Edward Brash authored
These were related to a) scope of some variable declarations, and b) use of pre-increment vs. post-increment of non-primitive types (this has a slight performance hit due to the way that pre- vs. post-increment operators are overloaded in C++. Also cleaned up a few places where initialized variables were not being used.
Edward Brash authoredThese were related to a) scope of some variable declarations, and b) use of pre-increment vs. post-increment of non-primitive types (this has a slight performance hit due to the way that pre- vs. post-increment operators are overloaded in C++. Also cleaned up a few places where initialized variables were not being used.
THcParmList.cxx 16.13 KiB
//*-- Author : Stephen A. Wood 10.02.2012
// THcParmList
// A THaVarList that holds parameters read from
// the legacy ENGINE parameter file format
#define INCLUDESTR "#include"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THaVar.h"
#include "THaFormula.h"
#include "TMath.h"
/* #incluce <algorithm> include <fstream> include <cstring> */
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
Int_t fDebug = 1; // Keep this at one while we're working on the code
THcParmList::THcParmList() : THaVarList()
TextList = new THaTextvars;
inline static bool IsComment( const string& s, string::size_type pos )
return ( pos != string::npos && pos < s.length() &&
(s[pos] == '#' || s[pos] == ';' || s.substr(pos,2) == "//") );
void THcParmList::Load( const char* fname, Int_t RunNumber )
static const char* const whtspc = " \t";
ifstream ifiles[100]; // Should use stack instead
Int_t nfiles=0;
if(ifiles[nfiles].is_open()) {
cout << nfiles << ": " << "Opened \"" << fname << "\"" << endl;
if(!nfiles) {
static const char* const here = "THcParmList::LoadFromFile";
Error (here, "error opening parameter file %s",fname);
return; // Need a success argument returned
string line;
char varname[100];
Int_t InRunRange;
Int_t currentindex = 0;
varname[0] = '\0';
if(RunNumber > 0) {
InRunRange = 0; // Wait until run number range matching RunNumber is found
cout << "Reading Parameters for run " << RunNumber << endl;
} else {
InRunRange = 1; // Interpret all lines
while(nfiles) {
string current_comment("");
// EJB_Note: existing_comment is never used.
// string existing_comment("");
string::size_type start, pos = 0;
if(!getline(ifiles[nfiles-1],line)) {
cout << nfiles << ": " << "Closed" << endl;
// Look for include statement
if(line.compare(0,strlen(INCLUDESTR),INCLUDESTR)==0) {
pos = line.find_first_not_of(whtspc);
// Strip leading white space
if(pos != string::npos && pos > 0 && pos < line.length()) {
char quotechar=line[0];
if(quotechar == '"' || quotechar == '\'') {
} else {
cout << line << endl;
if(ifiles[nfiles].is_open()) {
cout << nfiles << ": " << "Opened \"" << line << "\"" << endl;
// Blank line or comment?
if( line.empty()
|| (start = line.find_first_not_of( whtspc )) == string::npos
|| IsComment(line, start) )
// Get rid of trailing comments and leading and trailing whitespace
// Need to save the comment and put it in the thVar
while( (pos = line.find_first_of("#;/", pos+1)) != string::npos ) {
if( IsComment(line, pos) ) {
line.erase(pos); // Strip off comment
// Strip leading white space from comment
cout << "CommentA: " << current_comment << endl;
pos = current_comment.find_first_not_of(whtspc);
if(pos!=string::npos && pos > 0 && pos < current_comment.length()) {
cout << "CommentB: " << current_comment << endl;
pos = line.find_last_not_of( whtspc );
assert( pos != string::npos );
if( pos != string::npos && ++pos < line.length() )
pos = line.find_first_not_of(whtspc);
// Strip leading white space
if(pos != string::npos && pos > 0 && pos < line.length()) {
// Ignore begin and end statements
if(line.compare(0,5,"begin")==0 ||
line.compare(0,3,"end")==0) {
cout << "Skipping: " << line << endl;
// Get rid of all white space not in quotes
// Step through one char at a time
pos = 0;
int inquote=0;
char quotechar=' ';
// cout << "Unstripped line: |" << line << "|" << endl;
while(pos<line.length()) {
if(inquote) {
if(line[pos++] == quotechar) { // Possibly end of quoted string
if(line[pos] == quotechar) { // Protected quote
pos++; // Skip the protected quote
} else { // End of quoted string
inquote = 0;
quotechar = ' ';
} else {
if(line[pos] == ' ' || line[pos] == '\t') {
} else if(line[pos] == '"' || line[pos] == '\'') {
quotechar = line[pos++];\
inquote = 1;
} else {
// cout << "Stripped line: |" << line << "|" << endl;
// Need to do something to bug out if line is empty
// If in Engine database mode, check if line is a number range AAAA-BBBB
if(RunNumber>0) {
if(line.find_first_not_of("0123456789-")==string::npos) { // Interpret as runnum range
if( (pos=line.find_first_of("-")) != string::npos) {
Int_t RangeStart=atoi(line.substr(0,pos).c_str());
Int_t RangeEnd=atoi(line.substr(pos+1,string::npos).c_str());
if(RunNumber >= RangeStart && RunNumber <= RangeEnd) {
InRunRange = 1;
} else {
InRunRange = 0;
} else { // A single number. Run
if(atoi(line.c_str()) == RunNumber) {
InRunRange = 1;
} else {
InRunRange = 0;
if(!InRunRange) continue;
// Interpret left of = as var name
Int_t valuestartpos=0; // Stays zero if no = found
Int_t ttype = 0; // Are any of the values floating point?
if((pos=line.find_first_of("="))!=string::npos) {
strcpy(varname, (line.substr(0,pos)).c_str());
valuestartpos = pos+1;
currentindex = 0;
// If first char after = is a quote, then this is a string assignment
if(line[valuestartpos] == '"' || line[valuestartpos] == '\'') {
quotechar = line[valuestartpos++];
// Scan until end of line or terminating quote
// valuestartpos++;
pos = valuestartpos;
while(pos<line.length()) {
if(line[pos++] == quotechar) { // Possibly end of quoted string
if(line[pos] == quotechar) { // Protected quote
} else {
if(TextList) {
// Should check that a numerical assignment doesn't exist, but for
// now, the same variable name can be used for strings and numbers
string varnames(varname);
AddString(varnames, line.substr(valuestartpos,pos-valuestartpos));
TString values((line.substr(valuestartpos)).c_str());
TObjArray *vararr = values.Tokenize(",");
Int_t nvals = vararr->GetLast()+1;
Int_t* ip;
Double_t* fp;
// or expressions
for(Int_t i=0;(ttype==0&&i<nvals);i++) {
TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
if(valstr.IsFloat()) { // Is a number
if(valstr.Contains(".") || valstr.Contains("e",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
ttype = 1;
} else {
ttype = 2; // Force float if expression or Var
// New pseudo code
// currentindex = where next item goes
// nvals = number of new items on line
// newlength = curentindex+nvals
// if (variable already exists) (valuestartpos is 0 or a find succeeded)
// get existinglegnth
// if (existinglength > newlength && type doesn't change) {
// copy nvals values directly into array
// else
// make new longer array of length max(existinglength, newlength)
// copy existinglength values into longer array changing type if needed
// delete old varname
// recreate varname of proper length
// else (variable doesn't exist)
// make array of newlength
// create varname
// There is some code duplication here. Refactor later
Int_t newlength = currentindex + nvals;
THaVar* existingvar=Find(varname);
if(existingvar) {
string existingcomment;
if(!existingcomment.empty()) {
Int_t existingtype=existingvar->GetType();
Int_t existinglength=existingvar->GetLen();
if(newlength > existinglength ||
(existingtype == kInt && ttype > 0)) { // Length or type change needed
if(newlength < existinglength) newlength = existinglength;
Int_t newtype=-1;
if(ttype>0 || existingtype == kDouble) {
newtype = kDouble;
fp = new Double_t[newlength];
if(existingtype == kDouble) {
Double_t* existingp= (Double_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
for(Int_t i=0;i<existinglength;i++) {
fp[i] = existingp[i];
} else if(existingtype == kInt) {
Int_t* existingp= (Int_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
for(Int_t i=0;i<existinglength;i++) {
fp[i] = existingp[i];
} else {
cout << "Whoops!" << endl;
} else if(existingtype == kInt) { // Stays int
newtype = kInt;
ip = new Int_t[newlength];
Int_t* existingp= (Int_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
for(Int_t i=0;i<existinglength;i++) {
ip[i] = existingp[i];
} else {
cout << "Whoops!" << endl;
// Now copy new values in
for(Int_t i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
if(newtype == kInt) {
ip[currentindex+i] = valstr.Atoi();
} else {
if(valstr.IsFloat()) {
fp[currentindex+i] = valstr.Atof();
} else {
THaFormula* formula = new THaFormula("temp",valstr.Data()
,this, 0);
fp[currentindex+i] = formula->Eval();
delete formula;
currentindex += nvals;
// Remove old variable and recreate
char *arrayname=new char [strlen(varname)+20];
if(newtype == kInt) {
Define(arrayname, current_comment.c_str(), *ip);
} else {
Define(arrayname, current_comment.c_str(), *fp);
delete[] arrayname;
} else {
// Existing array long enough and of right type, just copy to it.
if(ttype == 0 && existingtype == kInt) {
Int_t* existingp= (Int_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
for(Int_t i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
existingp[currentindex+i] = valstr.Atoi();
} else {
Double_t* existingp= (Double_t*) existingvar->GetValuePointer();
for(Int_t i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
if(valstr.IsFloat()) {
existingp[currentindex+i] = valstr.Atof();
} else {
THaFormula* formula = new THaFormula("temp",valstr.Data()
,this, 0);
existingp[currentindex+i] = formula->Eval();
delete formula;
currentindex += nvals;
} else {
if(currentindex !=0) {
cout << "currentindex=" << currentindex << " shouldn't be!" << endl;
if(ttype==0) {
ip = new Int_t[nvals];
} else {
fp = new Double_t[nvals];
for(Int_t i=0;i<nvals;i++) {
TString valstr = ((TObjString *)vararr->At(i))->GetString();
if(ttype==0) {
ip[i] = valstr.Atoi();
} else {
if(valstr.IsFloat()) {
fp[i] = valstr.Atof();
} else {
THaFormula* formula = new THaFormula("temp",valstr.Data()
,this, 0);
fp[i] = formula->Eval();
delete formula;
currentindex = nvals;
char *arrayname=new char [strlen(varname)+20];
if(ttype==0) {
Define(arrayname, current_comment.c_str(), *ip);
} else {
Define(arrayname, current_comment.c_str(), *fp);
delete[] arrayname;
// cout << line << endl;
Int_t THcParmList::LoadParmValues(const DBRequest* list, const char* prefix)
// Load a number of entries from the database.
// For array entries, the number of elements to be read in
// must be given, and the memory already allocated
// NOTE: initial code taken wholesale from THaDBFile.
// GN 2012
const DBRequest *ti = list;
Int_t cnt=0;
Int_t this_cnt=0;
if( !prefix ) prefix = "";
while ( ti && ti->name ) {
string keystr(prefix); keystr.append(ti->name);
const char* key = keystr.c_str();
/// cout <<"Now at "<<ti->name<<endl;
this_cnt = 0;
if(this->Find(key)) {
VarType ty = this->Find(key)->GetType();
if (ti->nelem>1) {
// it is an array, use the appropriateinterface
switch (ti->type) {
case (kDouble) :
this_cnt = GetArray(key,static_cast<Double_t*>(ti->var),ti->nelem);
case (kInt) :
this_cnt = GetArray(key,static_cast<Int_t*>(ti->var),ti->nelem);
Error("THcParmList","Invalid type to read %s",key);
} else {
switch (ti->type) {
case (kDouble) :
if(ty == kInt) {
*static_cast<Double_t*>(ti->var)=*(Int_t *)this->Find(key)->GetValuePointer();
} else if (ty == kDouble) {
*static_cast<Double_t*>(ti->var)=*(Double_t *)this->Find(key)->GetValuePointer();
} else {
cout << "*** ERROR!!! Type Mismatch " << key << endl;
case (kInt) :
if(ty == kInt) {
*static_cast<Int_t*>(ti->var)=*(Int_t *)this->Find(key)->GetValuePointer();
} else if (ty == kDouble) {
*static_cast<Int_t*>(ti->var)=TMath::Nint(*(Double_t *)this->Find(key)->GetValuePointer());
cout << "*** WARNING!!! Rounded " << key << " to nearest integer " << endl;
} else {
cout << "*** ERROR!!! Type Mismatch " << key << endl;
Error("THcParmList","Invalid type to read %s",key);
} else { // See if it is a text variable
const char* value = GetString(key);
if(value) {
this_cnt = 1;
if(ti->type == kString) {
*((string*)ti->var) = string(value);
} else if (ti->type == kTString) {
*((TString*)ti->var) = (TString) value;
} else {
Error("THcParmList","No conversion for strings: %s",key);
if (this_cnt<=0) {
if ( !ti->optional ) {
Fatal("THcParmList","Could not find %s in database!",key);
cnt += this_cnt;
return cnt;
Int_t THcParmList::GetArray(const char* attr, Int_t* array, Int_t size)
// Read in a set of Int_t's in to a C-style array.
return ReadArray(attr,array,size);
Int_t THcParmList::GetArray(const char* attr, Double_t* array, Int_t size)
// Read in a set of Double_t's in to a vector.
return ReadArray(attr,array,size);
template<class T>
Int_t THcParmList::ReadArray(const char* attrC, T* array, Int_t size)
// Copy values from parameter store to array
// No resizing is done, so only 'size' elements may be stored.
Int_t cnt=0;
THaVar *var = Find(attrC);
if(!var) return(cnt);
VarType ty = var->GetType();
if( ty != kInt && ty != kDouble) {
cout << "*** ERROR: " << attrC << " has unsupported type " << ty << endl;
Int_t sz = var->GetLen();
const void *vp = var->GetValuePointer();
if(size != sz) {
cout << "*** WARNING: requested " << size << " elements of " << attrC <<
" which has length " << sz << endl;
if(size<sz) sz = size;
Int_t donint = 0;
if(ty == kDouble && typeid(array[0]) == typeid(Int_t)) {
donint = 1; // Use nint when putting doubles in nint
cout << "*** WARNING!!! Rounded " << attrC << " elements to nearest integer " << endl;
for(cnt=0;cnt<sz;cnt++) {
if(ty == kInt) {
array[cnt] = ((Int_t*)vp)[cnt];
} else
if(donint) {
array[cnt] = TMath::Nint(((Double_t*)vp)[cnt]);
} else {
array[cnt] = ((Double_t*)vp)[cnt];
void THcParmList::PrintFull( Option_t* option ) const