Jure Bericic authored
Some detector classes lacked the ability to get the appropriate Apparatus character and were only working for HMS.
Jure Bericic authoredSome detector classes lacked the ability to get the appropriate Apparatus character and were only working for HMS.
THcCherenkov.cxx 14.86 KiB
/** \class THcCherenkov
\ingroup Detectors
Class for an Cherenkov detector consisting of two PMT's
\author Zafar Ahmed
#include "THcCherenkov.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "THcSignalHit.h"
#include "THaEvData.h"
#include "THaDetMap.h"
#include "THcDetectorMap.h"
#include "THcGlobals.h"
#include "THaCutList.h"
#include "THcParmList.h"
#include "THcHitList.h"
#include "THaApparatus.h"
#include "VarDef.h"
#include "VarType.h"
#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "THaTrackProj.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
#include <iomanip>
using std::setw;
using std::setprecision;
THcCherenkov::THcCherenkov( const char* name, const char* description,
THaApparatus* apparatus ) :
// Normal constructor with name and description
fADCHits = new TClonesArray("THcSignalHit",16);
cout << "fADCHits " << fADCHits << endl;
cout << "fADCHits " << fADCHits << endl;
THcCherenkov::THcCherenkov( ) :
// Constructor
fADCHits = NULL;
void THcCherenkov::InitArrays()
fGain = NULL;
fCerWidth = NULL;
fPedSum = NULL;
fPedSum2 = NULL;
fPedLimit = NULL;
fPedMean = NULL;
fPedCount = NULL;
fPed = NULL;
fThresh = NULL;
void THcCherenkov::DeleteArrays()
delete [] fGain; fGain = NULL;
delete [] fCerWidth; fCerWidth = NULL;
delete [] fNPMT; fNPMT = NULL;
delete [] fADC; fADC = NULL;
delete [] fADC; fADC_P = NULL;
delete [] fNPE; fNPE = NULL;
delete [] fPedSum; fPedSum = NULL;
delete [] fPedSum2; fPedSum2 = NULL;
delete [] fPedLimit; fPedLimit = NULL;
delete [] fPedMean; fPedMean = NULL;
delete [] fPedCount; fPedCount = NULL;
delete [] fPed; fPed = NULL;
delete [] fThresh; fThresh = NULL;
// Destructor
delete fADCHits; fADCHits = NULL;
THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcCherenkov::Init( const TDatime& date )
static const char* const here = "Init()";
cout << "THcCherenkov::Init " << GetName() << endl;
// Should probably put this in ReadDatabase as we will know the
// maximum number of hits after setting up the detector map
InitHitList(fDetMap, "THcCherenkovHit", 100); // 100 is max hits
EStatus status;
if( (status = THaNonTrackingDetector::Init( date )) )
return fStatus=status;
char EngineDID[] = "xCER";
EngineDID[0] = toupper(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
if( gHcDetectorMap->FillMap(fDetMap, EngineDID) < 0 ) {
static const char* const here = "Init()";
Error( Here(here), "Error filling detectormap for %s.", EngineDID );
return kInitError;
return fStatus = kOK;
Int_t THcCherenkov::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
// This function is called by THaDetectorBase::Init() once at the beginning
// of the analysis.
cout << "THcCherenkov::ReadDatabase " << GetName() << endl; // Ahmed
char prefix[2];
char parname[100];
strcpy(parname,prefix); // This is taken from
strcat(parname,"cer_tot_pmts"); // THcScintillatorPlane
fNelem = (Int_t)gHcParms->Find(parname)->GetValue(); // class.
// fNelem = 2; // Default if not defined
fCerNRegions = 3;
fNPMT = new Int_t[fNelem];
fADC = new Double_t[fNelem];
fADC_P = new Double_t[fNelem];
fNPE = new Double_t[fNelem];
fCerWidth = new Double_t[fNelem];
fGain = new Double_t[fNelem];
fPedLimit = new Int_t[fNelem];
fPedMean = new Double_t[fNelem];
fNPMT = new Int_t[fNelem];
fADC = new Double_t[fNelem];
fADC_P = new Double_t[fNelem];
fNPE = new Double_t[fNelem];
fCerWidth = new Double_t[fNelem];
fGain = new Double_t[fNelem];
fPedLimit = new Int_t[fNelem];
fPedMean = new Double_t[fNelem];
fCerTrackCounter = new Int_t [fCerNRegions];
fCerFiredCounter = new Int_t [fCerNRegions];
for ( Int_t ireg = 0; ireg < fCerNRegions; ireg++ ) {
fCerTrackCounter[ireg] = 0;
fCerFiredCounter[ireg] = 0;
fCerRegionsValueMax = fCerNRegions * 8; // This value 8 should also be in paramter file
fCerRegionValue = new Double_t [fCerRegionsValueMax];
DBRequest list[]={
{"cer_adc_to_npe", fGain, kDouble, (UInt_t) fNelem},
{"cer_ped_limit", fPedLimit, kInt, (UInt_t) fNelem},
{"cer_width", fCerWidth, kDouble, (UInt_t) fNelem},
{"cer_chi2max", &fCerChi2Max, kDouble},
{"cer_beta_min", &fCerBetaMin, kDouble},
{"cer_beta_max", &fCerBetaMax, kDouble},
{"cer_et_min", &fCerETMin, kDouble},
{"cer_et_max", &fCerETMax, kDouble},
{"cer_mirror_zpos", &fCerMirrorZPos, kDouble},
{"cer_region", &fCerRegionValue[0], kDouble, (UInt_t) fCerRegionsValueMax},
{"cer_threshold", &fCerThresh, kDouble},
// {"cer_regions", &fCerNRegions, kInt},
fIsInit = true;
for (Int_t i1 = 0; i1 < fCerNRegions; i1++ ) {
cout << "Region " << i1 << endl;
for (Int_t i2 = 0; i2 < 8; i2++ ) {
cout << fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( i1, i2 )] << " ";
cout <<endl;
// Create arrays to hold pedestal results
return kOK;
Int_t THcCherenkov::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
// Initialize global variables for histogramming and tree
cout << "THcCherenkov::DefineVariables called " << GetName() << endl;
if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
// Register variables in global list
// Do we need to put the number of pos/neg TDC/ADC hits into the variables?
// No. They show up in tree as Ndata.H.aero.postdchits for example
RVarDef vars[] = {
{"phototubes", "Nuber of Cherenkov photo tubes", "fNPMT"},
{"adc", "Raw ADC values", "fADC"},
{"adc_p", "Pedestal Subtracted ADC values", "fADC_P"},
{"npe", "Number of Photo electrons", "fNPE"},
{"npesum", "Sum of Number of Photo electrons", "fNPEsum"},
{"ncherhit", "Number of Hits(Cherenkov)", "fNCherHit"},
{"certrackcounter", "Tracks inside Cherenkov region", "fCerTrackCounter"},
{"cerfiredcounter", "Tracks with engough Cherenkov NPEs ", "fCerFiredCounter"},
{ 0 }
return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );
void THcCherenkov::Clear(Option_t* opt)
// Clear the hit lists
// Clear Cherenkov variables from h_trans_cer.f
fNhits = 0; // Don't really need to do this. (Be sure this called before Decode)
fNPEsum = 0.0;
fNCherHit = 0;
for(Int_t itube = 0;itube < fNelem;itube++) {
fNPMT[itube] = 0;
fADC[itube] = 0;
fADC_P[itube] = 0;
fNPE[itube] = 0;
Int_t THcCherenkov::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
// Get the Hall C style hitlist (fRawHitList) for this event
fNhits = DecodeToHitList(evdata);
if(gHaCuts->Result("Pedestal_event")) {
fAnalyzePedestals = 1; // Analyze pedestals first normal events
if(fAnalyzePedestals) {
fAnalyzePedestals = 0; // Don't analyze pedestals next event
Int_t ihit = 0;
Int_t nADCHits=0;
while(ihit < fNhits) {
THcCherenkovHit* hit = (THcCherenkovHit *) fRawHitList->At(ihit);
// ADC hit
if(hit->GetADCPos() > 0) {
THcSignalHit *sighit = (THcSignalHit*) fADCHits->ConstructedAt(nADCHits++);
sighit->Set(hit->fCounter, hit->GetADCPos());
return ihit;
Int_t THcCherenkov::ApplyCorrections( void )
Int_t THcCherenkov::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& ) //tracks
for(Int_t ihit=0; ihit < fNhits; ihit++) {
THcCherenkovHit* hit = (THcCherenkovHit *) fRawHitList->At(ihit); // nhit = 1, hcer_tot_hits
// Pedestal subtraction and gain adjustment
// An ADC value of less than zero occurs when that particular
// channel has been sparsified away and has not been read.
// The NPE for that tube will be assigned zero by this code.
// An ADC value of greater than 8192 occurs when the ADC overflows on
// an input that is too large. Tubes with this characteristic will
// be assigned NPE = 100.0.
Int_t npmt = hit->fCounter - 1; // tube = hcer_tube_num(nhit)
// Should probably check that npmt is in range
if ( ihit != npmt )
cout << "ihit != npmt " << endl;
fNPMT[npmt] = hit->fCounter;
fADC[npmt] = hit->GetADCPos();
fADC_P[npmt] = hit->GetADCPos() - fPedMean[npmt];
if ( ( fADC_P[npmt] > fCerWidth[npmt] ) && ( hit->GetADCPos() < 8000 ) ) {
fNPE[npmt] = fGain[npmt]*fADC_P[npmt];
fNCherHit ++;
} else if ( hit->GetADCPos() > 8000 ) {
fNPE[npmt] = 100.0;
} else {
fNPE[npmt] = 0.0;
fNPEsum += fNPE[npmt];
return 0;
Int_t THcCherenkov::FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
if ( tracks.GetLast() > -1 ) {
THaTrack* theTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks.At(0) );
if (!theTrack) return -1;
if ( ( ( tracks.GetLast() + 1 ) == 1 ) &&
( theTrack->GetChi2()/theTrack->GetNDoF() > 0. ) &&
( theTrack->GetChi2()/theTrack->GetNDoF() < fCerChi2Max ) &&
( theTrack->GetBeta() > fCerBetaMin ) &&
( theTrack->GetBeta() < fCerBetaMax ) &&
( ( theTrack->GetEnergy() / theTrack->GetP() ) > fCerETMin ) &&
( ( theTrack->GetEnergy() / theTrack->GetP() ) < fCerETMax )
) {
Double_t cerX = theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta() * fCerMirrorZPos;
Double_t cerY = theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi() * fCerMirrorZPos;
for ( Int_t ir = 0; ir < fCerNRegions; ir++ ) {
// * hit must be inside the region in order to continue.
if ( ( TMath::Abs( fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 0 )] - cerX ) <
fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 4 )] ) &&
( TMath::Abs( fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 1 )] - cerY ) <
fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 5 )] ) &&
( TMath::Abs( fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 2 )] - theTrack->GetTheta() ) <
fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 6 )] ) &&
( TMath::Abs( fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 3 )] - theTrack->GetPhi() ) <
fCerRegionValue[GetCerIndex( ir, 7 )] )
) {
// * increment the 'should have fired' counters
fCerTrackCounter[ir] ++;
// * increment the 'did fire' counters
if ( fNPEsum > fCerThresh ) {
fCerFiredCounter[ir] ++;
} // loop over regions
return 0;
void THcCherenkov::InitializePedestals( )
fNPedestalEvents = 0;
fMinPeds = 500; // In engine, this is set in parameter file
fPedSum = new Int_t [fNelem];
fPedSum2 = new Int_t [fNelem];
fPedCount = new Int_t [fNelem];
fPed = new Double_t [fNelem];
fThresh = new Double_t [fNelem];
for(Int_t i=0;i<fNelem;i++) {
fPedSum[i] = 0;
fPedSum2[i] = 0;
fPedCount[i] = 0;
void THcCherenkov::AccumulatePedestals(TClonesArray* rawhits)
// Extract data from the hit list, accumulating into arrays for
// calculating pedestals
Int_t nrawhits = rawhits->GetLast()+1;
Int_t ihit = 0;
while(ihit < nrawhits) {
THcCherenkovHit* hit = (THcCherenkovHit *) rawhits->At(ihit);
Int_t element = hit->fCounter - 1;
Int_t nadc = hit->GetADCPos();
if(nadc <= fPedLimit[element]) {
fPedSum[element] += nadc;
fPedSum2[element] += nadc*nadc;
if(fPedCount[element] == fMinPeds/5) {
fPedLimit[element] = 100 + fPedSum[element]/fPedCount[element];
void THcCherenkov::CalculatePedestals( )
// Use the accumulated pedestal data to calculate pedestals
// Later add check to see if pedestals have drifted ("Danger Will Robinson!")
// cout << "Plane: " << fPlaneNum << endl;
for(Int_t i=0; i<fNelem;i++) {
// PMT tubes
fPed[i] = ((Double_t) fPedSum[i]) / TMath::Max(1, fPedCount[i]);
fThresh[i] = fPed[i] + 15;
// Just a copy for now, but allow the possibility that fXXXPedMean is set
// in a parameter file and only overwritten if there is a sufficient number of
// pedestal events. (So that pedestals are sensible even if the pedestal events were
// not acquired.)
if(fMinPeds > 0) {
if(fPedCount[i] > fMinPeds) {
fPedMean[i] = fPed[i];
// cout << " " << endl;
Int_t THcCherenkov::GetCerIndex( Int_t nRegion, Int_t nValue ) {
return fCerNRegions * nValue + nRegion;
void THcCherenkov::Print( const Option_t* opt) const {
// Print out the pedestals
cout << endl;
cout << "Cherenkov Pedestals" << endl;
// Ahmed
cout << "No. ADC" << endl;
for(Int_t i=0; i<fNelem; i++){
cout << " " << i << " " << fPed[i] << endl;
cout << endl;
Double_t THcCherenkov::GetCerNPE() {
return fNPEsum;