Stephen A. Wood authored
Add End method to each detector that calls MissReport which prints the number of events with missing TDC and ADC reference times.
Stephen A. Wood authoredAdd End method to each detector that calls MissReport which prints the number of events with missing TDC and ADC reference times.
THcHitList.h 1.59 KiB
#ifndef ROOT_THcHitList
#define ROOT_THcHitList
#include "THcRawHit.h"
#include "THaDetMap.h"
#include "THaEvData.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "Decoder.h"
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// THcHitList
//class THaDetMap;
class THcConfigEvtHandler;
class THcHitList {
virtual ~THcHitList();
virtual Int_t DecodeToHitList( const THaEvData&, Bool_t suppress=kFALSE );
void InitHitList(THaDetMap* detmap,
const char *hitclass, Int_t maxhits);
TClonesArray* GetHitList() const {return fRawHitList; }
void MissReport(const char *name);
UInt_t fNRawHits;
Int_t fNMaxRawHits;
TClonesArray* fRawHitList; // List of raw hits
TClass* fRawHitClass; // Class of raw hit object to use
THaDetMap* fdMap;
struct RefIndexMap { // Mapping for one reference channel
Bool_t defined;
Bool_t hashit;
Int_t crate;
Int_t slot;
Int_t channel;
Int_t reftime;
std::vector<RefIndexMap> fRefIndexMaps;
// Should this be a sparse list instead in case user
// picks ridiculously large refindexes?
Int_t fNRefIndex;
UInt_t fNSignals;
THcRawHit::ESignalType *fSignalTypes;
THcConfigEvtHandler* fPSE125;
Bool_t fHaveFADCInfo;
Int_t fNSA;
Int_t fNSB;
Int_t fNPED;
Int_t fNTDCRef_miss;
Int_t fNADCRef_miss;
ClassDef(THcHitList,0); // List of raw hits sorted by plane, counter