whtspc = " \t";

  ifstream ifiles[100];		// Should use stack instead

  Int_t nfiles=0;
  if(ifiles[nfiles].is_open()) {
    cout << nfiles << ": " << "Opened \"" << fname << "\"" << endl;

  if(!nfiles) {
    static const char* const here   = "THcParmList::LoadFromFile";
    Error (here, "error opening parameter file %s",fname);
    return;			// Need a success argument returned
  string line;
  char varname[100];
  Int_t InRunRange;
  Int_t currentindex = 0;

  varname[0] = '\0';

  if(RunNumber > 0) {
    InRunRange = 0;		// Wait until run number range matching RunNumber is found
    cout << "Reading Parameters for run " << RunNumber << endl;
  } else {
    InRunRange = 1;		// Interpret all lines

  while(nfiles) {
    string current_comment("");
    // EJB_Note:  existing_comment is never used.
    // string existing_comment("");
    string::size_type start, pos = 0;

    if(!getline(ifiles[nfiles-1],line)) {
      cout << nfiles << ": " << "Closed" << endl;
    // Look for include statement
    if(,strlen(INCLUDESTR),INCLUDESTR)==0) {
      pos = line.find_first_not_of(whtspc);
      // Strip leading white space
      if(pos != string::npos && pos > 0 && pos < line.length()) {
      char quotechar=line[0];
      if(quotechar == '"' || quotechar == '\'') {
      } else {
      cout << line << endl;
      if(ifiles[nfiles].is_open()) {
	cout << nfiles << ": " << "Opened \"" << line << "\"" << endl;

    // Blank line or comment?
    if( line.empty()
	|| (start = line.find_first_not_of( whtspc )) == string::npos
	|| IsComment(line, start) )

    // Get rid of trailing comments and leading and trailing whitespace
    // Need to save the comment and put it in the thVar
    while( (pos = line.find_first_of("#;/", pos+1)) != string::npos ) {
      if( IsComment(line, pos) ) {
	line.erase(pos);	// Strip off comment
	// Strip leading white space from comment
	cout << "CommentA: " << current_comment << endl;
	pos = current_comment.find_first_not_of(whtspc);
	if(pos!=string::npos && pos > 0 && pos < current_comment.length()) {
	cout << "CommentB: " << current_comment << endl;
    pos = line.find_last_not_of( whtspc );
    assert( pos != string::npos );
    if( pos != string::npos && ++pos < line.length() )
    pos = line.find_first_not_of(whtspc);
    // Strip leading white space
    if(pos != string::npos && pos > 0 && pos < line.length()) {
    // Ignore begin and end statements
    if(,5,"begin")==0 ||,3,"end")==0) {
      cout << "Skipping: " << line << endl;

    // Get rid of all white space not in quotes
    // Step through one char at a time 
    pos = 0;
    int inquote=0;
    char quotechar=' ';
    // cout << "Unstripped line: |" << line << "|" << endl;
    while(pos<line.length()) {
      if(inquote) {
	if(line[pos++] == quotechar) { // Possibly end of quoted string
	  if(line[pos] == quotechar) { // Protected quote
	    pos++;		// Skip the protected quote
	  } else {		// End of quoted string
	    inquote = 0;
	    quotechar = ' ';
      } else {
	if(line[pos] == ' ' || line[pos] == '\t') {
	} else if(line[pos] == '"' || line[pos] == '\'') {
	  quotechar = line[pos++];\
	  inquote = 1;
	} else {
    // cout << "Stripped line: |" << line << "|" << endl;

    // Need to do something to bug out if line is empty

    // If in Engine database mode, check if line is a number range AAAA-BBBB
    if(RunNumber>0) {
      if(line.find_first_not_of("0123456789-")==string::npos) { // Interpret as runnum range
	if( (pos=line.find_first_of("-")) != string::npos) {
	  Int_t RangeStart=atoi(line.substr(0,pos).c_str());
	  Int_t RangeEnd=atoi(line.substr(pos+1,string::npos).c_str());
	  if(RunNumber >= RangeStart && RunNumber <= RangeEnd) {
	    InRunRange = 1;
	  } else {
	    InRunRange = 0;
	} else {		// A single number.  Run 
	  if(atoi(line.c_str()) == RunNumber) {
	    InRunRange = 1;
	  } else {
	    InRunRange = 0;

    if(!InRunRange) continue;

    // Interpret left of = as var name
    Int_t valuestartpos=0;  // Stays zero if no = found
    Int_t ttype = 0;     // Are any of the values floating point?
    if((pos=line.find_first_of("="))!=string::npos) {
      strcpy(varname, (line.substr(0,pos)).c_str());
      valuestartpos = pos+1;
      currentindex = 0;

    // If first char after = is a quote, then this is a string assignment
    if(line[valuestartpos] == '"' || line[valuestartpos] == '\'') {
      quotechar = line[valuestartpos++];
      // Scan until end of line or terminating quote
      //      valuestartpos++;
      pos = valuestartpos;
      while(pos<line.length()) {
	if(line[pos++] == quotechar) { // Possibly end of quoted string
	  if(line[pos] == quotechar) { // Protected quote
	  } else {
      if(TextList) {
	// Should check that a numerical assignment doesn't exist, but for
	// now, the same variable name can be used for strings and numbers
	string varnames(varname);
	AddString(varnames, line.substr(valuestartpos,pos-valuestartpos));
    TString values((line.substr(valuestartpos)).c_str());
    TObjArray *vararr = values.Tokenize(",");
    Int_t nvals = vararr->GetLast()+1;
    Int_t* ip;
    Double_t* fp;
    // or expressions
    for(Int_t i=0;(ttype==0&&i<nvals);i++) {
      TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
      if(valstr.IsFloat()) {	// Is a number
	if(valstr.Contains(".") || valstr.Contains("e",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
	  ttype = 1;
      } else {
	ttype = 2;		// Force float if expression or Var

    // New pseudo code
    // currentindex = where next item goes
    // nvals = number of new items on line
    // newlength = curentindex+nvals

    // if (variable already exists)   (valuestartpos is 0 or a find succeeded)
    //       get existinglegnth
    //       if (existinglength > newlength && type doesn't change) {
    //            copy nvals values directly into array
    //       else
    //            make new longer array of length max(existinglength, newlength)
    //            copy existinglength values into longer array changing type if needed
    //            delete old varname
    //            recreate varname of proper length
    // else (variable doesn't exist)
    //      make array of newlength
    //      create varname
    // There is some code duplication here.  Refactor later
    Int_t newlength = currentindex + nvals;
    THaVar* existingvar=Find(varname);
    if(existingvar) {
      string existingcomment;
      if(!existingcomment.empty()) {
      Int_t existingtype=existingvar->GetType();
      Int_t existinglength=existingvar->GetLen();
      if(newlength > existinglength ||
	 (existingtype == kInt && ttype > 0)) { // Length or type change needed
	if(newlength < existinglength) newlength = existinglength;
	Int_t newtype=-1;
	if(ttype>0 || existingtype == kDouble) {
	  newtype = kDouble;
	  fp = new Double_t[newlength];
	  if(existingtype == kDouble) {
	    Double_t* existingp= (Double_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
	    for(Int_t i=0;i<existinglength;i++) {
	      fp[i] = existingp[i];
	  } else if(existingtype == kInt) {
	    Int_t* existingp= (Int_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
	    for(Int_t i=0;i<existinglength;i++) {
	      fp[i] = existingp[i];
	  } else {
	    cout << "Whoops!" << endl;
	} else if(existingtype == kInt) {	// Stays int
	  newtype = kInt;
	  ip = new Int_t[newlength];
	  Int_t* existingp= (Int_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
	  for(Int_t i=0;i<existinglength;i++) {
	    ip[i] = existingp[i];
	} else {
	  cout << "Whoops!" << endl;
	// Now copy new values in
	for(Int_t i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
	  TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
	  if(newtype == kInt) {
	    ip[currentindex+i] = valstr.Atoi();
	  } else {
	    if(valstr.IsFloat()) {
	      fp[currentindex+i] = valstr.Atof();
	    } else {
	      THaFormula* formula = new THaFormula("temp",valstr.Data()
						   ,this, 0);
	      fp[currentindex+i] = formula->Eval();
	      delete formula;
	currentindex += nvals;
	// Remove old variable and recreate
	char *arrayname=new char [strlen(varname)+20];
	if(newtype == kInt) {
	  Define(arrayname, current_comment.c_str(), *ip);
	} else {
	  Define(arrayname, current_comment.c_str(), *fp);
	delete[] arrayname;
      } else {
	// Existing array long enough and of right type, just copy to it.
	if(ttype == 0 && existingtype == kInt) {
	  Int_t* existingp= (Int_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
	  for(Int_t i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
	    TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
	    existingp[currentindex+i] = valstr.Atoi();
	} else {
	  Double_t* existingp= (Double_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
	  for(Int_t i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
	    TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
	    if(valstr.IsFloat()) {
	      existingp[currentindex+i] = valstr.Atof();
	    } else {
	      THaFormula* formula = new THaFormula("temp",valstr.Data()
						   ,this, 0);
	      existingp[currentindex+i] = formula->Eval();
	      delete formula;
	currentindex += nvals;
    } else {
      if(currentindex !=0) {
	cout << "currentindex=" << currentindex << " shouldn't be!" << endl;
      if(ttype==0) {
	ip = new Int_t[nvals];
      } else {
	fp = new Double_t[nvals];
      for(Int_t i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
	TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
	if(ttype==0) {
	  ip[i] = valstr.Atoi();
	} else {
	  if(valstr.IsFloat()) {
	    fp[i] = valstr.Atof();
	  } else {
	    THaFormula* formula = new THaFormula("temp",valstr.Data()
						 ,this, 0);
	    fp[i] = formula->Eval();
	    delete formula;
      currentindex = nvals;
      char *arrayname=new char [strlen(varname)+20];
      if(ttype==0) {
	Define(arrayname, current_comment.c_str(), *ip);
      } else {
	Define(arrayname, current_comment.c_str(), *fp);
      delete[] arrayname;

    //    cout << line << endl;



Int_t THcParmList::LoadParmValues(const DBRequest* list, const char* prefix)
  // Load a number of entries from the database.
  // For array entries, the number of elements to be read in
  // must be given, and the memory already allocated
  // NOTE: initial code taken wholesale from THaDBFile. 
  // GN 2012
  const DBRequest *ti = list;
  Int_t cnt=0;
  Int_t this_cnt=0;

  if( !prefix ) prefix = "";

  while ( ti && ti->name ) {
    string keystr(prefix); keystr.append(ti->name);
    const char* key = keystr.c_str();
    ///    cout <<"Now at "<<ti->name<<endl;
    this_cnt = 0;
    if(this->Find(key)) {
      VarType ty = this->Find(key)->GetType();
      if (ti->nelem>1) {
	// it is an array, use the appropriateinterface
	switch (ti->type) {
	case (kDouble) :
	  this_cnt = GetArray(key,static_cast<Double_t*>(ti->var),ti->nelem);
	case (kInt) :
	  this_cnt = GetArray(key,static_cast<Int_t*>(ti->var),ti->nelem);
	  Error("THcParmList","Invalid type to read %s",key);

      } else {
	switch (ti->type) {
	case (kDouble) :
	  if(ty == kInt) {
	    *static_cast<Double_t*>(ti->var)=*(Int_t *)this->Find(key)->GetValuePointer();	    
	  } else if (ty == kDouble) {
	    *static_cast<Double_t*>(ti->var)=*(Double_t *)this->Find(key)->GetValuePointer();
	  } else {
	    cout << "*** ERROR!!! Type Mismatch " << key << endl;

	case (kInt) :
	  if(ty == kInt) {
	    *static_cast<Int_t*>(ti->var)=*(Int_t *)this->Find(key)->GetValuePointer();
	  } else if (ty == kDouble) {
	    *static_cast<Int_t*>(ti->var)=TMath::Nint(*(Double_t *)this->Find(key)->GetValuePointer());
	    cout << "*** WARNING!!!  Rounded " << key << " to nearest integer " << endl;
	  } else {
	    cout << "*** ERROR!!! Type Mismatch " << key << endl;
	  Error("THcParmList","Invalid type to read %s",key);
    } else {			// See if it is a text variable
      const char* value = GetString(key);
      if(value) {
	this_cnt = 1;
	if(ti->type == kString) {
	  *((string*)ti->var) = string(value);
	} else if (ti->type == kTString) {
	  *((TString*)ti->var) = (TString) value;
	} else {
	  Error("THcParmList","No conversion for strings: %s",key);
    if (this_cnt<=0) {
      if ( !ti->optional ) {
	Fatal("THcParmList","Could not find %s in database!",key);
    cnt += this_cnt;
  return cnt;

Int_t THcParmList::GetArray(const char* attr, Int_t* array, Int_t size)
  // Read in a set of Int_t's in to a C-style array.
  return ReadArray(attr,array,size);
Int_t THcParmList::GetArray(const char* attr, Double_t* array, Int_t size)
  // Read in a set of Double_t's in to a vector.
  return ReadArray(attr,array,size);

template<class T>
Int_t THcParmList::ReadArray(const char* attrC, T* array, Int_t size)
  // Copy values from parameter store to array
  // No resizing is done, so only 'size' elements may be stored.

  Int_t cnt=0;

  THaVar *var = Find(attrC);
  if(!var) return(cnt);
  VarType ty = var->GetType();
  if( ty != kInt && ty != kDouble) {
    cout << "*** ERROR: " << attrC << " has unsupported type " << ty << endl;
  Int_t sz = var->GetLen();
  const void *vp = var->GetValuePointer();
  if(size != sz) {
    cout << "*** WARNING: requested " << size << " elements of " << attrC <<
      " which has length " << sz << endl;
  if(size<sz) sz = size;
  Int_t donint = 0;
  if(ty == kDouble && typeid(array[0]) == typeid(Int_t)) {
    donint = 1;			// Use nint when putting doubles in nint
    cout << "*** WARNING!!!  Rounded " << attrC << " elements to nearest integer " << endl;
  for(cnt=0;cnt<sz;cnt++) {
    if(ty == kInt) {
      array[cnt] = ((Int_t*)vp)[cnt];
    } else
      if(donint) {
	array[cnt] = TMath::Nint(((Double_t*)vp)[cnt]);
      } else {
	array[cnt] = ((Double_t*)vp)[cnt];
void THcParmList::PrintFull( Option_t* option ) const