Stephen A. Wood authoredStephen A. Wood authored
THcShowerPlane.h 6.16 KiB
#ifndef ROOT_THcShowerPlane
#define ROOT_THcShowerPlane
// THcShowerPlane
// A Hall C Shower plane
// May want to later inherit from a THcPlane class if there are similarities
// in what a plane is shared with other detector types (shower, etc.)
#include "THaSubDetector.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class THaEvData;
class THaSignalHit;
class THcShowerPlane : public THaSubDetector {
THcShowerPlane( const char* name, const char* description,
Int_t planenum, THaDetectorBase* parent = NULL);
virtual ~THcShowerPlane();
virtual void Clear( Option_t* opt="" );
virtual Int_t Decode( const THaEvData& );
virtual EStatus Init( const TDatime& run_time );
virtual Int_t CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks );
virtual Int_t FineProcess( TClonesArray& tracks );
Bool_t IsTracking() { return kFALSE; }
virtual Bool_t IsPid() { return kFALSE; }
virtual Int_t ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit);
virtual Int_t CoarseProcessHits();
virtual Int_t AccumulatePedestals(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit);
virtual void CalculatePedestals( );
// Double_t fSpacing; not used
// TClonesArray* fParentHitList; not used
TVector3 GetOrigin() {
return fOrigin;
Double_t GetEplane() {
return fEplane;
Double_t GetEplane_pos() {
return fEplane_pos;
Double_t GetEplane_neg() {
return fEplane_neg;
Double_t GetEmean(Int_t i) {
return fEmean[i];
Double_t GetEpos(Int_t i) {
return fEpos[i];
Double_t GetEneg(Int_t i) {
return fEneg[i];
Double_t GetAposP(Int_t i) {
return fGoodPosAdcPulseInt[i];
Double_t GetAnegP(Int_t i) {
return fGoodNegAdcPulseInt[i];
Double_t GetApos(Int_t i) {
return fGoodPosAdcPulseIntRaw[i];
Double_t GetAneg(Int_t i) {
return fGoodNegAdcPulseIntRaw[i];
Double_t GetPosThr(Int_t i) {
return fPosThresh[i];
Double_t GetNegThr(Int_t i) {
return fNegThresh[i];
Double_t GetPosPed(Int_t i) {
return fPosPed[i];
Double_t GetNegPed(Int_t i) {
return fNegPed[i];
// Flash ADC parameters
Int_t fUsingFADC; // != 0 if using FADC in sample mode
// 1 == Use the pulse int - pulse ped
// 2 == Use the sample integral - known ped
// 3 == Use the sample integral - sample ped
static const Int_t kADCStandard=0;
static const Int_t kADCDynamicPedestal=1;
static const Int_t kADCSampleIntegral=2;
static const Int_t kADCSampIntDynPed=3;
Int_t fDebugAdc; // fADC debug flag
Int_t fPedSampLow; // Sample range for
Int_t fPedSampHigh; // dynamic pedestal
Int_t fDataSampLow; // Sample range for
Int_t fDataSampHigh; // sample integration
Double_t fAdcNegThreshold; //
Double_t fAdcPosThreshold; //
//counting variables
Int_t fTotNumPosAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumNegAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodPosAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodNegAdcHits;
Int_t fTotNumGoodAdcHits;
//individual pmt data objects
vector<Int_t> fNumGoodPosAdcHits;
vector<Int_t> fNumGoodNegAdcHits;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPed;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPulseInt;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPulseAmp;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPulseTime;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPed;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPulseInt;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPulseAmp;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPulseTime;
vector<Double_t> fGoodPosAdcPulseIntRaw;
vector<Double_t> fGoodNegAdcPulseIntRaw;
vector<Double_t> fEpos; // [fNelem] energy depositions seen by positive PMTs
vector<Double_t> fEneg; // [fNelem] energy depositions seen by negative PMTs
vector<Double_t> fEmean; // [fNelem] mean energy depositions (pos + neg)
Double_t fEplane_pos; // Energy deposition in the plane from positive PMTs
Double_t fEplane_neg; // Energy deposition in the plane from negative PMTs
Double_t fEplane;
// These lists are not used actively for now.
TClonesArray* fPosADCHits; // List of positive ADC hits
TClonesArray* fNegADCHits; // List of negative ADC hits
Int_t fLayerNum; // Layer # 1-4
Int_t fNPedestalEvents; /* Pedestal event counter */
Int_t fMinPeds; /* Only analyze/update if num events > */
Int_t *fPosPedSum; /* Accumulators for pedestals */
Int_t *fPosPedSum2;
Int_t *fPosPedLimit; // Analyze pedestal if ADC signal < PedLimit
Int_t *fPosPedCount; // [fNelem] counter of pedestal analysis
Int_t *fNegPedSum;
Int_t *fNegPedSum2;
Int_t *fNegPedLimit; // Analyze pedestal if ADC signal < PedLimit
Int_t *fNegPedCount; // [fNelem] counter of pedestal analysis
Float_t *fPosPed; // [fNelem] pedestal positions
Float_t *fPosSig; // [fNelem] pedestal rms-s
Float_t *fPosThresh; // [fNelem] ADC thresholds
Float_t *fNegPed;
Float_t *fNegSig;
Float_t *fNegThresh;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcErrorFlag;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcPedRaw;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcThreshold;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcPulseIntRaw;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcPulseAmpRaw;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcPulseTimeRaw;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcPed;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcPulseInt;
TClonesArray* frPosAdcPulseAmp;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcErrorFlag;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPedRaw;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcThreshold;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseIntRaw;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseAmpRaw;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseTimeRaw;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPed;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseInt;
TClonesArray* frNegAdcPulseAmp;
virtual Int_t ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date );
virtual Int_t DefineVariables( EMode mode = kDefine );
virtual void InitializePedestals( );
virtual void FillADC_DynamicPedestal( );
virtual void FillADC_SampleIntegral( );
virtual void FillADC_SampIntDynPed( );
virtual void FillADC_Standard( );
ClassDef(THcShowerPlane,0); // Calorimeter bars in a plane