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  • hallc-online's avatar
    Modify THcExtTarCor to calculate xsieve, ysieve for spectrometer · aa5b54cf
    hallc-online authored
    1) THcExtTarCor.h
       a) add variables fxsieve and fysieve
       b) Added clear method so that fxsieve and fysieve could be set to kBig at start of each event.
    2) THcExtTarCor.cxx
       a) Add variables extcor.xsieve and extcor.ysieve to tree
       b) Added clear method.
       c) Added calculation of xsieve and ysieve for golden track. The
          calculation depends on spectrometer. SHMS includes delta dependence
          when calculating ysieve.
    Modify THcExtTarCor to calculate xsieve, ysieve for spectrometer
    hallc-online authored
    1) THcExtTarCor.h
       a) add variables fxsieve and fysieve
       b) Added clear method so that fxsieve and fysieve could be set to kBig at start of each event.
    2) THcExtTarCor.cxx
       a) Add variables extcor.xsieve and extcor.ysieve to tree
       b) Added clear method.
       c) Added calculation of xsieve and ysieve for golden track. The
          calculation depends on spectrometer. SHMS includes delta dependence
          when calculating ysieve.
THcExtTarCor.cxx 5.30 KiB
   \class THcExtTarCor
   \ingroup PhysMods

   \brief Extended target corrections physics module.


#include "THcExtTarCor.h"
#include "THaVertexModule.h"
#include "THcHallCSpectrometer.h"
#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "THaTrackInfo.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include "VarDef.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

THcExtTarCor::THcExtTarCor( const char* name, const char* description,
			    const char* spectro, const char* vertex ) :
  THaExtTarCor(name, description, spectro, vertex)
  // Normal constructor.


  // Destructor

  DefineVariables( kDelete );
void THcExtTarCor::Clear( Option_t* opt )
  // Clear all event-by-event variables.
  fDeltaTh = fDeltaDp = fDeltaP = 0.0;
  fxsieve = kBig;
  fysieve = kBig;

Int_t THcExtTarCor::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
  // Define/delete global variables.

  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );

  DefineVarsFromList( THaTrackingModule::GetRVarDef(), mode );

  const RVarDef var2[] = {
    { "delta_p",  "Size of momentum correction",    "fDeltaP" },
    { "delta_dp", "Size of delta correction (%)",       "fDeltaDp" },
    { "delta_xptar", "Size of xptar correction (rad)", "fDeltaTh" },
    { "xsieve", "Golden track vertical position at sieve location (cm)", "fxsieve" },
    { "ysieve", "Golden track horizontal position at sieve location (cm) (cm)", "fysieve" },
    { 0 }
  DefineVarsFromList( var2, mode );
  return 0;

Int_t THcExtTarCor::Process( const THaEvData& )
  // Calculate corrections and adjust the track parameters.

  if( !IsOK() ) return -1;

  THaTrackInfo* trkifo = fTrackModule->GetTrackInfo();
  if( !trkifo->IsOK() ) return 2;
  THcHallCSpectrometer* spectro = static_cast <THcHallCSpectrometer*>(trkifo->GetSpectrometer());
  if( !spectro ) return 3;

  Double_t ray[6];
  spectro->LabToTransport( fVertexModule->GetVertex(), 
			   trkifo->GetPvect(), ray );
  TVector3 vertex =  fVertexModule->GetVertex();
  TVector3 tempp =  trkifo->GetPvect();
  Double_t ztarg= vertex(2);
  /* Ignore junk
  if( TMath::Abs(ray[0]) > 0.1 || TMath::Abs(ray[1]) > 1.0 ||
      TMath::Abs(ray[2]) > 0.1 || TMath::Abs(ray[3]) > 1.0 ||
      TMath::Abs(ray[5]) > 1.0 ) 
    return 3;
  Int_t ntracks = spectro->GetNTracks();
  if( ntracks == 0 ) return -2;
  Double_t xptar;
  Double_t ytar; 
  Double_t yptar;
  Double_t delta;
  Double_t p=0;
  TVector3 pvect;
  TVector3 pointing_off=spectro->GetPointingOffset();
  Double_t xtar_new=-vertex[1];
  TClonesArray* tracks = spectro->GetTracks();
  if( !tracks ){
    return -2;
  for( Int_t i = 0; i<ntracks; i++ ) {
    THaTrack* theTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks->At(i) );
    if( theTrack == spectro->GetGoldenTrack() ) {
      // Calculate corrections & recalculate ,,,track parameters
      Double_t x_tg = -vertex[1]-pointing_off[0]; // units of cm, beam position in spectrometer coordinate system
      p  = spectro->GetPcentral() * ( 1.0+delta );
      spectro->TransportToLab( p, xptar, yptar, pvect );
      Double_t theta=spectro->GetThetaSph();
      xtar_new = x_tg - xptar*ztarg*cos(theta); //units of cm
      // Get a second-iteration value for x_tg based on the 
      fDeltaDp = delta*100 -theTrack->GetDp();
      fDeltaP = p - theTrack->GetP();
      fDeltaTh = xptar -  theTrack->GetTTheta();
     theTrack->SetTarget(xtar_new, ytar*100.0, xptar, yptar);
    theTrack->SetDp(delta*100.0);	// Percent.  
    Double_t ptemp =spectro->GetPcentral()*(1+theTrack->GetDp()/100.0);
    TVector3 pvect_temp;
      if (strcmp(spectro->GetName(),"H")==0) {
    if (strcmp(spectro->GetName(),"P")==0) {
      Double_t delta_per=delta*100;
 // Save results in our TrackInfo
 // cout << spectro->GetName() << " exttarcor = " << xptar << " " << delta*100 << endl;
  trkifo->Set( p, delta*100, xtar_new,100*ytar, xptar, yptar, pvect );
  fTrkIfo.Set( p, delta*100, xtar_new,100*ytar, xptar, yptar, pvect );
  fDataValid = true;
  return 0;

Int_t THcExtTarCor::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )

  cout << "In THcExtTarCor::ReadDatabase()" << endl;

  // cout << " GetName() " << GetName() << endl;
  return kOK;