Stephen A. Wood authored
It has not been check that we are getting a good start time yet. Drift time and distance added to tree Change DC plane names from 1, 2, 3, ... to 1x1, 1y1, ... This is so that the parameters holding the time to distance maps can be found. (The parameters are e.g. hwc1x1fract) Need to find a way not to have to hard code these plane names. Either use wire angles (alpha) or some kind of parameter name mapping Changed output.def to match new plane names
Stephen A. Wood authoredIt has not been check that we are getting a good start time yet. Drift time and distance added to tree Change DC plane names from 1, 2, 3, ... to 1x1, 1y1, ... This is so that the parameters holding the time to distance maps can be found. (The parameters are e.g. hwc1x1fract) Need to find a way not to have to hard code these plane names. Either use wire angles (alpha) or some kind of parameter name mapping Changed output.def to match new plane names
THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx 7.46 KiB
//*-- Author :
// THcDriftChamberPlane
#include "THcDriftChamberPlane.h"
#include "THcDCWire.h"
#include "THcDCHit.h"
#include "THcDCLookupTTDConv.h"
#include "THcSignalHit.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THcHitList.h"
#include "THcDriftChamber.h"
#include "THcHodoscope.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
THcDriftChamberPlane::THcDriftChamberPlane( const char* name,
const char* description,
const Int_t planenum,
THaDetectorBase* parent )
: THaSubDetector(name,description,parent)
// Normal constructor with name and description
fHits = new TClonesArray("THcDCHit",100);
fWires = new TClonesArray("THcDCWire", 100);
fPlaneNum = planenum;
// Destructor
delete fWires;
delete fHits;
delete fTTDConv;
THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcDriftChamberPlane::Init( const TDatime& date )
// Extra initialization for scintillator plane: set up DataDest map
cout << "THcDriftChamberPlane::Init called " << GetName() << endl;
if( IsZombie())
return fStatus = kInitError;
// How to get information for parent
// if( GetParent() )
// fOrigin = GetParent()->GetOrigin();
EStatus status;
if( (status=THaSubDetector::Init( date )) )
return fStatus = status;
return fStatus = kOK;
Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
// See what file it looks for
static const char* const here = "ReadDatabase()";
char prefix[2];
char parname[100];
Int_t NumDriftMapBins;
Double_t DriftMapFirstBin;
Double_t DriftMapBinSize;
Double_t DriftMap[1000];
DBRequest list[]={
{"driftbins", &NumDriftMapBins, kInt},
{"drift1stbin", &DriftMapFirstBin, kDouble},
{"driftbinsz", &DriftMapBinSize, kDouble},
// Retrieve parameters we need from parent class
THcDriftChamber* fParent;
fParent = (THcDriftChamber*) GetParent();
// These are single variables here, but arrays in THcDriftChamber.
fNChamber = fParent->GetNChamber(fPlaneNum);
fNWires = fParent->GetNWires(fPlaneNum);
fWireOrder = fParent->GetWireOrder(fPlaneNum);
fPitch = fParent->GetPitch(fPlaneNum);
fCentralWire = fParent->GetCentralWire(fPlaneNum);
fTdcWinMin = fParent->GetTdcWinMin(fPlaneNum);
fTdcWinMax = fParent->GetTdcWinMax(fPlaneNum);
fPlaneTimeZero = fParent->GetPlaneTimeZero(fPlaneNum);
fCenter = fParent->GetCenter(fPlaneNum);
fNSperChan = fParent->GetNSperChan();
cout << fPlaneNum << " " << fNWires << endl;
fTTDConv = new THcDCLookupTTDConv(DriftMapFirstBin,fPitch/2,DriftMapBinSize,
Int_t nWires = fParent->GetNWires(fPlaneNum);
// For HMS, wire numbers start with one, but arrays start with zero.
// So wire number is index+1
for (int i=0; i<nWires; i++) {
Double_t pos = fPitch*( (fWireOrder==0?(i+1):fNWires-i)
- fCentralWire) - fCenter;
THcDCWire* wire = new((*fWires)[i])
THcDCWire( i+1, pos , 0.0, fTTDConv);
//if( something < 0 ) wire->SetFlag(1);
THaApparatus* app = GetApparatus();
const char* nm = "hod";
if( !app ||
!(fglHod = dynamic_cast<THcHodoscope*>(app->GetDetector(nm))) ) {
Warning(Here(here),"Hodoscope \"%s\" not found. "
"Event-by-event time offsets will NOT be used!!",nm);
return kOK;
Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
// Initialize global variables and lookup table for decoder
// cout << "THcDriftChamberPlane::DefineVariables called " << GetName() << endl;
if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
// Register variables in global list
RVarDef vars[] = {
{"tdchits", "List of TDC hits",
{"rawtdc", "Raw TDC Values",
{"time","Drift times",
{"dist","Drift distancess",
{ 0 }
return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );
void THcDriftChamberPlane::Clear( Option_t* )
//cout << " Calling THcDriftChamberPlane::Clear " << GetName() << endl;
// Clears the hit lists
Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
// Doesn't actually get called. Use Fill method instead
cout << " Calling THcDriftChamberPlane::Decode " << GetName() << endl;
return 0;
Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
// HitCount();
return 0;
Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
return 0;
Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
// Extract the data for this plane from hit list
// Assumes that the hit list is sorted by plane, so we stop when the
// plane doesn't agree and return the index for the next hit.
Double_t StartTime = 0.0;
// Would be nice to have a way to determine that the hodoscope decode was
// actually called for this event.
if( fglHod ) StartTime = fglHod->GetStartTime();
//cout << "Start time " << StartTime << endl;
//Int_t nTDCHits=0;
Int_t nrawhits = rawhits->GetLast()+1;
// cout << "THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits " << fPlaneNum << " " << nexthit << "/" << nrawhits << endl;
Int_t ihit = nexthit;
Int_t nextHit = 0;
while(ihit < nrawhits) {
THcRawDCHit* hit = (THcRawDCHit *) rawhits->At(ihit);
if(hit->fPlane > fPlaneNum) {
Int_t wireNum = hit->fCounter;
THcDCWire* wire = GetWire(wireNum);
Int_t wire_last = -1;
for(Int_t mhit=0; mhit<hit->fNHits; mhit++) {
/* Sort into early, late and ontime */
Int_t rawtdc = hit->fTDC[mhit];
if(rawtdc < fTdcWinMin) {
// Increment early counter (Actually late because TDC is backward)
} else if (rawtdc > fTdcWinMax) {
// Increment late count
} else {
// A good hit
if(wire_last == wireNum) {
// Increment extra hit counter
// Are we choosing the correct hit in the case of multiple hits?
// Are we choose the same hit that ENGINE chooses?
// cout << "Extra hit " << fPlaneNum << " " << wireNum << " " << rawtdc << endl;
} else {
Double_t time = -StartTime // (comes from h_trans_scin
- rawtdc*fNSperChan + fPlaneTimeZero;
// How do we get this start time from the hodoscope to here
// (or at least have it ready by coarse process)
new( (*fHits)[nextHit++] ) THcDCHit(wire, rawtdc, time);
wire_last = wireNum;